My Inspiration Mother Teresa Who Makes a Difference

I think that people like Mother Teresa to me are a perfect example of an infinite person. She gave us all a new meaning to life. She truly proved that one person can really make a difference in the lives of millions. Mother Teresa set examples for future generations to continue her work. This shows how much of an impact she truly had. She made a difference, not by helping everyone, but by making people stop and realize how they could do the same.

It should be instilled in our minds that we have a duty to help and serve others.

If we as a whole took the examples of Mother Teresa and followed them our society would be a much better place. She went to countries with no medical care, no food, no drinking water, and never mind other necessities. Mother Teresa used her power of love from God to help those in desperate need. Mother Teresa didn't get paid for anything she did nor would she accept money from organizations or donations.

It was not like Mother Teresa had an overwhelming amount of money but she was simply a person who devoted her entire life to serving others and helping those in need.

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Many people may not have noticed it, but all Mother Teresa had to do was touch a person and that was almost enough. She helped thousands of people in poor countries with ailing diseases, but most importantly she touched the souls of common men. She made even the rich and selfish take a deep look into their lives, which brought out the best in everyone.

Updated: Feb 06, 2023
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My Inspiration Mother Teresa Who Makes a Difference essay
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