Introduction To Enrollment System


Enrollment system is one of the most important and evident, not only in a university, but also in lower levels of education. An accurate and efficient enrollment records helps to ensure a good impression of the institution on possible enrollees encouraging them to matriculate in the institution. The purpose of an enrollment process is to provide a means for staffs and the faculty to write down data that are essential to enrollment. As the enrollees increase every year, the enrollment procedures become harder and harder to deal.

The amount of information that needs to be jot down also increases. This only serves to slower process and confusion among the staffs and faculty.

Also, unexpected problems such as loss of information may occur. A manual process of enrollment system takes more time and effort and causes delays of transaction. The unsystematic procedure of school during enrollment is now dreaded by them. Instead student enrollees have to stand and wait of finishing it in an hour or two, sometimes students are made to come back the next day or even after a week so that they can be officially enrolled.

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The process would also be burden for those students and parents who would line-up for hours just to get enrolled and paid. This problem will be eliminated in this proposed system.

The idea behind an enrollment system is not a new concept. As enrollees increase every year, enrollment procedures become harder to deal. This will only serve to increase the problem facing enrollment that provides more easy way in enrolling.

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It will help their institution to have another system that will upgrade enrollment processes so as to meet the quality that their institutions are trying to meet. Technology has been a part of our daily lives. Billions of people are using computer and we need to be aware of all the things around us to respond properly. Today, the use of technology has been an effective tool on improving such kind of enrollment system.

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Enrolment system using LAN will provide the needs in storing information in a faster, more convenient way of storing files of the enrollees in a computer system. It will lessen the effort of faculty and staff in storing files of each pupil every now and then. This will also serve as information especially for the new enrollees, transferee, and teacher in able to get access in subject, and pupils. This information here can be viewed just a second without worrying that a single file is lost.


The burden of section states that the questions the researchers used in proposed study, the enrollment system of Lasam West,Central School

Specifically, it seeks to answer the following questions:

  1. How is the enrollment process in the institution? What are the problems encountered by the assigned staff on the current enrollment process? What should be done to solve the problems encountered by the staff? What is the perception of the end users of the Computerized Enrollment System in terms of:
  2. a. Usability? b. Design? c. User friendliness? d. Error handling? e. Reliability? and f. Acceptability?

What is the overall performance level of the system as perceived by the respondents?


The main objective of this study is to design and to develop a Computerized System for the enrollment of the pupils in the School. Specifically, it aims to: Determine the procedures of enrolment process by the faculty and staff and their advisers of the School. 2. Identify the problems encountered by the teachers, advisers, and pupils in relation to the present procedures of enrollment. 3. Find out and provide solution to the problems encountered by the pupils, the teachers and advisers in relation to enrolment; 4. Determine the perception of the end users of the enrollment system in terms of its;

  • a. Usability b. Design c. Error handling e. Reliability f. Acceptability

Verify the overall performance level of the system as perceived by the respondents;

  • a. Usability b. Design c. Error handling e. Reliability f. Acceptability


The main output of this study will be beneficial to the following stakeholders: The Institution. The Computerized Enrollment System will eventually raise the quality of services offered by the School.

The Faculty and Staff. The system will lessen the repetitive, time-consuming enrollment records monitoring tasks of the faculty of the School. The system provides posting the names and level of pupils and automatically generates individual pupils information, list of subjects, classify pupils in their grade level.

The Registrar. The system will ultimately lessen the burden of the registrar in issuing enrolment form for retrieving and storing data purposes. The Advisers. Since the system provides list of pupils with deficiencies, this will help the advisers to identify pupils needing assistance and counseling. The Pupils. The development of the Computerized Enrollment System will make the enrollment process faster than the usual method of process and will consequently lessen enrollment time. The electronic database created with the system will eventually lessen the time. The Researcher. This study will enable the researcher to be more familiar in terms of the enrollment process of pupils particularly the transferees. Also, this will aid the developer to have more aptitude in computer programming and to have a supplementary enhancement in his skills in analyzing and organizing information. The Future Researchers. The study will serve as a ready reference for other researchers who may wish to conduct a similar system.


This study is focused on the design and development of a Computerized Enrollment System of each pupils enrolled at Lasam West Central School, Cabatacan East, Lasam Cagayan. The time they are admitted until they finished the grade school enrolled.

