Essays on A Day No Pigs Would Die: A Unit Plan (Litplans on CD)

A Day No Pigs Would Die: A Unit Plan (Litplans on CD)
Original title A Day No Pigs Would Die: A Unit Plan (Litplans on CD)
Author Barbara M Linde


Language English
Characters Robert Peck , the protagonist and narrator of the story, a young boy growing up in Vermont in the 1920s Robert's father , a tough, hard, working farmer who expects his son to follow in his footsteps Robert's mother , a kind and gentle woman who is the heart of the family Robert's sister, Sarah , a tomboyish girl who is Robert's best friend and confidante Gramp , Robert's grandfather ...
Published 1972
ISBN 9781583371589
Book Summary
Essay Examples

Table of Contents

This unit plan for A Day No Pigs Would Die by Robert Newton Peck includes lesson plans, activities, and reproducible handouts.Although the book is set in the 1930s, the themes and issues are timeless and relevant to today’s students. The story is narrated by Robert, a thirteen-year-old boy living in rural Vermont. Robert’s father is a butcher, and Robert is being groomed to take over the family business.The story chronicles a year in Robert’s life, during which he grows up quickly. He learns about responsibility, loss, love, and death.The lessons in this unit plan focus on the themes of responsibility, loss, and love. Students will have the opportunity to discuss these themes and to explore them in depth.The activities in this unit plan are designed to engage students in the story and to help them think critically about the themes. Students will participate in activities such as role-playing, writing, and discussion.The reproducible handouts in this unit plan include a character map, a timeline of events, and a list of discussion questions.

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