Katherine Mansfield’s short story “A Cup of Tea” tells the story of Miss Rosemary Fell, a young woman of high society who impulsively decides to adopt a poor woman’s baby. Miss Fell is not a particularly kind or compassionate person, but she is bored with her life and is looking for something to give her some excitement. She sees the woman, Mrs. Thompson, on the street and is struck by her poverty and desperation. She takes her home and gives her a cup of tea, and then she decides to take the baby home with her.
Mrs. Thompson is very grateful, but she is also very worried about what will happen to her baby. She knows that Miss Fell is not a particularly good person, and she is afraid that she will not take care of the baby properly. However, she is also very desperate and does not have any other options.
Miss Fell does not really know how to take care of a baby, but she tries her best. She is not very successful, and the baby eventually dies. Miss Fell is not particularly upset by this, but she is disappointed that she did not get the excitement that she was hoping for.
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