Classical Music and Jazz Music

Music has constantly been a crucial aspect for the mankind. Exist various sort of music. For purpose of this paper I'm going to compare classical music with jazz music. This two kinds of music come from the classification of complex art music. A contrast of classical and jazz music yield some resemblances and various and might likewise cause a gratitude of this 2 crucial classification of music.

The music called classical, was discovered in shops and carried out regularly by symphonies worldwide, in the time of 1600 as much as today.

Unlike jazz was found in the early 1900 as some dance band leaders in the southern U.S. started playing this type of music that combined ragtime and blues. The majority of the major composer of the classical music until the 20th century were Europeans and allure was exposed initially by 2 artists. Both kind of music were know on various parts of Europe.

In symphonic music, both big orchestras and little ensemble are used.

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The biggest part of the orchestra include the string section consisting of violins, violas, cellos, string basses and wind instruments. On the other hand jazz music can be played by little group of individuals. In jazz they use different instruments like clarinet, tuba, cornet, baritone, drums and piano. Likewise to classical music, jazz used some wind instruments.

In addition we have a different of audience of this two kind of music. The jazz music attracts an really cultural and hip audience. This is because jazz concerts usually are in opens spaces around the world and in night clubs and you don’t need to pay a ticket to go and appreciate the music.

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Unlike classical music attracts more elite and rich people. This is because the concerts of classical music are on different amphitheaters and closed spaces and you need to pay for a expensive ticket.

To conclude, we can say that this to types of music have their unique style, but both of them represents two approaches to Art Music. This two types of music are important and carry a great and special history. Also this to type of music, allow people to relax while hearing this music. If I need to pick between this two types of music, I prefer the jazz music because is more accessibly for us and it’s transmit more emotions.

Updated: Feb 23, 2021
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Classical Music and Jazz Music. (2017, Feb 25). Retrieved from

Classical Music and Jazz Music essay
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