Brotherhood Essay Examples

Brotherhood - Free Essay Examples and Topic Ideas

Life presents many challenges, and many of these are almost impossible to overcome alone. In order to best overcome these challenges, it helps to have a brother to lean on. Brotherhood goes beyond just an average friend, it represents a deeper bond. This bond may or may not be through blood. In The Epic of Gilgamesh, Enkidu was specifically created to help guide Gilgamesh through his different trials and to join him in his adventures. In The Bhagavad-Gita, Arjuna looked to Krishna for advice in a time where he had to make very important decisions. In One Thousand and One Nights, King Shahrayar and Shahazaman had each other when each of them suffered from a great misfortune. The importance of brotherhood is exemplified throughout these works and is still very important in modern times to help get though challenges in life.

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