Imagery In Night By Elie Wiesel

Categories: Imagery in Literature

Elie Wiesel was born on September 30, 1928. When Elie was 15; he and his family were forced to Nazie death camps. After the war, Elie went to a french orphanage where he stayed for a couple of years. For 10 years he made a vow that he would not say a word about anything of his experience in the camps. In 1948, he began to study at the Sorbonne in Paris. He spent his years writing in French newsletters and wrote over 30 books about his experience in the Nazi death camps.

On April 2, 1969, Elie Married Marion Wiesel. They had one kid and his name is Elisha Wiesel. One time Elie traveled to New York, reporting on the United Nations but got hurt in a taxi accident. He was put into a wheelchair for almost a year. He also traveled to the USSR, South Africa, Vietnam, Biafra, and Bangladesh. Elie’s careers were a scholar, teacher, and author. Elie made an organization called The Elie Wiesel Foundation for Humanity.

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Elie was also famous for his best-selling books about his experience in the Holocaust, his biggest hit was the book “Night”. Elie wrote many books of fiction and non-fiction. His biggest hit was the book Night which is about his experience in the Holocaust. He won the Nobel peace prize for speaking out against violence, repression, and racism. He also won the Congress Gold Medal for humanitarian leadership on behalf of the people of the United States.

I thought the book was really good. I really don’t understand why books like this always get banned.

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It’s about life; what actually happens in the real world. Not some make-believe stuff that will have people think some fantasy will happen to them too, because it’s fake. I think the part of the death march was realistic. With Eliezer and his father running with all the other people; a lot of people got killed when they stopped running, and when the ss officers couldn't care less when Elie’s father was sick and telling Elie not to waste his food on his father and eat the father’s portion.

I think the book you choose was a great choice. I think I was an appropriate book for kids our age; I would have the freshmen read this book too. It is a good book for tenth graders; I was not expecting to read a banned book honestly because of “violence” and “horror” the society doesn’t want us kids to know about at a young age. I would recommend this book to middle schoolers, I think they would be mature enough. We should watch this movie I saw not long ago called “The Little Boy in the Striped Pajamas”.

Updated: Feb 28, 2024
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Imagery In Night By Elie Wiesel. (2024, Feb 28). Retrieved from

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