Hamlet, Part 3: Figurative Language and Allusions Assignment

Categories: Hamlet
Pyrrhus is a figure from Greek mythology. He is known for killing the elderly King Priam during the Trojan War. What does this passage suggest about Pyrrhus's state of mind?
He is enraged.
In mythology, the Cyclops are giants who make armor for Mars, the god of war. What does the allusion in this passage suggest about Pyrrhus?
He is savage and cruel.
Which statement best explains why Shakespeare alludes to the story of Pyrrhus and Priam throughout Act II, Scene ii of Hamlet?
The allusion highlights ideas that relate to the murder of King Hamlet.

Hamlet, Part 3: Figurative Language and Allusions

What is the effect of Hamlet's use of metaphors in this excerpt?
It establishes that Hamlet suffers hardships.
What is the effect of the figurative language used in this excerpt? Check all that apply.
1. It shows Hamlet's indecision.
2. It shows Hamlet's confusion.
3. It shows Hamlet's idleness.
Which of these lines is a metaphor?
Which done, she took the fruits of my advice;
Which of these lines uses a simile to make a comparison?
A dull and muddy-mettled rascal, peak,
Like John-a-dreams, unpregnant of my cause,
In this excerpt, Hamlet compares Denmark to a prison.
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Which statement best describes the effect of this metaphor?

It indicates that Hamlet feels trapped.
Which is a metaphor?
Their eyes purging thick amber and plum-tree gum
Which of these lines uses a simile to make a comparison? Check all that apply.
1. Must, like a w****, unpack my heart with words,
2. And fall a-cursing, like a very drab,
What does the excerpt about Hecuba suggest about her state of mind?
She is deeply distraught by the sight of her murdered husband
In this excerpt, Rosencrantz compares himself and Guildenstern to indifferent children.
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Which statement best describes the effect of this simile?

It shows that Rosencrantz and Guildenstern are innocent characters.


Updated: Dec 12, 2023
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Hamlet, Part 3: Figurative Language and Allusions Assignment. (2018, Jan 05). Retrieved from https://studymoose.com/hamlet-part-3-figurative-language-and-allusions-assignment-essay

Hamlet, Part 3: Figurative Language and Allusions Assignment essay
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