Impact of a Data Classification Standard

Categories: DataTechnology

The impact of a data classification standard is crucial for any organization, especially for a mid-level financial investment and consulting firm like ours. We are bound by laws to safeguard the personal data of our customers, which necessitates the development of an IT Security Policy Framework comprising of Policy, Standard, Procedures, and Guidelines. This report delves into the standard aspect, specifically focusing on the "Internal Use Only" data classification standard of Richman Investments and its implications on three key IT infrastructure domains: User, Workstation, and LAN.

The User domain is often considered the weakest link in an IT infrastructure due to the potential for employees to breach company policies.

Concerns that may impact data privacy include lack of user awareness, security policy violations, disgruntled employees, and employee blackmail or extortion.

These factors can lead to unauthorized access and misuse of personal data, posing significant risks to the organization's data security.

Within the Workstation domain, the use of workstations to access personal data through various resources is a critical area of focus.

Unauthorized access, virus infections, and violations of Acceptable Use Policy (AUP) can compromise the security of personal data stored on workstations.

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It is imperative for employees to adhere to security protocols and best practices to mitigate these risks.

The LAN domain, where electronic devices connect to the company's intranet, presents additional challenges in data security. Unauthorized access to LAN, rogue users scanning for WLAN SSID broadcast, and compromised WLAN connections can all result in data breaches and unauthorized access to sensitive information.

Securing the company's LAN network and implementing robust security measures are essential to prevent data interception and unauthorized access.

Adhering to data protection laws, our company must establish a robust security standard as part of the IT Security Policy Framework.

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By focusing on the "Internal Use Only" data classification standard, we can proactively address potential risks in the User, Workstation, and LAN domains to prevent data loss or corruption. Ensuring employee compliance with the AUP, securing the company's intranet, and implementing stringent security measures are key steps in safeguarding customer data and maintaining data integrity.

As we strive to enhance our data security practices, it is essential to continuously evaluate and update our IT Security Policy Framework to adapt to evolving threats and vulnerabilities. By prioritizing data protection and implementing comprehensive security measures, we can uphold the trust of our customers and safeguard their personal information from potential breaches and unauthorized access.


Kim, David and Michael G. Solomon. “Fundamentals of Information Systems Security.”, 15-42. Sunbury, MA: Jones and Bartlett Learning, 2012.


Updated: Oct 10, 2024
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Impact of a Data Classification Standard. (2016, Apr 04). Retrieved from

Impact of a Data Classification Standard essay
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