Illegal Immigration Speech

Give us your tired, your poor, your huddled masses yearning to breathe free. These words are engraved on the Statue of Liberty that was assembled in 1886. The statue was meant to be a beacon of hope for all immigrants that enter the U.S. Do we still agree with what those words say? I’m not against all of the immigrants who want to start a better life here by becoming legal citizens. I’m against the millions of illegal immigrants that come to the U.S.

and cause trouble and make things harder for the legal immigrants that are already here. Illegal immigrants have long been a problem in the United States, and there have always been so many controversies about illegal immigration Today, I would like to inform you about the serious problems illegal immigration could cause. First, by giving you all the facts, and by explaining how illegal immigration, if continued, will affect our lives. Transition: I’ll start by telling you about some illegal immigration facts and its history.

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1 Americans have always been realistic about illegal immigration, but if it continues at the rate it is, we will be in trouble. a The biggest issue is the fact that the U.S. is in the middle of another great wave of illegal immigration. b In 2000, the US Census Bureau puts the estimate of illegal immigrants at 8.7million. Since then, United States immigration officials have said the number has grown by as much as 500,000 a year. c If immigration continues at current levels, the nation's population will increase from 301 million today to 468 million in 2060 - a 167 million, or 56% increase. 2 Did you know that the country is spending massive amount of money on illegal immigrants each year? a According to Illegal immigrants costs the U.S.

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$130 billion each year b And each year we’re paying $1117 each year to support the illegal immigrants. 3 Illegal immigrants are a great danger to America.

According to the Manhattan Institute for Policy Research, more than 50% of illegal immigrants that come to America break laws, steal, rape, murder, form and join gangs, sell drugs and engage in the trade of illegal weapons. a Statistics show that illegal immigrants cost the federal prison and court system over 1 billion dollars each year. b 95% of outstanding warrants for homicide in Los Angeles are for illegal immigrants Transition : Transition: If proper steps are taken to reduce illegal immigration, we will see a great improvement in our society. 4 Most Americans know our basic laws regarding illegal immigration. It is illegal to enter the United States without permission.

The first time an illegal immigrant is caught in the US it is a misdemeanor civil offense. This is because we want to be able to quickly return illegal aliens back to where they come from, when they are caught at the border without the rigors of a jury trial. a After the first offense, being caught a second time is a felony! b It is also against the law to overstay a visa issued by the US Government and illegal for an employer to knowingly hire illegal immigrants. Transition. With the government working together to reduce illegal immigration, we are bound to see improvement in our county. Conclusion

If illegal immigration can be stopped, many people all over the country will receive benefits. a The U.S. will save money if we don’t have to spend it on care for illegal immigrants, and then the U.S can use that money for better causes, like more money for education. b The U.S. will become a safer place for us to live in, without the increased crime rates illegal immigrants caused. Transition: Now that you have a better understanding of the harms that illegal immigration causes, here are a few things you can do.

1. Read the paper and watch the news. New developments are occurring everyday in our society; know what is going on in the world around you. 2. Spread it out, talk to people about this, have discussions with them. 3. Register to vote. What’s the first thing you do when you turn 16? You go out and get your driver’s license. When you turn 18, make registering to vote your first priority. 4. I’ve explained to you the facts of immigration and how, if continued, will affect your life as an individual. So now that you are informed. Have a say in your future and stand up for what you believe in. It all has to do with how you want to live your life.

Updated: Oct 10, 2024
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Illegal Immigration Speech essay
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