The proposed system is designed to accept personal information of the enrollee which includes ethnic affiliation and feeder school. The system generates reports such as individual enrollment sheets of pupils, like distribution of pupils by address, age profile, minority group profile, gender profile, and enrollment data. The system is designed in a local area network which will facilitate in providing an electronic database for the storage of enrollment obtained by pupils every year which will serve as basis for monitoring their enrollment information and classifying them into grade levels. Servers will be managed by the assigned member of the faculty of each institute to the information of the enrollee. They will be the ones who will manage all the records of each student may it be a newcomers or transferees.

A full backup internally backs up the entire database, which includes part of the transaction log, so that the entire database will be recovered to the point in time at which the backup will be completed. It’s very important to analyze and understand the amount of free space required for full backup’s on the server. During a full backup, the backup operation basically copies only the data that is available in the database to the backup file. The free or unused space which was available in the database is completely discarded.

The proposed automated enrollment system was purely for enrollment only. It doesn’t support any grading system. Each of the information is stored at the server where the proposed system will be LAN-Based. The system is not designed to generate ID because of the contract between the school and the photographer regarding the school’s ID’s.

This study is limited only on the information provided by the Lasam West, Central School.


Computer—it is the primary tool where the system will be installed. Network. It is a group of computers and other devices that are connected and share resources Performance. It is the capability or ability of a system to work along the developments. Security. The ability to prevent unauthorized access whether accidental or deliberate to programs or data. Server. This refers to the main terminal in a network. It handles and manages the operations in a network. Software. It refers to the program for a computer to work

System. It refers to any collection of component elements for the network to perform a task Usability. This refers to one of the indicators of software performance which focuses on the functionality of the system and can be used by specific user to achieve specified goals with effectiveness, efficiency and satisfaction in a specified context of use. User friendliness. This refers to one of the indicators of software performance which focuses on the functionality and usability of the system. Accuracy. The provision of right or agreed results or effects Design. This refers to the process of planning and problem-solving for a software solution. Error-handling. It refers to the anticipation, detection and resolution of programming, application and communication error. Enrollment form- This is a document which lists down the required subjects of the enrollee.

Enrollment Process


Enrollment is the process of entering and verifying data of students and faculty to register on a certain school. Different interconnected processes build up enrollment procedures called enrollment system. Enrollment system is used particularly in recording and retrieving students’ information. Tracking students’ information is also one feature of enrollment system, in which the school can trace the standing of a student. Verifying payments is also added to update or browse students’ billings. Enrollment system is a good example of a computer generated process. This can diminish the workload and provide accurate information needed of the school. Enrollment and Accounting System must be used in schools. It will provide and store the needed information faster and more convenient.

Moreover, it allows the retrieval of information of student enrollees and faculties in a computer system that will lessen their time and effort of faculty staff in storing files of each student and faculty every now and then. The information here can be viewed in just a second without becoming anxious that a single file is lost. The idea behind an enrollment and accounting system is not a new concept since some schools are already using electronic enrollment system. In this study, the researchers concentrated on the developed of Enrollment and Accounting System for St. Andrew Academy to provide solution to the problem that they encounter in operating its manual enrollment and accounting system.

The directress of the said school uses manual system in recording and retrieving students’ information. In fact, she does all the record keeping just by using ball pen and columnar sheet. On the other hand, the registrar also uses manual system in recording and retrieving student information. In connection to this, the researchers conclude that they are capable of creating a system to address the problem based on their background and knowledge they learned in their Database Management System 2.


The system design project is Enrollment and Accounting System that will provide and store the needed information in a faster, more convenient way by storing file of the student enrollees and payroll of the faculties in a computer system. This will also be exclusively used for the irregular students, freshmen, transferee, and professor/instructor in able to get access in course, subject, professor, and student enrollees. This will also be a big help to all the enrollment staff especially under the management information system because they are the ones who are entitled to touch and read the information. It will help the institution to have a system that will enhance the enrollment processes so as to meet the quality that the institutions are trying to meet.

