Managing Enterprise in the 21st Century


The purpose of this report is to reflect and analyse on the module Managing Enterprise in the 21st Century and how this helped me to develop. For this reflective report I will use Gibbs (1988) reflective model which has 5 stages: Description, Feelings and Thoughts, Evaluation, Analysis, Conclusion and Future action.

In first term, for the module Managing Enterprise in the 21st Century we were asked by the lecturer to present a propose business by using power point presentation. The lecturer made teams of 4-5 people and gave us a business plan that we had to follow.

Our team was formed of 4 people and we had about 10 weeks to finish our project. The lecturer presented us the business plan and instruct us so we can finish in time.


As a student in the University of Wales Trinity St. David studying for the Certificate in Higher Education for the module Managing Enterprise in the 21st Century, the lecturer asked me to do a reflective report.

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In this report I will discuss about all the steps that we had to follow to complete our power point presentation.

Our team was formed of 5 people at the beginning: Me, Adelina, Stefan, Ioan and Andrei. The first think that we had to do was to follow the business plan that our lecturer gave us. Our written business plan contained following steps:

  • Introduction
  • Aim and Objective
  • Company Description, Mission and Vision
  • Management Process Marketing
  • Management Process Finance
  • Management Process Administration
  • Swot Analysis
  • Pestle Analysis
  • Conclusion

At first we had to choose the team leader, we chose Andrei because he had a very good communication skills and no fear to speak in public.

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Then we had to think of an propose business.

The propose business it was about "Car Rental" because 2 members of our team had a lot of knowledge and experience about it. The name for our propose business was ARIS, formed from our names. Then we had to do the introduction, everyone did research and then we discussed and chose the one that fit better for the business. After that we had to do the description, mission and vision again we did a lot of research and had group discussion.

Thinks started to be a bit more complicated and we decided to divide the steps according to everyone knowledge. I was in charge with the Marketing process management because I had knowledge about it. Then Andrei the group leader was in charge with the introduction, mission, description, vision and conclusion. Then Adelina had experience with accounting and her part was the Management process finance. Then Ioan supposed to talk about management process administration but, after the 3rd week he did not come anymore so we had to cover for him as well. The last part was for Stefan he had to talk about SWOT analysis and PESTLE analysis.

This was a very hard project, we had to do a lot of research, meeting after school and during the week also, we learned to work and communicate very effectively, we had become a real teamwork and finish our propose business in less than six weeks.

During this project I have learned and gain a lot of skills that are essential for my career and personal life as well. I have improved my digital skills, communication skills, how to be an effective team worker and how to speak in public.

Feelings and Thoughts

Initially when our lecturer said that we had to do a power point presentation with a propose business I was scared and so confused because I did not have knowledge about it. I was thinking that I am not going to complete the task because it looked so difficult. All my feelings were associated with my lack of knowledge. During the next week the lecturer started to explain us more and gave us more information about the project. My feelings changed and thinks were more understandable. Our team was formed of five and then four people as I mentioned above. One person from the team had more experience with the project and suggested us some ideas for propose business. My feelings now were different because we started to work all as a team and do research and share information. I was feeling motivated, determined and enthusiastic of completing the business plan. We had an initial meeting and decided on what type of business we will present. We constantly meet to discuss our progress on our work. But sometimes there was a little bit of tensioned moments because at one point we had different ideas and I felt stressed and thinking that we will not finish on time. But our leader group resolve the disagreements among team members and we started to think clearly again. Working together we become an effective team work and finish the project in time.

Updated: Apr 13, 2021
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Managing Enterprise in the 21st Century essay
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