Importance of Business Ethics vs. Social Responsibility

Majority of the businesses have their aims and goals set which act as a guideline. They aim at having maximum profits for both their owners and the shareholders. However, this cannot be achieved without ethics. It means that business ethics are significant in ensuring that a company ca ton make profits, (Joyner & Payne, 2002).

The importance of social responsibility, in this case, is that the values, norms, and policies of the company must be followed and adhered. Business ethics ensures that the business activities carried out do not harm the people or the society while social responsibility indicates the concern that the company should have on the people being affected by their actions, (Joyner & Payne, 2002). For instance, a business that is producing specific products may be polluting the environment, and therefore the social responsibility, in this case, would be to find a way to avoid contaminating the environment. Business ethics focuses on the right things present for the business but are not suitable for society while social responsibility focuses on the good things that happen to the community and are not ideal for the company.

The importance of social responsibility is to direct people into playing their roles and obligations to the community while business ethics encourage the utility of conscience.

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Every person should ensure that they play their roles effectively and most importantly those that are benefiting the society. It is what social responsibility is all about. For the business ethics, conscience is the moral sense of right and wrong.

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It helps a person to make the right decisions that will benefit the company. Business ethics is much interested in the maximization of the profits that the company is getting while social responsibility is obliged to perform the beneficial activities for the society. The community is much advantaged through social responsibility while businesses and companies are much benefited and considered through business ethics. It indicates that without the business ethics, a company would be in a very critical situation of capitalism.

A positive image and reputation for the business are retained. It is another advantage of business ethics. Consistent ethical behavior builds a good reputation. The potential investors and the shareholders get attracted to companies that adhere to the moral guidelines and promises they have made. The company benefits from this since the company's share price is high. Social responsibility improves the public image where people would prioritize to purchase the products from a company that has moral guidelines since they are assured of being served with respect and concern. Through business ethics, the employees will be encouraged to work for the organization for a long time, and this increases the productivity and minimizes the labor turnover. Many people love to work in an organization in which their opinions are embraced and considered.

Social responsibility plays a vital role in helping a company to outdo its competitors. Through social responsibility, a company is committed to considering the social and environmental fa tors that may be affecting the society. When a company holds business ethics, many people will be attracted to working in the company, and therefore the company will not experience problems when it wants to recruit people. Social responsibility contributes to the increased brand awareness and recognition. When a business is concerned about the well-being of the people that are affected by the industry, then the people are influenced into knowing more about the company, and therefore the company becomes known by a larger population.

Developing Codes of Conduct that is Adverse to Corporate Social Responsibility

Codes of conduct refer to a set of rules, principles, values, and standards that act as a guideline for making decisions in an organization. It defines the expectations of the company and the proper workplace behavior. The code of conducts is against the corporate social responsibility since they affect the culture of the company by governing the actions and the behavior of the employees. It is achieved through the promotion of business ethics. Corporate social responsibility (CSR) is a self-regulating business model that initiates a company to include social, economic and environmental concern in their strategies, (McWilliams & Siegel, 2001). It means that the development of the code of conducts does not agree with corporate social responsibility. It is because a code of conducts is focused on the behavior of the employees within the organization and therefore the environmental and social aspects are not engaged.

Developing codes of conducts illustrates that the employees in the organization are expected to adhere to them in their daily activities. The corporate social responsibility demonstrates that the employees must respect the laws and regulations of a state in their actions. It will ensure that the society is not negatively affected by the operations that business is undertaking, (McWilliams & Siegel, 2001). It is essential that every company mind about the people who are around so that they are not disadvantaged as the company comfortably enjoys its success. The people living in the neighboring of the company may have issues of untreated sewage released from the company, and therefore it is the role of the company to ensure that it comes up with a way to direct that sewage away from the people. The code of conducts to drive the attention of the company itself and the operations being carried out without considering how those operations affect the people around. It does not involve the social and environmental factors which are the pathways to showing responsibility to the community. Therefore, I conclude that developing codes of conduct is against and harmful to corporate social responsibility.

Compare and Contrast the use of data analytics in a data-driven society without the use of a proper IT software program to collect business intelligence.

Data analytics involves the evaluation of data sets which will be used in conclusions on the information they contain. It is carried out using specialized systems and software, (Raghupathi, 2014). However, not using a proper IT software program gives an opportunity for other alternative ways that can be used in assessing the data sets. In this data-driven society, the majority of the people have come up with more straightforward and more natural ways of evaluating data and therefore not using a proper IT software program gives them an opportunity. These other alternatives may involve human labor more than computers, and this indicates that job opportunities will be created. The IT software program denies the society the chance to get evaluate the data for themselves using the knowledge that they have.

The disadvantage of using data analytics without the use of a proper IT software program leads to inaccurate business intelligence. It indicates that an appropriate IT software is required to ensure that the correct results are obtained. It is from the results that business intelligence comes in making decisions in an organization. Use of data analytics in a data-driven society is beneficial to the community and the healthcare facility since the right decision will be made from the conclusions drawn. The data obtained from the data analysis using improper IT program will be misleading since the decisions that will be made will be wrong. This is harmful in a healthcare situation since the lives of the patients will be endangered. This will be as a result of the inaccurate results from the improper IT software. It is therefore essential that a proper IT program is selected since the results obtained will be highly relied.

Some providers are not using current and more applicable software programs to analyze their data; instead, they are relying on memory and checking hard copies folders to analyze patient outcomes.