Input Process Output

The paradigm of this research consists of three parts. First is Input wherein the researchers will identify the problems encounter of the existing of Enrollment and Accounting System of St. Andrew Academy, the Functional and Non-Functional requirements of the system, the Hardware and Software requirements, and last is the level of acceptability of the proposed system. This will enable the developers to work on the features of the system that will help alleviate, if not totally solve, the problems identified on the first phase of the study. The next phase of the study is the Process wherein the researchers will use the Unified Process (UP) in IPO is specifically from Inception to Transition. This is considered the most costly and laborious phase of the study as the developers will guarantee that the system addresses the problems determined in the first phase of the study. Last is the Output which will be the outcome of the concentrated system. The system will undergo intensive testing to evaluate the accuracy, efficiency, usefulness, responsiveness, and maintainability of the software.


The main purpose of this study is to develop a software to improve the old and manual enrollment and accounting system of St. Andrew Academy. Hence, it helps allow the school to gain the optimum benefits that the user would get once the new enrollment scheme is implemented. Moreover, it also aims to design an effective and efficient system in terms of speed, reliability and accuracy, and to ease the enrollment system for computer-based system effectively to benefit both the faculty and student community. This study is also meant to help the school manage various operations including data storage, administration, and operations. Students may inquire on matters related to admission and enrollment requirements. The faculty will also be allowed to inquire on matters related to their payrolls.

This system assists the students and faculty in their educational and personal need. The enrollment and accounting system will support the student enrollment, admission, and registration process. The database includes the record of students’ personal data, academic information, and related fees. In connection to this, the information of the faculty of the school is required in this system. It focuses on storing and processing (insertion and updating) by using graphical user interface. It generates student information in formatted tables, fees invoice, subjects enrolled, student’s academic detail report, student’s personal detail report, and student’s fee deposition status report.

New enrollees will be the only ones to fill up their personal information since they do not have existing records on the system yet. Returning students will only present their report card for the update of their academic record which is already stored in the system. Enrollment and Accounting System is a system in which the computer plays a major role. This is the best way of storing and retrieving data on a server or hard disk rather than using papers and file cabinets. This will help the institution to store the data they need efficiently.


The researchers aim to design and develop an Enrollment and Accounting System for the students and the teachers of St. Andrew Academy to improve their old and manual system. In accordance with this study, the researchers aimed to provide answers to the following questions:

  1. To determine the problems encountered with the existing system of St. Andrew Academy.
  2. To identify functional and non-functional requirements.
  3. To identify hardware and software requirements.
  4. To test the level of the acceptability of the proposed system.


The scope of this study is to determine the management practices of the said school. It will look into features of the office and its daily tasks operation. The respondents will be limited to the registrar, cashier, administrator, faculty and employees and the student to ascertain and identify the actual problems existing within the school. It will be used to avoid duplication in encoding and tracing the student information as well as the teachers/faculty information with payrolls when it comes to enrollment processing and payments. With regard to the accounting aspect, it is concerned in getting the time record and attendance of teachers. In the same time the computation of hours work and monitoring of over time, under time, late and outdoor work are included. In addition to this, the proposed Enrollment and Accounting System of St. Andrew Academy supports the network topology implementation within the campus.


Operational Terms

The definitions of terms are based on observable characteristics and how it is used in the study.


They are the individuals who use the system for its problem solving assistance.


It refers to a person in charge to manage a system.


It is a document that contains an account particularly in terms of collection.

Conceptual Terms

The definitions of terms are based on concepts or hypothetic ones, which are usually taken from the dictionary.

Computer System

It is the configuration that includes all functional components of computer and its associated hardware or software.


It is an integrated collection of data which provides a more efficient way of storage and retrieval of data and is capable of processing large portions of data immediately. Information is the data that has been changed into a useful form of output.


It refers to a series of actions, changes, of functions that bring about an end result.


It is a computer terminology used to describe the unseen programming codes and running application inside the computer system.


It is a set of related a component that produces specific results.

Enrollment System and Scheduling


Foreign and Local Literature
Foreign Literature

According to Trip Adler, enrollment is the process of entering and verifying data of students to register on a particular school. Different interrelated processes build up enrollment procedures called Enrollment System (ES). ES are used particularly in recording and retrieving student information. Tracking student information is also one feature of ES, in which the school can trace the standing of a student. (Trip Adler, 2005) Enrolment system or ES is used particularly in recording and retrieving student information.

Trip Adler says enrollment is process of entering and verifying data of students to register on a particular school. From different interrelated processes will build up enrollment procedures. According to Matthew Townsley, “The implementation of the successful enrollment management program requires cooperation, coordination and teamwork among various campus constituencies.”

