Understanding Food Globalisation: Influence of Different Cultures

INTRODUCTION Definition of food globalisation is the food cultures of any country are on the move or we can say that being displaced from their origin and some cultures of different countries been mixed up then perform a new hybrid cultures when interaction of food traditions happened. These past few years we all know that Korea has a lot of attention comes from the global due to K-pop wave that most of the teenagers' goes wild about it. For this golden opportunity, Korea had introduced their traditional food culture to the world and global.

Also the uniqueness of their traditional food gives impact on the global lately. There are various reasons on how the Korean food can be popular among the global, which gives a positive impact on the Korean country where they can introduce their traditional food to the world and share their way of making the food, mostly using their Korean traditional paste. Thus, this research will explain more the specialty of Korean food culture, the history of the culture, symbolism and the impacts of globalisation for this culture.KOREAN TRADITIONAL FOOD CULTURE.

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Korean traditional food culture is one of the most unique culture that ever been exist in this world. One of the reason is the meals are usually not served in a time-based format of soup or salad, appetizer, and main dish in sequential order. Instead, all foods of the meal are placed on a single table at once in a "space-based" format. Basically, Korean food is different from the others country as it can offer more than 20 side dishes in one table, traditionally.

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So, from here we can say that their culture more to encourage everyone to share the table and enjoy the meals together instead of eating at a single table. Thus, they can have a stronger relationship with families and friends. In addition, at the table they will have an active table where they can choose any meal that had been served to eat instead of they need to wait the foods to be served. That is a proof that Korean traditional food culture is a unique culture that is rarely seen anywhere over the world. Second, usually Koreans usually enjoy their meals by using metal chopsticks and spoon and it is tradition of Koreans since more than thousand years. Maybe, some will say that eating with chopsticks also culture of Chinese and Japanese but it may be slightly different where Korean chopsticks shorter than Chinese chopsticks while it does not have pointed at their ends like Japanese Chopsticks. Other than that, in Korea, vegetables is one of the favourite foods because they believe foods and vegetables are medicine. Thus, when they eat well it will affect their mind and body as well. It is a reason why most of Korean take care of their health by their daily dietary and the interesting part is ginseng, reishi mushroom and wolfberry are often been used in their cooking because the high of nutrient that is contains in these foods. Mostly people said that most of Korean food appreciates all kinds of vegetables. They can come up with variety types of side dishes using vegetables, such as kimchi'. Generally, this Korean food is mostly made from fresh ingredients, fresh roots to make medicine and variety types of dishes, while using less ingredients of processed products to make the dishes become more attractive. The healthy dishes that made by Korean has made the global become more appreciate the natural ingredients to make certain type of dishes. Also, most of their main dishes were include vegetables or they will serve separately for free. This Korean dish can also influence people to eat vegetables to stay healthy, appreciate good and natural food. Lastly, in Korea there is no concept of dessert as in the West, they usually finishes their meals with green tea or beverages.SYMBOLISM OF KOREAN FOOD1) Side Dishes " Kimchi and Danmuji This Korean food lately had a lot of attention from the world, which makes Korea now one of the top country that is very well known in this aspect of their food tradition. One of the food tradition is a side dish, named kimchi'. The meaning of kimchi' is a spicy pickled cabbage, which mostly they eat with the main dish. Spicy pickled cabbage is the most well known as a side dishes by the global, even to just eating the kimchi with rice. Not only that, there are various types of kimchi other than using cabbage. This various types of kimchi also will let the traditional table settings become full of side dishes. The person who eat the formal Korean table will enjoy the harmony of eating various vegetables which they believe that eating more vegetables every day will become more energized and healthier. Other than that, danmuji' also one of the most popular side dishes other than kimchi. Danmuji is basically a yellow pickled radish, where most of them they enjoyed with noodles. In fact the origin and history of these two is quite interesting because one is originally from Korea but one more originated from Japan. When we talk about history of kimchi it means we talk about history of Korean soul because in essence it is a living history and the most important kimchi is truly the embodiment of Korean culture. While danmuji also called as takuan in Japan is not original Korean culture foods but it was very famous which is created by Takuan Soho. The effects of food globalisation on these two foods is had been exported to many countries so that other country can enjoy the way of eating of Korean tradition. Actually, this scenario happened due to a lot of request by the Korean food lover's across the world. In fact, South Korea imported more than 275,000 tonnes of kimchi in 2017. These kimchi and danmuji tend to be one of the top side dish food that have become favourite among the global.

Updated: May 03, 2023
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Understanding Food Globalisation: Influence of Different Cultures. (2019, Aug 20). Retrieved from https://studymoose.com/introduction-definition-of-food-globalisation-is-the-food-cultures-of-any-country-are-essay

Understanding Food Globalisation: Influence of Different Cultures essay
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