Hair Growth and Hair Diseases

Categories: DiseaseHealth


In this assignment I'll be researching and defining the difference between Superfluous hair, Hypertrichosis and Congenital hypertrichosis. I'll also be researching the factors influencing hair growth in human body by including Normal congenital, Abnormal congenital, Endocrine disorders, Tropical causes, medication and Systemic causes. In Endocrine disorder causes excessive hair growth as well as cushing's syndrome, adrenogenital syndrome ( Hirsutism; Virulism ) and Acromegaly and Systemic causes including normal systemic and abdormal systemic. I'll be using variety resources like books, magazines, websites and interviews.

Superfluous HairThis is excessive hair growth which can be mostly seen in women. It can be seen in different parts of the body, such as the face , breast, abdomen and back. Unwanted hair can be normal or abnomal, it depends on the genetic and racial factors of the person.

In some cultures it is unacceptable or unattractive to have superfluous hair. Women with dark hair it is more noticeable. Superfluours hair can be caused by stress, genetics, certain drugs, over sensitive hair follicles, too much secretion of various androgens and obesity.

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To be treated you first need to know what is the causes behind it. This much unwanted hair growth is the result of hormonal imbalances, it may be corrected with hormone therapy. But if there is no hormonal problem, or if it has already been treated, the unwanted hair can be removed by waxing, shaving, laser therapy or electrolysis. Abnormal growth is associated with endocrine influences which change hormonal balance altering the hair growth. Letting the therapist know the history of your condition will allow a determination of the treatment to be used and progress expected.

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Hypertrichosis is an abnormal amount of hair growth over the body. It is very rare. It can be present at birth or acquired later in life. It is also known as the werewolf syndrome or Ambras syndrome. It is a growth of coarse, terminal hair excessive for the age, sex and race of the individual. The hair does not follow an sexual pattern. It is causes by genetic, racial factors, stress and anxiety.As far back as the Middle Ages there have been documented cases of hypertrichosis in both women and men. When a person has hypertrichosis there are different types of hair that may be involved resulting in hair that could be unusually dense along with it being unusually long. It can happen to any anyone regardless of age, gender, or race. In times past in the nineteenth and early twentieth century when a person had this medical condition many times they took advantage of their strange looking appearance and joined circuses and sideshows. They were considered freaks and were promoted in these circuses and side shows as having distinct animal and human traits.A few forms of hypotrichosis are worth mentioning, either because they are relatively common or because they are interesting in terms of understanding hair follicles.There are a variety of options for treating hypertrichosis but it is not a life-threatening medical condition so it can be just left alone and not treated. Most do want to treat it, especially if a woman has this medical condition, because it is unsightly and they sometimes tend to attract attention to themselves because of the condition.

Types of Hypertrichosis

There are two different types of hypertrichosis which are:

  • Generalized hypertrichosis " this is when excessive hair growth covers your entire body. Usually it is characterized by excessive hair on their upper body and facial area.
  • Localized hypertrichosis " this is when the excessive hair growth is restricted to a particular area.


This is hair that is fine, light colored, short and will barely be noticeable that will develop on their body from childhood except for the back of your ears, soles of your feet, lips, some of your external genital areas, scar tissue, palm of your hands, and your navel. Each strand of this hair is less than one thirteenth inch long. How dense it is will vary for each person.Terminal " this hair is long, dark, and thick.


This is hair that is soft and very fine. It is usually not pigmented and is the type of hair that you see on the body of a newborn baby. It is also the hair found on the fetus of which most shed before they are born. When they are born with it will usually go away on its own within days or a few weeks.

Congenital hypertrichosis

Congenital hypertrichosis is any excessive hair growth visible on a child at birth. The hair growth can be excessive for a wide variety of reasons and may involve the entire body with a mass of fine long hair, diffuse excess hair, or may be restricted to specific areas. Causes of congenital hypertrichosis vary. It is sometimes a secondary symptom of various syndromes with a genetic inheritance component.This classification is because of a genetic defect, such as there being several people in your family having this medically condition. It can also be because of a flaw in a women's pregnancy. Normally the fetus is cover with a very fine layer of hair called lanugo. This layer of hair will normally fall off near the end of the woman's pregnancy. If it does not fall off but it continues growing causing hypertrichosis. There have been a few severe cases called congenital hypertrichosis terminalis, which is when the hair not only grows excessively but also becomes colored. It will also remain there after the baby is born. Congenital hypertrichosis is rare and may be an isolated condition of the skin or a component feature of other disorders.