Cooperation, coordination and teamwork among the proponents in making the Enrollment System play a very important role in the project. Thus resulting more productivity and better output. (Matthew Townsley, 2006)

According to Daniel John Hossler, Enrollment System is a comprehensive process designed to help achieve and maintain optimum enrollment (recruitment, retention, and graduation rates). It is an institution wide process that permeates

Virtually every aspect of the school’s functioned and culture. (Daniel John Hossier, System Structure etc. pg. 41, 2011)

The proponents of the Enrollment System have considered all the aspects of the school’s need to produce an efficient and effective enrollment process.

According to Bernard Konsynski, without a comprehensive strategy to manage enrollment, a school finds it difficult to increase productivity, service, quality, and competitiveness. (Bernard Konsynski, 1999)

Competitiveness in all of the schools’ enrollment system is very high due to the standards and requirements of the school nowadays, so the proponent’s enrollment system has to meet all the standards and requirements of the school.

According to Peterson, Eric W. Nov. 1999. The technology today plays a vital role in our society. It makes man work easier and fast. It lessens error of work by using machines. It reduces costs to an organization from paper works up to computerized working system. Many manual transactions can be computerized by using software applications or computer systems to make work easier and efficient. (Peterson, Eric W. November. 1999)

Information technology can give a company ready access to improve product and service quality, reduce costs, increase productivity in smallest time possible, and communication between employees and to make things with lesser effort but having a better output and even improve the company morale.

According to Thelma Smith (August 2010), The computerized enrollment system will provide the needed and storing information in a faster, more convenient way by storing file of the student enrollees in a computer system that will lessen the

Effort of faculty staff in storing files of each student every now and then. The idea behind an enrollment system is not a new concept. This will only serve as an Immediate solution to the increasing problems towards enrollment that provides more easy way in enrolling.

This only means that a poor management of an enrollment system could affect the operation of the school. Thus, to avoid errors in enrollment, it wills an instant remedy, which is the development of a computerized enrollment system. (Thelma Smith August 2010).

According to Ian Sleight, Enrollment system is the must have system in a school. When a student is enrolling for a specific course the school requires all the necessary information of the enrollees. When the school retrieves the important information from the student, the encoder now should input the details of the student in the enrollment system.

In the enrollment system, the school can trace what are the standings of the students or the academic performance of each student. It holds all the information needed by the school to provide a stored student data. (Ian Sleight, January 2010)

Local Literature
According to Honorato C. Perez, Sr. Late Cabanatuan City Mayor, Enrollment plays a very serious role in every school premise. It is very important in every and it acts as their foundation. Each school has their own system in handling their enrollment. And for them to accommodate many students, they need to computerize their enrollment system, for them to make their work easier and easy to manage. (Honorato C. Perez, Sr. Late Cabanatuan City Mayor)

As they mayor said enrollment system plays a vital role in school because it is very important that should be organize, precise and coordinate in every transaction that the proponents proposed enrollment system that can do all of that.

According to Jeffy Lomboy, Enrollment System is a good example of a computer generated process. This can lessen the workload and provides accurate information needed by the school. As a result, it will benefit not only the student but the administration as a whole.

An enrollment system must be a good computer generated process, this said is to manage a time for the avoidance of a workload so that the accurate information that the school needs and it benefits only a student and the administrator. (Jeffy Lomboy, February

According to Aries, The process of enrollment in schools nowadays requires information technology. The objective of Information Technology is to help humanity from doing loads of work over time. By having computerized system, the cost during enrollment will be cut down and much effort will be reduced.

The computerized enrollment system reduced and cut down much effort of work over time of humanity by the used of enrollment technology. (Aries February. 2012)

According to Joshua Jamora, Enrollment System is used for student information records. A well-built Enrollment System can be useful to reduce the load of the people that normally has to do all the manual work. A well enrollment system is built for faster process information. Enhancing the Enrollment system of Colegio de Saint Monique.

A useful enrollment system is used to reduce the load of the human that normally has to do all manual work like in the enrollment process. A well enrollment system is build for a faster process for enrollment process. Enrollment system enhances the school of Colegio de Saint Monique in Binangonan. (Joshua Jamora February 2013).

