Famous Individual I Would Desire To Meet

Categories: Famous Person

Surely, we all have our own individual that we would very desire to meet. That is because the person might have their specialties and great achievements or even a glory history in their life. From that, many people have made them an idol. So that me, this person have such a great history in our nations. He is not an artist but an athlete that has shone through the world during his golden ages. He is a former Malaysian badminton player, Datuk Misbun Sidek.

The eldest brother from the Sidek brothers, born on 17 February 1960. Throughout his earlier life story, Misbun received his early education in primary schools in Banting and then furthered his studies at Victoria Institution, Kuala Lumpur. Datuk Sidek, his father, imagined his children becoming badminton aces starting with his first son, Misbun. By the age of seven in 1967, Misbun had been seriously trained by his father at the badminton court in front of their house in Kampung Kanchong Darat, Banting, Selangor.

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The same routine was later passed on to his brothers. The Sidek family, in the persons of Misbun, Razif, Jalani, Rahman, and Rashid, would produce world-class badminton players from the early 1980s to the early 2000s.

Beginning his career as a badminton player, Misbun had won his first title on the international circuit at the 1981 German Open. He helped Malaysia's national squad to win the Silver medal at the SEA Games. In the team event, he beat Indonesia’s leading player and reigning All England champion, Liem Swie King.

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For his triumphs in badminton, Misbun was named Malaysia's Sportsman of the Year, a feat he repeated two years later. After that, in October 1983, Misbun turned professional player and signed a contract to be represented by the International Management Group (IMG) same level as the professional international player at that time. Not only that, in January 1985, the Sidek family made history when they became the largest sibling group ever to represent the country abroad in the same sporting event. Misbun, Razif, Jalani, Rahman, and Rashid were all selected to compete at the Hong Kong Open. Misbun's last full year at the top level of badminton, 1988, was rather special to him because he played on a Malaysia Thomas Cup team that defeated their traditional rival Indonesia for the first time in 21 years before losing the final to China. A year later, Misbun decided to retire at the age of 29. Did not stop from that, Misbun then had been on the coaching staff of the Malaysian badminton team. There, he had coached the Malaysian badminton star, Datuk Lee Chong Wei.

On the other side, Datuk Misbun Sidek has some good characteristics and attitudes that I think made him one of the influential individuals and popular icons in Malaysia. During his childhood, he began to obey his father’s wish to make him and their brothers become great badminton players. He starts at seven years, practicing badminton with his father. This earlier exposition in badminton, make him more skillful and better in his career. Next, he had told that he did not play for himself or even for the wealthy but he plays for the sake of the nations and for the Malaysian that had put a big hope for him. Initially, this mentality was very positive for a person that considered the name of the nation. I believe that this spirit showed from him make Malaysia’s name rise at that time. Unfortunately, Datuk Misbun Sidek had felt sick in Mecca during performing his Hajj. Instead of that, after getting recovered, he then keeps on his spirit to play for the nation and did not give up as he continues to play at the international event. The passion and the non-stop trying make the Malaysian very proud of him even though he had been involved on a sick. And so on, Datuk Misbun Sidek was a very supportive player as he and his brothers had been in participating international competitions together. From that, he shows that he is not arrogant as he can cooperate well with his own brothers. As the result, they come over to win great achievements through the nation’s badminton history.

From his story life and the achievement gained by him, I felt that I really such desire to meet him because I have a big pride in him. There are so many things that made me like him so much. Such as, he is among the Malay that can plays badminton at a higher level. As we knew, badminton sport usually dominated by Chinese people. Recently, some fewer Malay people can be on the same level as him in this sport. There is so many Chinese in this game that I thought it could be harder for other races to compete with the Chinese and achieve big trophies like Misbun Sidek and his brothers. Moreover, he also had shown that each player who represents the nation should be determined when joining international tournaments. As proof, during his games, he did it very well and plays hard. Even though sometimes he had on defeat, people still got on his back because it was quite an exciting game when he plays on it. On his game, the stadium must be fulfilled with supporters from all races that excited to see him. Subsequently, I had an idol on him as his passion for badminton did not stop in his career as a player. He continues his generous contribution to the nation as he decides to become the head coach of the Malaysian team. I see that he is sincerely donating himself to improve this sport and make the Malaysian proud of him.

In the nutshell, Misbun Sidek is undeniably my favorite icon in Malaysia as well as my idol also. I hope that in the future, there will more Malaysian who could be like him. Honestly, I am not very skilled in this sport but I am a big fan of the badminton game. Now, there are so many new badminton players that had been in his footsteps and achieve higher level competition. We should thank him as he was among the name that could not be forgotten especially by the sports lover. Surely, this sport had been famous and most played by the people around the world nowadays distributed by these great persons.

Updated: Feb 02, 2024
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Famous Individual I Would Desire To Meet. (2024, Feb 10). Retrieved from https://studymoose.com/famous-individual-i-would-desire-to-meet-essay

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