Factors influencing hair growth

Normal Congenital

Acquired Hypertrichosis " this happens after birth. This class happens after birth and can be the result of a variety of factors such as from cancer, an eating disorder, or a side effect of medications. Most reported cases of hypertrichosis are due to an acute reason.

Abnormal congenital

Abnormal hair. The hair can be thought of as the end organ of the endocrine system and does respond to alterations in internal secretions by hormones carried through the blood stream. These can cause hair to become weaker, stronger, disappear or grow excessively. Alterations in the endocrine system also bring about physical changes such as body weight, skin colour, skin texture and temperature.Remember it is important to give all information to the therapist as she will need to be aware of the difference between the two conditions, as one of the conditions does indicate an abnormality that may need medical attention also. Even within normal hormonal levels, the incidence of unwanted hair can be high, however if the hormonal balance is altered through illness or medication the affect on hormone output can cause hair growth to quickly become a big problem.

Congenital hypertrichosis " this is because of a defect that has been present since they were born or as a result of a congenital defect and is a rare class. It is so rare that there have only been fifty cases verified. This classification is because of a genetic defect, such as there being several people in your family having this medically condition. It can also be because of a flaw in a women's pregnancy. Normally the fetus is cover with a very fine layer of hair called lanugo. This layer of hair will normally fall off near the end of the woman's pregnancy. If it does not fall off but it continues growing causing hypertrichosis. There have been a few severe cases called congenital hypertrichosis terminalis, which is when the hair not only grows excessively but also becomes colored. It will also remain there after the baby is born.

Endocrine disorders

Cushing's syndrome

Cushing's disease, polycystic ovary syndrome and thyroid conditions are just a few of the medical causes of excess hair growth. These pathological disorders must be treated by a physician in order for electrolysis to be effective. Cortisol is the main glucocorticoid hormone secreted by the adrenal cortex. Causes of the cushing's syndrome include: hormone- secreting adrenal tumors, benign or malignant.Cushing's syndrome of adrenocorticotrioic hormone (ACTH) by the anterior pituitary.Abnormal secretion of ACTH by a non-pituitary tumouer, e.g. bronchial carcinoma, pancreatic tumour, carcinoid tumours.Prolongrd therapeutic use of ACTH or glucocorticoids, e.g. prednisolone, in high doses.Cushing's syndrome of cortisol exaggerates its physiological effects, these include;Painful adiposity of the face, neck and abdormen.Excess protein breakdown, causing thinning of subcutaneous tissue and muscle wasting, especially of the limbs.Diminished protein synthesis.Suppression of growth hormone, causing arrest of growth in children.Osteoporosis, and kyphosis if vertebral bodies are involved.Pathological fractures because of calcium loss from bone.

Excessive Adrenogenital syndrome

The term hirsutism is usually referred to patients, mainly women, who show excessive hair growth with male pattern distribution.Hirsutism is a condition of wider, general growth of excessive terminal hair and does follow the adult male sexual pattern.It can be accompanied by other male type characteristics, is often androgen induced and occurs in conditions which can cause a hormonal imbalance.Hypertrichosis is often mistakenly classified as hirsutism.[1] Hirsutism is a type of hypertrichosis exclusive to women and children, resulting from an excess of androgen-sensitive hair growth.[16] Patients with hirsutism exhibit patterns of adult male hair growth.[1] Chest and back hair are often present on women with hirsutism.[16]Hirsutism is both congenital and acquired. It is linked to excessive male hormones in women, thus symptoms may include acne, deepening of the voice, irregular menstrual periods, and the formation of a more masculine body shape.[16] Increases in androgen (male hormone) levels are the primary cause of most hirsutism cases.[17] If caused by increased levels of androgens, it can be treated with medications that reduce androgen levels. Some birth control pills and spironolactone reduce androgen levels.[16]According to, hirsutism, which is the growth of androgen-dependent hairs all over the body, can be caused by testosterone, metyrapone, anabolic steroids, glucocorticoids, some anti-epileptic drugs, ACTH and danazol. Hirsutism (see photo above) can result in hair growth on a woman's face and on her body.Women with hirsutism develop stiff, dark body hair in places such as their face, chest, and back.bundle of fibers. It's an expression of your style and personality. But if you start to lose your hair, it can really freak you out.