According to Eilrach Solomon, A quick and automated enrollment system process is the way the school can find an easier and better way to implement an enrollment system. The automation of the said system will be implemented through the use of equipments like computers and printers. Users can use these equipments in order for the work to be done faster and it can lessen the processing time because of fast accessing of grades.

Eilrach said the develop a system that can minimize the processing time in order to access records of the students quickly so that enrollment process will be much faster than usual. Enrollees will be more comfortable for the system that researchers will develop because of fast and consistent processing of schools enrollment system. (Eilrach Solomon February 2010).

According to Harley Quinnie of Quezon City, a study to develop a comprehensive information system for the students of Informatics College Caloocan. For first time enrollees they are required to register using the school computers in order to process their application for enrollment at Informatics College Caloocan and They’re records will be stored into the school server, records such as name, address, guardian/s, course, subjects, and schedules.

The Student Information System is proposed to help the students supervise their academic status, in order to keep track of the subjects they've taken, and the student will be able to view his course curriculum in any accessible computer in the school to see which subjects to take the following term. (Harley Quinnie of Quezon City., July 2012)
Foreign and Local Studies

Foreign Studies
Computerized enrollment system of New Berlyn, a university will be able to make the process of enrolling people a hundred times easier. A computerized enrollment system is essentially a piece of computer software that allows people who manage enrollment to deal with all student data on the computer. The names and the information relating to individuals who study at the educational establishment will be stored on the computer. Computerized enrollment systems are pretty basic, really, as they can be changed and utilized to work for other companies and organizations. (Enrollment System New Berlyn, 2011) “Enrollment system will be their great advantage towards other School to their services fast, efficient use; it will benefit mostly the user of the system.” According to the study conducted in Australia, the new developed enrollment University system centralizes all relevant information about courses, units and student grades.

It is the responsibility of the faculties to provide the system with information (course code and unit code) about the courses and units they offer. For each course, the name of the course coordination must be communicated. The enrollment system in turn keeps the faculties in turn keeps the faculties informed of the numbers and names of students enrolled in the units. At the end of each semester the faculties will also communicate the students’ final grades; it is the system’s responsibility to send to students the end-semester notification giving the

Final grades. (International School of informatics management, student admission system, November, 2011) “In facilitating the number of student enrolled in every section it must be known. Because many school didn’t controlled the number of student in every section so it so hustle in teacher to handle so many students in one room. According to the study of Roberts, the University of Derby has benefited greatly from the introduction of an Electronic Enrollment system and much has been learned on the way. The Institution has come to expect the provision of information on enrollments in real-time, it’s planning cycle and operation rely on it. Students expect the systems provided to be slick, available longer and to have no queues associated with them. While new systems will provide institutions with exciting new opportunities, the first and biggest step has already been taken with the handing over of the data and input to the student.

The operation of the Electronic Enrollment System has paved the way for the implementation of Web based system at Deroy that will provide a better service to students. (Roberts, the University of Derby, November, 2009) “The proponent’s proposal real time enrollment system so all the transaction is can be done in one process.” According to Parcels Baggage it’s much easier to enroll people into universities, colleges, schools and other educational establishments these days by using a computer. The days of using documents and other files are over.

It’s no longer feasible to enroll people into the more staff would have to be hired to deal with the paperwork and people would need training in how to manage the documentation properly. (Parcels Baggage, 2010) “The upgraded system should be agile enough to cope up with the existing environment, able to do more complex jobs from query, processing of documents and finally results to the clients.”

Local Studies

In the conducted study of Charlene G. Bulao et. Al (April 2000), in their undergraduate feasibility study entitled “A Proposed Computerized Enrollment System for Pamantasan ng Lungsod ng Valenzuela”, the case study stated that the school’s enrollment process are time consuming, redundant student records, and has a slow retrieval of student records. Similar with the stated problem of manual enrollment system at Canumay National High School the only difference is that Pamantasan ng Lungsod ng Valenzuela (PLV) requires payment for the tuition fee. Both of the study aim to develop a system that will reduce the redundancy of student’s information, reduce the consumed time in enrollment process, and a fast retrieval of student’s records. According to Jonel Vitor, (March 2008) et al, the computerized enrollment system is now used by the universities, colleges and other establishment.

