Is American Dream Dead, Alive Or On Hold?

Categories: American Dream

The so-called American Dream is divided into a broad sense and a narrow sense. In a narrow sense, it is an ideal that believes that a better life can be achieved only through hard work, courage, creativity and determination in the United States, that people must move towards prosperity through hard work, courage, creativity and determination, rather than relying on the assistance of certain social classes and others. What I am going to talk about in my research paper is that “Is American Dream dead, alive or on hold?”

For more than two hundred years, the American dream has inspired countless young people around the world to dream, to emigrate, to study or to smuggle goods.

They have given up their homeland and gone through untold hardships to create their own value in order to come here. However, as time goes on and the world changes, the American Dream seems less inspiring.

“The American Dream is Dead” written by Georges Abi-Heila

The article provides lots of data to prove that American Dream is Dead.

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Over the past 30 years, most of the growth has gone to the top 0.1% in America and the level of the inequality is now approaching the extremes that prevailed before the great depression, which makes people realize they are living in a profoundly unfair society. He mentions that “That’s actually one of the cornerstones of modern capitalism: inequalities are accepted as long as the possibility of betterment exists.” But what I am thinking of is that what are the chances? People always say that we will tolerate injustice whenever there is a good chance to improve the conditions.

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Now, the problem is how to get the chances? Some people can never get this opportunity in their whole life.

Many people want to get promoted, but promotion is risky and most people fail. Even for those who get promoted, they face greater work pressure and mental stress. In fact, the distribution of wealth is so uneven. One might say that America is a failed democracy: power is in the hands of elites that are never renewed, with all the income gains. Money makes people selfish and make people feel special. The richer you are, the less compassionate you will be. The richer you are, the stronger you feel. But the vast majority of people in the United States are not rich, and the reality has made them lose faith in the American dream.

“The American Dream is Over. This is the Age of the European Dream” written by Umair Haque

The article indicates that European democracy is more robust than American democracy so American Dream is over and this is the age of European Dream. In much of Europe people now enjoy the highest living standards in human history. Even Italians live five years longer than Americans. Italians have been dubbed bad governance. Europeans live longer, better, richer, healthier and more fulfilled lives than Americans, and live longer, better, richer, healthier and fuller lives than people in other parts of the world.

He mentions that Americans still trying to solve everything with the Holy Grail of its imagination, the market, which means public investment will never happen, because it's the opposite of the market. They are just another tool that doesn't fit all the tasks of society. Soon, they will live 10 years shorter than Europeans - a brief life filled with endless jobs, misinformation, junk food, the media and education, no savings, no retirement, almost no happiness: Americans will never know themselves as Europeans do. Instead of seeking the Holy Grail to worship, we should think clearly and do the hard work of slowly improving human society.

“We are worried about the American Dream” written by First Round.

The authors argue that travel and immigration bans represent religious tests of opportunity in the United States and are unfair and immoral. It does not reflect American values and runs counter to how our country became the world's largest economy and the ideal business environment, and undermines our longstanding global leadership. The American dream is the freedom to pursue your dreams, to reach your potential with intelligence and diligence. I believe that the dream must be equal for all, and the unique power of America's commitment is that it should be applied equally to everyone. To think and act differently is to violate the cycle of values that define our country and threaten the entrepreneurial spirit that makes it great. The author says they work every day with a mission to build and nurture the strongest entrepreneurial communities -- a way to celebrate and enjoy the benefits of diversity and inclusion, regardless of race, gender, religion or sexual orientation. One might think, however, that most of us do not seem to pay a direct price for these actions. But when we betray individuals, our commitment to the world is broken. History shows that America's potential diminishes when freedom is limited and opportunity is denied based on the god they worship, the people they love, the gender or ethnic background.

“The cost of the American dream” from the Economist

The article shows what is the cost of the American Dream. Not every American newborn has an equal opportunity to enjoy a good life. Wealthy parents have the ability to send their children to better schools and universities and provide them with housing and other expenses. Lots of reasons determine where you were born, and who you were born to, is an important factor in determining the outcome of life, especially in the United States. There are some simple policy measures that can reduce inequality at birth. One is taxes. Raising the top tax rate would reduce the population by 1%. Higher taxes reduce inequality, and lower inequality itself is linked to lower inheritances of existing inequality. Yet many people still earn a significant portion of their income because of where, when and where they were born, and the notion that taxes are "unfair" will continue to prevail. This will exacerbate and perpetuate the country's widening inequality of opportunity. I don't think this unfair treatment from birth can be fundamentally solved. The family in which a person is born determines a large part of his later life style and social class. Many people do not need to work hard, and the starting line reaches a place beyond the reach of others. I think this is the biggest obstacle to fulfilling the American dream.

“The next two generations will achieve a very different American Dream” written by Glenn Beck

This article claims that America is ruled by members of the Woodstock generation now.

That Woodstock generation is now about 70 years old — Clinton, Trump, Sanders. The next two generations will bear a heavy burden that it is not their choice. It is very sorry to say that this is a burden on our generation and many generations before it. People under 30 are shaping the future. They see it as an embarrassment, not a badge of honor, to work 40 years and retire with a gold watch. They believe they can be the next Zuckerberg, Dorsey or Musk. By 2030, cars driven by humans will be a thing of the past and will share ownership. We will be in a community of Shared ownership. Shopping center will disappear, taxis will disappear, Uber will disappear, cars will be made by robots. The next generation is bringing authenticity back into fashion. Find your true self, live your life in peace, and let others live their true self. This is the revolution that the Woodstock generation said they believed in but never realized. The younger generation and the next generation are not defined by structure and vocabulary. Technology makes this. It can change the world from top to bottom.

Updated: Feb 25, 2024
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Is American Dream Dead, Alive Or On Hold?. (2024, Feb 25). Retrieved from

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