Illegally Downloading Music

Music is a very popular trend nowadays. There are various types of music, such as hip hop, rock, rap, pop, and so on. Due to the increasing number of songs and artists, people tend to listen to music more frequently. Therefore, they require a source to listen to these songs. If downloading music from the internet is deemed "illegal," why do music sharing websites exist? There are approximately 500 online services located in 40 countries. With so many websites available, people should be allowed to download music without it being considered stealing.

For instance, if I steal a CD from a record store and walk out with it, the CD is no longer available for anyone else to have. However, if I download a song from a music sharing website, many others can do the same and it is also free! I admit that artists sell their music on platforms such as "iTunes," where people pay about a dollar or more for a song, which can benefit their songs.

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But who wants to pay so much money for songs? When you download music for free, they will be recognized much quicker since the community will start sharing with many others, and considering that it is free, it may become more popular.

People over 30 years of age may consider it stealing because when they were younger, there were no music sharing sites like "Limewire" or "Napster." Instead, they would buy CDs and either copy them onto cassettes or share them with friends. There are also sites like "MySpace," where it is okay to request free music on a playlist, but it is not okay on custom playlists because the contracts are not valid.

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Eventually, downloading music may not be considered stealing, but until then, it is ethically wrong, and downloading music should be considered stealing.


Updated: Dec 12, 2023
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