Georgia State Economic and Government Impacts Industries

Categories: Georgia

Georgia is the headquarters for many influential companies like Coca-Cola, Home Depot, and many others. Georgia has five major industries that impact the state. The industries are agriculture, entertainment, manufacturing, service, and technology. Each one of these industries impacts the economy and government in a different way and visa versa. Whether it’s from economic growth or law that impact the industries the effects that come from Georgia being a headquarters in the south are immense.

The first major industry in Georgia is the agricultural industry.

This industry contributes different types of food and the major exports of Georgia like poultry, eggs, peanuts, pecans, Cotten, tobacco, blueberries, and peaches. The success of this industry is owed to Georgia’s temperate climate and rich soil. This industry plays a significant role in Georgia’s economy by contributing approximately $73.3 billion annually to Georgia's economy, according to the UGA Center for Agribusiness & Economic Development and in 2012 there were about 42,257 farmers. Today it is estimated that one in seven Georgians works in agriculture, forestry or related fields.

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The Georgian government affects this industry through laws and regulations for how the animals are treated and the way the food is grown. The government also has entire committees dedicated to this industry.

The second major industry in Georgia is one that has skyrocketed lately. It is the entertainment industry, with shows like Stranger Things and movie series like Marvel being filmed in Georgia it’s not a surprise that this industry contributes a lot of money to the government and economy.

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The reason why this industry is so big in Georgia is because of the low taxes. Georgia has a 20 percent tax credit for companies that spend $500,000 or more on production and post-production in Georgia, either in a single production or on multiple projects and if a company puts a promotional logo picked out by the state in the finished product then the company will receive a 10 percent tax credit.

This industry also creates many jobs, directly and indirectly, from actors to cameramen. But with Georgia’s new anti-abortion ban many actresses, actors, and film companies speaking out aganist it, one example being Ted Sarandos, Netflix's chief content officer, who said 'We have many women working on productions in Georgia, whose rights, along with millions of others, will be severely restricted by this law.' Based on the responses to the ban this could have a big effect on the industry’s income in the coming years.

Georgia is a state with booming industries. The major ones being agriculture, entertainment, manufacturing, service, and technology. The industries are affected by the government through rules and regulations. They affect the government through money generated in those industries They are affect the economy by creating job opportunities for the citizens of Georgia. The economy affect the industries through its state, a bad economy means the industry wont do as well, but a good economy will improve the industries. The industries, the government, and the economy all affect each other in one way or another it is not a one way streak. The status of the industries will affect Georgia as a whole whether that's good or bad. They do this by generating goods, money, and opportunity for the citizens of Georgia.

Updated: Feb 19, 2024
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Georgia State Economic and Government Impacts Industries. (2024, Feb 19). Retrieved from

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