Therefore, computerized enrollment system is very useful to both the firm and students because it rather give an effective and efficient approach for both the students and schools. The proponent’s enrollment system is being useful in the school together with parents, staff, faculty, student that is very efficient to approach. (Jonel Vitor, March 2008) Marvin Marquez, March 26, 2011. It is recommended to the school to provide a computer where we can install the system. And also, a committee which can be headed by some teacher must be organized to operate the system. This software can be acquired in a very minimal cost. Free seminars and trainings will be given to the person who will operate the system, and manuals will be provided.

The computerized enrollment system covers the major processes in Batanes State College namely: registration of the current and incoming students, class scheduling, sectioning, and reports needed. Since one of the specific objectives of the system is to secure the data being inputted to the databases, the system would

Allow two user accounts which are the faculty and the registrar. (Marvin Marquez, March 26, 2011) According to Daniel G. Urbanozo successful enrollment management depends on information base that is comprehensive targeted and continuously updated to conform to enrollment policies and to monitor its effectiveness. Institution implementing enrollment programs need to establish an initial information infrastructure. This data will identify areas in need of further analysis that may suggest policy revision. “The proponents proposed system has an information infrastructure that can flexible in every situation that can be encountered in future.”

According to Jofil Lomboy Enrollment is the process of entering and verifying data of student to registrar on a particular school. Different interrelated processes build up enrollment procedures called Enrollment System. Enrollment System is used particularly in recording and retrieving student’s information. Tracking student information is also one of the features of ES, in which the school can trace the standing of a student. (Technology Innovation on Enrollment System (Jofil Lomboy, February 2011) “The proponent’s enrollment systems can also easily track student information and tuition. Recording and retrieving and verifies the data of the students registered.”


The technology today plays a vital role in our society. It makes man work easier and fast. It lessens error of work by using machines. It reduces costs to an organization from paper works up to computerized Information Technology can give a company ready access to improve product and service quality, reduce costs, increase productivity in smallest time possible, and communication between employees and to make things with lesser effort but having a better output and even improve company morale. The process of enrolment in schools nowadays requires information technology. The objective of Information Technology is to help humanity from doing loads of work overtime. By having computerized system, the cost during enrolment will be cut down and much effort will be reduced.

The project involves a series of studies that covers all the requirements of creating a computerized enrolment system. The goal of the study is the enrolment system of Ebenezer Montessori Christian School, Inc. The study aims provide a system that will serve their Registrar accurately and with efficiency in matters related to their enrolment. Enrollment System is a good example of a computer generated process. This can lessen the workload and provides accurate information needed of the school. As a result, it will benefit not only the student but the administration as a whole.

Enrollment System is very essential in a school. It is composed of a manual system. Directress used manual system in recording and retrieving student’s information. She also has information about student’s payment. In fact, she does all the record keeping just by using ball pen and columnar sheet. On the other hand, Registrar Department also used manual system as a way of recording and retrieving student information.

Record system is complete school management software that effectively performs record and profiles management. This record software has a module dedicated to management of student’s records which makes it useful profile management software. This profile management system captures master Data of personal information of the students.

The record management software is waded with resource capacity and availability so that all the information can be used to optimize resources and generate timetables. The record management software stores all static information in a central depository doing away with manual data management, redundancy and duplication. Use record management system for easy records and profiles management and realize other benefits of this powerful records management system.


Trip Adler (2005) Matthew Townsley (2006) Thesis Document no.61 title: Batasan Chunan Christian School. Inc Enrollment System. Page 18 Daniel John Hossier (2011) System Structure etc. page 41

Bernard Konsynski (1999) Thesis Document no.61 title: Batasan Chunan Christian School. Inc Enrollment System. Page 19

Thelma Smith (August, 2010)
Ian Sleight (January, 2010)
Peterson, Eric W. (November, 1999) Thesis Document no.61 title: Batasan Chunan Christian School. Inc Enrollment System. Page 19  Honorato C. Perez, Sr. Late Cabanatuan City Mayor
Jeffy Lomboy ( February, 2011)

Aries, (February 2012)

Joshua Jamora, (February, 2013),

Harley Quinnie of Quezon City. (July, 2012)

Enrollment System New Berlyn

International School of informatics management, student admission system, (November, 2011).
Roberts, the University of Derby, (November, 2009)

Parcels Baggage, 2010 Thesis Document no.61 title: Batasan Chunan Christian School. Inc Enrollme

Jonel Vitor, (March, 2008) et al

Updated: Sep 29, 2022
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