Aspirations and Realities in 'The House on Mango Street'

Categories: Sandra Cisneross


Somewhere in our journey, each of us has harbored desires that remained unfulfilled despite our fervent wishes. Be it wishing upon stars or candles, we've all faced the bitter realization, akin to the disappointment on Christmas morning, that our deepest wishes may go unanswered. This poignant sentiment resonates with the characters in Sandra Cisneros' "The House on Mango Street."

However, unlike fleeting disappointments, these characters endure prolonged disillusionment throughout their childhood. Esperanza, Rachel, Nenny, Sally, and Lucy, growing up on Mango Street, share a common longing for friendship, love, and a better life.

Yet, their aspirations collide with the harsh realities of the world they inhabit, where societal norms dictate the outcomes of their dreams.

Characters' Longing for Friendship

Their journey begins with Esperanza's poignant words: "Someday, I will have a best friend all my own. One I can tell my secrets to. One who will understand my jokes without my having to explain them." Esperanza yearns for a true friend, a confidante with whom she can share her dreams.

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However, the simplicity of these wishes quickly unravels as Esperanza discovers that friendship, like everything else, comes at a cost.

Rachel and Lucy become her friends, but only after Esperanza helps them pay for a bike. True camaraderie proves elusive as these friendships mirror the broken dreams of Mango Street, with each friend carrying more burdens than Esperanza. Sally, supposedly a caring friend, fails Esperanza in her darkest hour, exposing the hollowness of the friendships Esperanza sought to escape her reality.

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Longing for Love

The characters in "The House on Mango Street" share a collective yearning for enduring love, akin to waiting for a transformative event. Marin, Rafaela, and Sally all await the arrival of their "prince charming" to rescue them from their lives. However, their dreams clash with the societal constraints that shape their destinies.

Marin's aspirations to move in and marry her boyfriend belie the grim reality that awaits her. Rafaela, likened to Rapunzel, longs for freedom from her metaphorical tower but is confined to an apartment by her controlling husband. Sally, in her pursuit of love, resorts to using her body, eventually marrying for riches but losing her individuality. These outcomes expose the characters' passivity and their reluctance or inability to strive for their desires.

Broken Dreams and Societal Expectations

The characters' aspirations are intricately woven into the societal fabric, shaping the outcomes that belie their dreams. Marin, Rafaela, and Sally's lives reflect the stark contrast between their aspirations and the constraints imposed by societal expectations. The passivity exhibited by these characters becomes a contributing factor to their unfulfilled dreams and undesirable destinies.

The characters' reliance on external factors, such as waiting for love to come to them, underscores the consequences of their choices. The juxtaposition between their desires and the reality they face becomes a poignant commentary on the role of societal norms in shaping individual destinies.

The Concept of Love

Esperanza's perception of love as a fairy tale becomes a central theme as she grapples with disillusionment. The disparity between the romanticized notions of love fed to her and the harsh reality she experiences shatters her belief in the fairy tale. The characters' misconceptions about love further intertwine with their unattainable desires, illustrating the impact of societal limitations on their emotional pursuits.

Striving for a Better Life

Esperanza's dream of a better life, symbolized by a house with specific features, becomes a focal point in the narrative. The cautionary tale of the Old Lady with many children serves as a reminder that facing hardships and making choices is crucial in shaping one's destiny. Esperanza's realization about the permanence of Mango Street in her life reflects the intricate balance between aspirations and the inescapable ties that bind her to her roots.

While her dream of a physical house remains unfulfilled, Esperanza attains a metaphorical "home in the heart." The journey becomes a testament to the characters' enduring spirit, even as they confront the harsh realities that defy their initial aspirations.

Fantasy vs. Reality

The thin line between fantasy and reality becomes a recurring theme in the characters' lives. As a coping mechanism for disappointment, they often mistake one for the other, blurring the boundaries between their dreams and the stark reality they face. This delicate dance between fantasy and reality emerges as an intrinsic part of human nature, a mechanism to navigate the complexities of unfulfilled desires.


In conclusion, "The House on Mango Street" masterfully unravels the tapestry of unfulfilled desires, broken dreams, and societal constraints. The characters' collective experiences become a reflection of the consequences of passivity and the repercussions of waiting for life to unfold rather than actively shaping their destinies. The enduring theme of unfulfilled desires resonates, underscoring the delicate balance between fantasy and reality in the human experience.

Updated: Jan 02, 2024
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Aspirations and Realities in 'The House on Mango Street' essay
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