It is essential for the providers to consider the current and more applicable software programs in analyzing the healthcare data. It is not enough to rely only on the data obtained from their memory and the hard copies that they have. The data in the memory of a person can be interrupted by various issues such as when one is under stress or sick or has a mental problem. It will lead to the affected person relying on data which is not 100% correct. Dealing with the health of people calls for accurate measurements since they could die it prescribed with the wrong results. Many changes happen in the health care system, and therefore there are software programs that will help one to acquire the updated information, (Weitzman, 1999). The hard copies are outdated and may contain extended procedures for carrying out a specific task.

On the other hand, through the current software programs, much time is saved and simpler ways of tackling particular health care issues. Much time is spent when one is browsing the hardcopies searching for one specific thing. The probability of misinterpreting the data in the hard copies is high, and this would lead to having wrong conclusions.

There is a high chance of making errors when analyzing data relying on the memory and the hard copies. One can have forgotten critical information and therefore omitting it, and this will lead to having the inaccurate results. The use of software programs makes the work easier and rarely can one make a mistake, (Weitzman, 1999). It is therefore advisable for the providers to utilize both the hard copies, memory, and software programs. It is tiresome for one to analyze data using memory and hard copies since much time are needed to ensure quality results are obtained. Software programs provide the workforce and replace human beings. The results from the software programs are more reliable than those achieved through the use of memory and hard copies, (Weitzman, 1999). In a healthcare setting, it is vital that the results obtained be accurate to avoid risking the lives of the patients. In conclusion, the providers should also embrace the use of software programs in their activities of analyzing their data. It will benefit them as well as contribute in to acquire more accurate results.

Explain the gap in making decisions and the validity of healthcare trends on performance without the correct data.

Making decisions based on the healthcare trends on performance is entirely different of its validity. The healthcare providers may decide to make decisions about a specific issue based on the pattern related to the problem. If a particular medicine has worked in healing a particular disease for a specific person, then the healthcare provider could conclude that the drug can be used on everyone who is diagnosed with this disease. Since there is no data to be relied on, then the decision can only be made from the trend on performance. It is different from the validity since this considers how certain the healthcare trends are. Validity is proved through an evaluation and efficacy does not accept a concept just because other people have been using it. It must be convinced that it is e to rely on the trends in performance. This shows the gap that exists between validity and making decisions. Decisions are made from what we have on the table, in this case, healthcare trends on performance. It does not question how acceptable that is but the decisions are made from the available resource. Validity is stricter where an explanation should be provided, and more so, research is done to ensure that the results that will be corrected are accurate.

In the presence of incorrect data, then the decisions that will be made by the healthcare providers will be entirely inaccurate. If the data collected is false, then the wrong conclusions will be drawn, and vice versa is also true. Validity minimizes the risk of making the wrong judgments and most specifically, those that involve healthcare facilities. Validity fights for provisions of evidence that specific data should be relied on while making decisions are not much stress.

Lack of using EMR or EHR may cause gaps in the decision-making and accuracy of collecting appropriate data, which may subsequently impact performances and trends.

Lack of using the EMR or the EHR leads to the presence of a gap between the decision-making and the accuracy of collecting data. The Electronic Health Record or the Electronic Medical Record refers to the digital version that contains the medical history of patients, diagnosis, medications, treatment plans, immunization dates and test results, (Blumenthal & Tavenner, 2010). The EHR allows the access to evidence-based tools which are used in making decisions. It indicates that lacking Electronic Health Record will influence the lack of the evidence-based tools which are used by the providers in making decisions about a patient’s care. It is, therefore, right to conclude that without the Electronic Medical Record, then it will be difficult for the healthcare providers to make decisions about the health of their patients, (Blumenthal & Tavenner, 2010).

The accuracy of collecting data will also be affected at a very high rate considering that the EHR provides the history of the patients. All the information about the patients of the healthcare facility is stored in the EHR which indicates that without them, then very little data is obtained and only the present one can be used in the making of the decisions. The decision that the provider can make in such a situation where there is a lack of EMR is based on the information obtained from the patient orally and the current diagnosis. If the EMR were available, a better decision would have been reached since the healthcare providers would have considered several issues from the history of the patient’s health.

The decisions made without the EMR and the data collected impact on the performances and the trends. The decisions made would be wrong considering the past health history of the patient, and therefore the pattern of the patient’s performance will be affected. It is therefore critical that a health facility ensure that the digitalized form of keeping records for the patients is present together with hard copies which act as back up in case there is a failure of the system, (Menachemi & Collum, 2011).


  • Joyner, B. E., & Payne, D. (2002). Evolution and implementation: A study of values, business ethics, and corporate social responsibility. Journal of Business Ethics, 41(4), 297-311.
  • McWilliams, A., & Siegel, D. (2001). Corporate social responsibility: A theory of the firm perspective. Academy of management review, 26(1), 117-127.
  • Blumenthal, D., & Tavenner, M. (2010). The “meaningful use” regulation for electronic health records. New England Journal of Medicine, 363(6), 501-504.
  • Raghupathi, W., & Raghupathi, V. (2014). Big data analytics in healthcare: promise and potential. Health information science and systems, 2(1), 3.
  • Weitzman, E. A. (1999). Analyzing qualitative data with computer software. Health Services Research, 34(5 Pt 2), 1241.
  • Menachemi, N., & Collum, T. H. (2011). Benefits and drawbacks of electronic health record systems. Risk management and healthcare policy, 4, 47.
Updated: Apr 20, 2021
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Importance of Business Ethics vs. Social Responsibility essay
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