A very good mystery story

Categories: Mystery

This is an extremely tragic end to the second instalment. The third instalment again has a catch-up, but this is the first part that starts outside of the safety area of the house, there is an overwhelming feeling of grief and depression through the air, and the house is 'steeped in shadow and silence'. Another time lapse, and the action picks up again, the tension raised as Mrs. White has a plan to use the paw to bring back her son, but Mr.

White of course knows he will not be the same, the reader may be split over both sides and the language Jacobs used is fast-paced and create a lot of tension as a lot happens, but a lot happens over a lot of words, so it also creates suspense for the reader. There is a change in thought between Mr. And Mrs. White, as she now wants to use the paw, believing it is magical, and Mr. White is trying to convince her it is not and convincing her not to use it, although he is the one to go and get it.

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The description of Mr. White descending in to the parlour where the paw is kept is not too long, but the sentences and description are drawn out, creating a lot of suspense through the time it takes him to get it compared to the length of the sentences. Mrs. White, almost crazed forces Mr. White to wish for Herbert back, Jacobs starts to make the reader feel terrible that this has happened to the family, but desperately wanting to read on to see the outcome.

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Jacobs's language slows down, but almost suddenly picks up again as the knocking on the door causes Mrs. White to try to open in, the tension skyrockets as it is a race of if Mrs. White can open the door before Mr. White can find the paw, the language is so fast paced the tension is likely at its highest as the reader is immersed in the dramatic climax. The tension stays right up until Mr. White 'frantically breathes his last wish', and the action is brought right down, with long, drawn out sentences as the terror dissipates and the story comes to it's conclusion. In conclusion, I think 'The Monkey's Paw' is a very well written mystery story, I think Jacobs, with his use of language keeps excitement, tension and suspense, and with the way the story unravels, the reader becomes very attached to the characters even though it is a short story, feeling emotions for the characters, such as sorrow. I think 'The Monkey's Paw' contains all the correct elements, and good language, so I think it is a very good mystery story.

Murder Mystery story

This is also securing the readers perspective on Sherlock Holmes. All through the Speckled Band Sherlock Holmes displays his distinct ability to decipher the exact meaning of a situation. At the same time that Holmes is doing this, the reader becomes more and more confused about the situation in hand. This is where Conan Doyle's first person narrative becomes crucial to the story. He uses Dr. Watson as a translator of Holmes' genius. Watson helps the readers understand exactly what's going on and, in a way, puts their minds at ease. This is typical of Arthur Conan Doyle. He creates a psychological battle in the minds of the reader.

He uses Holmes to create a trouble with interpretation of sequences past and to come and then simplifies it through Watson. This is what makes all Conan Doyle's stories so brilliant for the reader. Conan Doyle uses Holmes to build up suspense with a possible flaw in Holmes' brilliance when he declares that the committer of the crime is more cunning than himself. This is essential to the story. Holmes has been portrayed as the best detective in England up to this point and now he himself declares that he has been defeated. This creates extreme suspense for the reader. Also among Holmes' abilities is his ability to disguise himself.

He makes himself appear to be a person with distinct business at the Roylott estate. "This fellow should think that we had come as architects or on some definite business. " This adds to Holmes' list of excellencies. He is now toying with the mind of the villain in order to accomplish he task he has been set. The unexpected ending. By the end of the Speckled band Doyle has created such suspense and confusion in the minds of the readers that they are waiting in dire anticipation to find out how it will end. The Speckled Band is, in fact, a poisonous snake native to India, the living place of Dr. Roylott for several years.

Roylott used the snake to make its way through the ventilation and into the bedroom of Miss Stoner and poison her. No matter how intelligent the reader they would not have the ability to predict this ending. This is a classic ending because it surprises the reader and although the identity of the villain was obvious all the way through the story, it was never clear how he would have murdered his stepdaughter. This is again excellent writing by Conan Doyle. He builds up tension by repeating the events of the past death of Julia Stoner when Holmes re-enacts the sequences of that fateful night with Helen Stoner as a trap for Dr.

Roylott. Arthur Conan Doyle uses vast imagery and description to keep the reader glued. It is with this imagery that he creates the tension and creates a sense of tragedy in the mind of the reader. The word black is repeated several times, and this gives a feeling of doom and imbalance. This, paired with nocturnal, silence, darkness and all the other words of sinister imagery creates more tension for the reader. It all builds up and gives the reader an incentive to carry on, to find out what will occur in the next sequence.

All the way through there is a mysterious atmosphere and this only pushes the story further into the classic murder mystery genre. Everything down to he scenery and especially the buildings create a tense atmosphere. Conan Doyle wants to put a picture into the mind of the reader, such that they can almost see exactly they are reading about. "Grey, lichen-blotched stone... windows broken... picture of ruin. " All these are distinct factors of a house that can be picture in an infinite number of different ways for each individual reader.

As this essay concludes the Speckled Band by sir Arthur Conan Doyle is a classic murder mystery story. All the criteria in the second paragraph have been fulfilled. There can be no argument that Sherlock Holmes is the greatest fictional detective in the whole of English literature and Arthur Conan Doyle is, without doubt, the most memorable writer of classic Murder Mystery stories up to the present day. Show preview only The above preview is unformatted text This student written piece of work is one of many that can be found in our GCSE Arthur Conan Doyle section.

Updated: Apr 19, 2023
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A very good mystery story. (2020, Jun 02). Retrieved from https://studymoose.com/good-mystery-story-8424-new-essay

A very good mystery story essay
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