Importance of the Customer Profile Method to Understand Your Target Market Better on the Example of Burberry

Categories: Customer

What is a customer profile? Why is it important?

A customer profile is a method used to understand a precise target market by describing, understanding and categorizing a specific group of people. This is done by grouping through things like behavior, statistical demographics, lifestyle psychographics, and socioeconomic status etc. All of this helps create brand uniqueness and is what separates itself from other similar brands within the same industry. Most commonly customer profiles are used within businesses/brands to cater the company and their product appropriately, so that people are drawn in, and ultimately want to buy their items.

Consumer feedback is also a huge part of creating an accurate customer profile, and there a variety of ways for collecting it. Burberry collects their customer feedback by monitoring subscription emails and social media, such as Facebook, Instagram, and Pinterest for tagged posts and selfies. Customizing products on the online Burberry website has also been a way of gathering information into the most desired products and their physical attributes.

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Burberry also sends out monthly webcasts, weekly videos and previews of ad campaigns before they launch to receive customer engagement and feedback. Instore observations of popular purchases, sizes, styles, colours and economic status; or just simply asking them personally are also included.

It is important to be fully aware of your customers so that you can constantly update and change your business, brand, and products to fit your consumer, because after all, “the customer is in control.” Burberry is originally located in London, however, it’s customer profiles are constantly varying due to the very large target market throughout the approximated 497 stores which can be located in 63 different countries worldwide.

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This example is one of many possible customer profiles for Burberry however, this one is for the 121 Regent St, London Burberry store, and based on a small wealthy family. Demographics (WHO) Spouse is between 25-35years old age range. (Burberry also make children’s and babies clothing-which is appealing to (wealthy) families. Male and female. They are happily married, with two young kids, a boy and a girl. Their home is in Kensington, London.

Burberry can be for any ethnicity however for this profile it is stereotypically targeted towards a small family of Western European ethnicity. Often known to be social butterflies, with large friend groups. Together the parents earn £95,000 or $186,392 a year. Good at putting into savings. Even with two kids; because of her job, the mother tends to have a high disposable income which she likes to spend on quality clothing for her and her family and other luxurious products like bags, and perfume. They own and live in a lavish, high-ceilinged-Victorian-inspired modern house with spacious rooms, simplicity, clean white finishes, neutral styling tones and lots of greenery inside and out. (These characteristics can be resembled throughout their own fashion style, and within Burberry’s styling also.) Both parents went through the University of Cambridge, finishing with a Bachelor of Arts with honors. The father is a well-known Architect and the mother is the head of Penguin’s book publisher company. The mother owns a white Volvo XC40 Jeep Compass and the father owns a grey Glendale Chrysler Jeep. Psychographics (WHY)

As a family lifestyle they live the high life-owning an expensive house, well-paying jobs, multiple cars, and they love to dress their children and themselves in high quality fashion. The couple are constantly flying for business to places like New York, Milan, Norway and Switzerland. When they have time, the mother likes to keep up with celebrities, her favourite being Victoria Beckham, and Emma Watson. She likes to host lavish dinner parties, go on mother daughter dates, read life, fashion and style magazines such as ‘Vogue,’ ‘Red’ and ‘House Beautiful.’ She also enjoys, watching her kids at sport, Pinterest, yoga, horse riding and attending the occasional fashion show. The father is passionate about cars so in his spare time he likes to go watch motorsport races with his son, play golf with his mates, go for runs, and enjoys spending time with his family. Both parent is into indie/acoustic music with the occasional favourite pop artist like Adele or Ed Sheeran. The parents like to dress themselves and their children well, particularly in brand loyal garments to create an image of social status. They indulge in practical and functional everyday life items, but that are also luxurious and of quality.

Products that are traditional but fashion-forward, trendy, have clear clean lines, and are simple but tasteful are also attractive to this family. Having a positive attitude is important to the family. The mother relieves stress by organizing and both strive to maintain a healthy physique, enjoy making themselves look and feel good; even though it often comes second best due to family/work taking up the majority of their time. Other than Burberry, the parents tend to shop at high end luxury stores such as; Dolce and Gabbana, Jo Malone, Harrods, Louis Vuitton, Peter Alexander and Giorgio Armani. When it comes to the parents’ buying clothing for their family, quality often trumps economy.

This is but one example of the use of Customer profiles within the apparel industry, however, it can also be used within different retail markets such as children’s toys, cars, and supermarkets etc. In the end they all serve the same purpose-to mold their business to their customers.

Updated: Feb 25, 2024
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Importance of the Customer Profile Method to Understand Your Target Market Better on the Example of Burberry. (2024, Feb 25). Retrieved from

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