Essays on Enduring Love

Enduring Love
Original title Enduring Love
Author Ian McEwan
Genre Horror Fiction
Language English
Characters Joe Rose, Clarissa Mellon, Jed Parry
Published 1997
ISBN 978-0-14-017908-2
Book Summary
Essay Examples

Table of Contents

In the novel “Enduring Love”, the author Ian McEwan tells the story of a man named Joe Rose who is struggling to deal with the aftermath of a tragic accident. Joe is a science writer who is working on a book about the history of love. One day, while he is working on his book, he witnesses a hot air balloon accident in which a man is killed. After the accident, Joe is haunted by the memory of the man’s death and he begins to investigate the incident. He soon learns that the man who died in the accident was a scientist who was working on a project to create a new form of life. As Joe investigates the scientist’s work, he becomes obsessed with the idea of creating a new form of life. This obsession leads him to make some dangerous choices that put his own life at risk.

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