Is Homework Benificial for Learning?

Hello this is Christine and David on the affirmative team. We think that homework is beneficial and helpful for learning. Today, we will discuss the topic homework and why it is beneficial. School and homework teach students important life lessons that they will use as an adult. For example: It teaches them how to read and comprehend information, communicate ideas with others, listen and take notes, remember things, solve problems, how to develop a plan, set priorities and take action. Homework also teaches students how to concentrate, write reports, spend time alone and helps develop their curiosity about new subjects.

Homework builds up an initiative in students. Children can feel responsible for finishing homework. Also, another benefit of homework is time management.

They start allotting their time to study and play thus learning to complete their scheduled tasks in the time they have. Moreover, they learn to do things on their own. They manage their time and complete their work independently, and encourages self-discipline in students.

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Homework helps children learn with interest and by doing homework, children learn to cope up with school activities. It helps children apply their skills and improve on weakness. Furthermore, it helps improve academic results. Some people don't think homework is beneficial, that can be true, but it is also helpful.

According to "Benefits of Homework," most teachers assign homework and that is for helping support what you learned that day. Also, homework teaches students how to set priorities, and it helps teachers determine how well students have understood that lesson.

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Furthermore, homework gives students another chance to review class material. Parents can get a chance to see what is learned at school. Homework teaches students that they have to do things sometimes-even if they don't want to. It teaches students the importance of planning, staying organized, and taking action.

However, homework is not helpful when used as a punishment or with parents helping or telling you everything to do. But not all homework is beneficial. The families with lower incomes have a lower chance of better outcomes of homework. homework helps kids use their time wisely. If they weren't doing homework, students would much rather play and be busy with their hobbies, but homework can help your brain and academic skills. That is why we think homework is beneficial and helpful for learning.

Updated: Sep 04, 2020
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Is Homework Benificial for Learning?. (2016, Nov 17). Retrieved from

Is Homework Benificial for Learning? essay
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