Form Follows Function in Architecture

Based on the five-step theories declared by Sullivan, the author demonstrates the maxim "type follows function" with copious evidence supplied from scholars in various fields. Declared through Horatio Greenough, every embellishment without referral to inner distribution is "false appeal," which indicates ornamental motifs focus on more aesthetic than useful need to be completely abandoned. The twelve and thirteen paragraph discusses Gothic architecture style exceptionally as a pointed example.

Found on the argumentation of viollet-Le-Duc who extremely applauded the strenuous application of the system throughout the twelfth and thirteenth are not caprice or puerile symbolic intents.

The author still thinks functionalism play a necessary component in gratitude of the Gothic design in a sense. The picky principles of Christan architecture such as decorative buttresses adhere to their factors for functions. However, a design appropriate to the present must be developed when applied to modern use.

When "kind follows function" become a law for twentieth century, those expansive, sumptuous structures might never ever correspond with the modernist design.

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From "strength, energy, grace" by Vitruvius (active 46-30BC) to "product, firmness, delight" by Auguste Choisy (1841-1904), a succinct style pursuing complete use of function extremely holds a leading post nowadays.

The reason of more and more grey-black-and-white color decoration rising are concrete testaments. The contextual quotation: "all things in nature have a form... it seems ever as though the life and the form were absolutely one and inseparable. "The justification for his theories lay like Sullivan's in his belief that such a system reflected the way of nature - that it was God's way.

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" It reminds the spots on leopards' skin and tail of peacocks which are highly ornamentals but for self preservation and propagation, still fits the maxim. There is no suggestion that the shapes emerged from their function cannot cater to aesthetic or emotive needs, but every element must consider on functions, even the smallest detail should have a meaning or a sense of purpose to support.

Updated: Feb 23, 2021
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Form Follows Function in Architecture essay
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