Fate in Romeo and Juliet

Categories: Fate

Two lovers dictated by fate and consequence find their love forbidden due to long-feuding families, but that won't stop either of them from taking drastic measures to be with one another, even if that suggests life or death.

The Capulets and Montagues have been quarreling for years. This fall-out causes the tragic end of two lovers lives, Juliet Capulet and Romeo Montague. Their love is forbidden by their families, but that won't stop two kids in love.

What induces the reader to believe that it was in the stars to determine Romeo and Juliet's destiny?

Throughout the play, you may see how Juliet's personal discipline by doing everything she can to not be with Paris interfere with what happens by the end of the play.

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How Romeo, being the impetuous man he is, took his own actions and steps to determine what kind of life he wanted with Juliet, but did not know about how the two would eventually be together forever, regardless of what Romeo did to get them together in the first place.

Most importantly, why did Romeo and Juliet meet in the first place? Why did they both happen to attend the party? Could Tybalt and Mercutio's death be avoided? Why did Juliet wake up just in time to witness Romeo dying right beside her?

Fate is clearly present in this play, in addition to this, your future is dictated by the hands of an outer force, otherwise referred to as fate.

Juliet's personal discipline does not interfere with the ending of the play. No matter what Juliet chooses to do with her life at this point, and no matter how hard she will try to change it and not be wed with Paris, will not alter the outcome of her and Romeo ultimately dying.

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"...Lest in this marriage he should be dishounder'd, because he married me before to Romeo?... I wake the time before Romeo come redeem me?" (4.3 pg 233).

Juliet drinks the potion given from the apothecary in order to temporarily paralyze her, resulting in her father Capulet believing Juliet was dead, so the wedding could not happen. As much as Juliet wanted a life with Romeo and not with Paris, Friar Lawrence happened to construct a plan in which includes Juliet drinking the potion that ultimately resulted in her death. Juliet's actions had a different outcome than planned, deeming fate to be the only reasonable explanation for the tragic ending.

Romeo showing up to the party to meet with Rosaline, but alternatively seeing Juliet and falling deeply in love with her was destined to happen, regardless of what Romeos reason for going to the Capulet party was. " What lady is that which doth enrich the hand of Yonder knight?... O, she doth teach the torches to burn bright!...Beauty too rich for use, for earth too dear!" (1.5 pg 65). At the party, Romeo spots Juliet. Romeo is so captivated, that Rosaline vanishes from his mind. "Did my heart love till now? Forswear it, sight!" (1.5 pg 65). He testifies that he has never felt love such as this until this moment. Romeo approaches Juliet and states his affection towards her. The dialogue written in this scene is crowded with religious metaphors that figure Juliet as a saint and Romeo as a pilgrim who wishes to erase his sin. Romeo finding Juliet at the party with no intention to be with anyone else besides Rosaline, was pure destiny.

"A pair of star-cross'd lovers take their life;" (prologue.9). Shakespeare intended to portray that Romeo and Juliet are inevitably destined to fall in love and have that love, as well as themselves, tragically ended. Throughout the play, you see references about the sun, stars, moon, and heavens; those references are theoretical imagery that expresses a different view of human responsibility, otherwise referred to as fate. "Give me my Romeo; and, when he shall die, take him and cut him out in little stars, and he will make the face of heaven so fine that all the world will be in love with night, and pay no worship to the garnish sun." (3.2 pg 159). These astral references are often associated with religious fate, reiterating that, as the play's action continues, readers can declare that some impersonal external force is to blame for the tragedy that occurs at the end of the play. The unvarnished interpretation of the dialogue composed in Juliet's soliloquy is made clear to be a begging request to the gods to transform Romeo into an array of stars upon his death, so that everyone, including Juliet herself, may forever admire his beauty in the night sky. Metaphorically, Juliet is attesting her commitment to Romeo as well as her admiration and recognition towards him. With there being astral references in almost every scene, it is safe to say Shakespeare most definitely wrote Romeo and Juliet with the idea of destiny and fate-determining their future.

Overall, it may be said that the constant mentions of astral forces linked with the fable of love dictated by Romeo and Juliet, is aprahenceably stating that it is in our fortune to fix upon our own prospects. Regardless of what actions Romeo and Juliet try to take to spend their lives alive together, it is determined that fate wanted the two to be with one another only in the afterlife.

Updated: Oct 10, 2024

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