Incidents In The Life Of A Slave Girl: Story Of Slavery

Her story is very determined we get to know about Linda Brent’s life. She did not have an easy life from the start. After Margaret Horniblow passed away who was her first slave owner. She was passed down to Dr. Flint, he was the bad guy in her story because he abused his power. She has two children with a white man named Mr. Sands. Brent escaped from Dr. Flint. In this text, I will form an argument on how the Incidents in the Life of a Slave Girl provides evidence of both cultures that shows the social construction of gender-shaped workspace, family, education, and religion.

Education was not given to slaves. Owners saw education to slaves as a threat, they believed if they knew literacy they would have more knowledge, and perhaps that knowledge would help them be free sooner. Education was exclusive to slaves of both sexes. To be owned by the small number of slave owners that sympathized was very rare.

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Linda had a sympathetic master because she knew literacy, her first owner taught her that. If a slave knew about literature it was an accomplishment. Religious slave owners would give religious lectures on how slaves should behave towards their masters or mistress. In the brighter view of the spectrum, white males and females received an adequate education.

Christianity was the religion followed by mostly everyone. White people would go to church and preach even though they had slaves, they chose not to process it and not accept the fact that they were wrong.

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Black people even though they did not like their slave owners, prayed for them to change their ways of thinking, the religion was their support they need it.

The family was very important to both. A black person's puzzle was to keep their family intact. White slave owners were cruel because they did not feel compassion for the children who were abducted by their mothers. Her grandmother, Aunty Marty was separated from her kids, Benjamin and Philip. Aunty Marty became her mistress, she bought her son Philip. The family structure of a slave is how we could imagine it, males were in charge, and as part of their job, they had to provide for their owner. Linda remained hiding in a space above the shed for seven years for her kids and her to be free. The sacrifice she did was only what a mother would do for her family. Families would get separated no matter their gender, female and male slaves were treated the same in that aspect. White people had it easy, they did not know what it was like to be a slave. In a white people were united as a family, the only reason a white person was separated from their family was due to the conflicts and the different opinions that they shared.

Everybody would like to have a job to have money in his or her wallet and provide the bread for their family. If you were a female or male slave, getting a job was not easy, typically slaves had a challenging job such as working in the fields. Female slaves did everything at home and cared for their husband and their children. The autobiography states, that a female would cook for the master, and if the master was not satisfied with the food they were given, the master would abuse the female slave violently. Slave owners would have sexual desires for their slaves. Slaves had to obey what their masters told them to do if there was some type of resistance they were punished. Having to be owned by someone was not easy, male slaves would get into arguments with their masters and the arguments would escalate quickly when that happens they were punished, their punishment was not providing food for them and including physical punishment. White people were not put through all of this, they did not have hard jobs because they would monitor slaves and owned them.

The autobiography was written in 1861. Her story was the beginning of a good change. Her story is mind-blowing, she had to face a difficult obstacle to be free, and many people should read her story to learn about history. Throughout this, we saw male and female slaves were not very different. Both sexes did not receive education but males had more of an advantage. Slaves would learn something only if their master or mistress taught them something. The family role was different for both sex because females had to provide love and leave the house squeaky clean on the other hand males had to provide income. The same goes with getting a job, women would not work and stayed home and males would work in the fields. White people’s life was not as challenging. Both sexes had the opportunity to have a decent education. Women did not have as a respectful job as men did. Family roles were similar to slave women's roles, they had to provide care. Males were the alfa. One very true thing is that men are viewed as muscular action figures and women as gentle dolls. We all can agree that males cause more damage but still get away with it but if a woman does something similar she gets pointed out since way back but as it right now things are the same. We can not say that things are equal for both sexes perhaps with time. However, this is her story we can not rely on her insight. Her story is very traumatic but was not the exception, if we dig more into more stories her story would be similar to the rest of them.

Updated: Feb 13, 2024
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Incidents In The Life Of A Slave Girl: Story Of Slavery. (2024, Feb 13). Retrieved from

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