Historical Context of 2 Thessalonians' Book Review

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Thessalonica was one of the key cities of Macedonia. In Paul’s first letter to the Thessalonians, he had expressed that their efforts to spread the Gospel to their place were not wasted because their faith in God became evident and in fact, became known to many places in Macedonia and Achaia (1 Thessalonians 1). Because of the good news Paul had been hearing about the Thessalonians, he longed to visit them again. The second letter, probably sent about six months after the first letter (The Book of 2 Thessalonians, 2008), contained reminders about the coming of Jesus and about idleness.

The first time Paul had visited Thessalonica; he stayed there about 3 months and shared the Gospel in their synagogues.

Many Thessalonians belief in Jesus through Paul. But because of the Jewish who got jealous of Paul started trouble that caused Paul to leave Thessalonica. News came to Paul that there were issues concerning the coming of the Lord Jesus Christ. The Thessalonians were confused whether Christ had already come or not.

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Paul was proud of the Thessalonians for they had accepted Jesus Christ and their faith was growing more and more. Yet, they were easily disturbed by the issue of the coming back of Christ.

The devil had seen the faith of the Thessalonians. He looked for ways to shudder their faith and he found the opportunity by creating news that Jesus had already came back. In his second letter to the Thessalonians, Paul had instructed the Thessalonians not to get alarmed easily on such reports.

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He encouraged the Thessalonians to stand firm on their faith to God. Paul had explained that the devil was doing his best to discourage them from serving God. Among the churches of God, Paul and his company boasted about the Thessalonians because of their endurance in times of trials.

So the work of the devil was also evident here for many Thessalonians, through the help of the Holy Spirit had truly developed a good relationship with the Father. But since they were also “new” to the Gospel, some Thessalonians had rattled easily on the issue for Jesus’ coming back. So in the second letter, Paul had reminded them not to be deceived immediately. Trust God. Another news that came to Paul was regarding idleness. Some Thessalonians were lazy. Paul reminded them that during his stay with them, he worked hard so he would not be a burden to them.

In fact, he said, he worked day and night just to provide for what he needed. Paul had reiterated to the Thessalonians that they should never be influenced by those who are idle and by those who did not live according to Christ’s teachings. He set as an example himself when he was with them. He was never lazy, for Paul believed that if a man won’t work, he couldn’t eat. For those who did not live according to Christ’s teachings, Paul told them not to be associated with them. Paul’s second letter to the Thessalonians also contained his thanksgiving to the Lord for the continuous growth of the church in Thessalonians.

He commended the Thessalonians for their perseverance amidst persecutions. This was God’s working. The Thessalonians remained with God for God had allowed it. With the present condition in the churches during Paul’s time, his second letter also contained prayer requests. Persecutions of the followers of Jesus were great during the earlier times. So prayer was very necessary and since the Thessalonians had deep relationship with God, Paul requested them to pray for the successful advancement of the Gospel. The letters of Paul showed the relevant development and issues concerning the Christian life of the Thessalonians. Paul also used this letter to encourage them to stand firm in the faith and live according to God’s plan.

Works Cited

  1. “Book of Lamentations. ” Easton’s Bible Dictionary: Christian Classics Ethereal Library. 25 September 2008 <http://www. ccel. org/ccel/easton/ebd2. html? term=Lamentations,%20Book%20of>
  2. “Lamentations. ” The University of Sheffield. Edited by Rogerson, J. W. and J. D. W Dunn. 30 May 2000 (online publication). 25 September 2008 <http://www. shef. ac. uk/bibs/DJACcurrres/Lam. html>
  3. “Lamentations. ” New American Bible. 09 December 2002. United States Conference of Catholic Bishops. 25 September 2008 <http://www. nccbuscc. org/nab/bible/lamentations/intro. htm>
  4. “The Book of 2 Thessalonians. ” IBS-STL Global. 2008. 25 September 2008 <http://www. ibs. org/niv/studybible/2thessalonians. php>
  5. Malick, David. “An Argument of the Book of Lamentations. ” bible. org. 25 September 2008 <http://www. bible. org/page. php? page_id=994>
  6. Pride, Lesley. “Paul’s Second Letter to the Thessalonians. ” EasyEnglish. January 2004. 25 September 2008
  7.  The Holy Bible, New International Version. USA: International Bible Society, 1984.
Updated: Jul 12, 2020
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Historical Context of 2 Thessalonians' Book Review. (2017, May 09). Retrieved from https://studymoose.com/historical-context-of-2-thessalonians-book-review-essay

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