Can You Measure Hair Loss?Yes. Doctors use the Savin scale. It ranges from normal hair density to a bald crown, which is rare. The scale helps document female pattern baldness, a condition your doctor might call androgenic alopecia. You probably know it as male pattern baldness, but it affects about 30 million American women. Experts think genes and aging play a role, along with the hormonal changes of menopause. Your hair could thin all over, with the greatest loss along the center of the scalp.


Topical causes

Topical influences also play a role in increased hair growth. These are external influences on the body that cause an increase of the blood supply to the skin resulting in excess hair growth. The abrasive action of cases on the body is an observable example of this phenomenon. Also included in this category are scratching, x-rays, sunburn and scars from injuries.Topical influences may also play a part in increased hair growth. These are external influences on the body that can cause an increase in blood supply to the skin and hair follicles. Included in this category are:

  • The abrasive action of casts
  • Sunburn
  • Scars from injuries
  • Prolonged tweezing and/or waxing
  • Stress (both emotional and physical)

can stimulate the adrenal glands to initiate a hormonal reaction that can cause fine, soft body hair to become more coarse and noticeable. It has been proven that emotional disturbances can cause menstrual irregularities which, in turn, can also affect excess hair growth.MedicationMedications can prevent your hair from growing. It may also cause your hair to fall out.

Medications like birth control pills, anti-depressants, anti-seizure medications, anti-inflammatory drugs, gout medicine, chemotherapy drugs and and illicit street drugs can cause hair loss. Drugs that affect hair growth are cytotoxic drugs, anti-androgens and drugs that act on potassium channels.Active ingredients in certain medications like blood-pressure beta-blockers and blood thinners can also be culprits for hair loss. Other drugs like methotrexate for treating rheumatic skin conditions, lithium for treating bipolar disorders, ibuprofen, and certain antidepressants have the same effect.If you suspect that your regular medicines are affecting your hair, you should consult your doctor and get his/her advice on the matter. If it is affecting your hair, your doctor may suggest an alternative medicine for you that does not have the same side effects, or he/she may suggest lowering the dose.Medications are another likely factor in the problem of unwanted hair since a high percentage of all medications are hair stimulating. Some of the common culprits are cortisone and high blood pressure medications.

Medications are another known factor influencing the production of unwanted hair. Some common culprits include:Birth control pillsCortisoneSome seizure drugsHigh blood pressure medicationSystemic causesNormal systemicSome normal systemic changes can also contribute to unwanted hair growth. Puberty causes changes not only in the body, but in hair growth patterns as well. It is especially common for hair on the upper lip to become darker and thicker than usual at this time. Hormonal changes during pregnancy can affect hair growth, and menopause, which marks the end of a woman's reproductive cycle, can be accompanied by the appearance of new facial and body hair.

Puberty, pregnancy and menopause can cause excess hair growth. During the normal systemic changes of a woman's life, hormone production varies. It is not uncommon for hormones during these times to be unbalanced. Increased male hormones (androgens) can be present which may result in unwanted hair growthAbnormal systemicMalfunctions of the endocrine glands can trigger the appearance of excess hair. Some diseases of the thyroid gland, ovaries, pituitary gland, adrenal tumours, stein-leventhal syndrome, acromegaly, cushings syndrome, adreno-genital syndrome, anorexia nervosa and adrenal gland are known to stimulate hair growth.


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  4. (N. L, Interviewer)(2008). In P. UB, Hair Groeth and Disorders.James WD et al, Andrews' Diseases of the Skin: Clinical Dermatology 10th edition, Elsevier 2006, pp 769-770Wolff K et al, Fitzpatrick's Dermatology in General Medicine 7th edition, McGraw-Hill 2008, pp 775-777
  5. Electrolysis For The Treatment Of Hypertrichosis And Hirsutism accessed on BJ & Hall JC, Sauer's Manual of Skin Diseases, Lippincott Williams & Wilkins 2010, p 339
Updated: Feb 19, 2021
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Hair Growth and Hair Diseases. (2019, Aug 20). Retrieved from

Hair Growth and Hair Diseases essay
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