The Entrepreneurial Spirit in the Philippines: A Call to Empower the Youth

The Philippines stands as a testament to the resilience and vigor of an entrepreneurial spirit deeply rooted in the face of adversity. Fueled by the stark reality of poverty, the nation has carved a path dominated by small and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs), embodying the essence of innovation and economic sustenance.

Within the intricate tapestry of Philippine entrepreneurship, SMEs, including micro-enterprises, emerge as the unsung heroes, constituting an impressive 99 percent of all business establishments. Moreover, these enterprises play a substantial role in the global landscape, accounting for 60 percent of exporting firms and thereby contributing significantly to the nation's economic outreach.

Beyond the statistical prowess, it is noteworthy that women have become formidable pillars within the entrepreneurial landscape, occupying prominent leadership positions in various sectors. A testament to this is the fact that 51 percent of entrepreneurs in the Philippines are female. However, amidst these strides, entrepreneurs face a myriad of challenges, from the dearth of research and development to inadequate access to technology and the perennial struggle for capital.

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Financial constraints pose a formidable barrier for budding entrepreneurs, particularly in the initial stages of business development. Many face difficulties in acquiring the necessary capital to transform their ideas into tangible ventures. This issue not only impedes individual aspirations but also stifles the potential growth of SMEs, hindering their ability to contribute optimally to the nation's economic tapestry.

Moreover, the lack of marketing advice compounds the challenges faced by Filipino entrepreneurs. In a dynamic and competitive market, navigating the intricacies of effective marketing becomes a pivotal factor for the success of any business.

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The absence of accessible guidance in this realm further accentuates the uphill battle for entrepreneurs striving to establish and maintain competitiveness in their communities.

Logistical challenges add another layer of complexity to the entrepreneurial journey in the Philippines. Setting up and sustaining a business demand efficient and reliable logistical support, an aspect often overlooked in the broader discourse on entrepreneurship. Addressing these logistical hurdles is imperative for SMEs to flourish and contribute meaningfully to the nation's economic landscape.

Recognizing the indispensable role of entrepreneurs, the Philippine government has extended a welcoming hand to foreign investors. In a strategic move, the government has initiated measures to incentivize and support entrepreneurship, lowering tariffs and opening avenues for foreign investments. This holistic approach aims not only to bolster the local economy but also to create a global market for Philippine products, further solidifying the nation's position in the international business arena.

The symbiotic relationship between the government and entrepreneurs is underscored by the fact that SMEs currently employ around 55 percent of the Philippine labor force. Moreover, these enterprises contribute a substantial 30 percent to the total domestic sales volume, reflecting their pivotal role in the economic machinery of the nation.

However, the challenges faced by Filipino entrepreneurs demand a multi-faceted approach, one that extends beyond the purview of financial support and market access. The Department of Trade and Industry highlights the pressing issues of inadequate access to technology, financing capital, and marketing advice. These issues, if left unaddressed, pose a significant threat to the sustainability and growth of SMEs.

Delving deeper into the landscape of education in the Philippines, a poignant reality surfaces. A study conducted by the Center for Asia Pacific Studies reveals a concerning trend—out of every 100 children enrolled, only 66 complete elementary education, 42 finish high school, and a mere 14 earn a college degree.

Building upon this disheartening narrative, a study by Smart Communications adds another layer to the challenge—only 7.7 percent of graduates find employment. This revelation unveils a harsh reality: out of 100 children entering the educational system, only a solitary individual manages to secure a job. The fate of the remaining students, unable to graduate or find decent employment, often propels them into the harsh realities of unemployment or compels them to resort to illegal activities as a means of survival.

The scarcity of jobs further compounds the issue, contributing to the exodus of skilled workers seeking greener pastures abroad. Astonishingly, 2,000 Filipinos leave the country every day, driven by the allure of higher income and greater opportunities for career advancement. This mass migration of skilled workers represents a significant loss for the nation, both in terms of talent and economic potential.

Confronted with this complex web of challenges, the organization LET’S GO emerges with a poignant question—what happens to the vast majority of Filipino youth who do not complete their education or secure employment? The unfortunate answer lies in the bleak alternatives of unemployment, illegal activities, and a perpetual struggle for survival.

Against this backdrop, LET’S GO champions the cause of entrepreneurship as a potent solution to the pressing challenges faced by Filipino youth. Recognizing that entrepreneurs serve as the backbone of the economy, the organization advocates for the propagation of entrepreneurial knowledge and tools as a means to jumpstart the lagging economy.

With a focus on education, LET’S GO underscores the critical importance of instilling entrepreneurial knowledge and skills among the youth. A compelling argument arises—what better age to plant the seeds of entrepreneurial acumen than during the formative years of youth? The belief that one is never too young to be an entrepreneur forms the crux of LET’S GO's vision.

The staggering demographic reality in the Philippines further underscores the urgency of fostering an entrepreneurial culture among the youth. With a burgeoning population of 24 million youth, comprising 39 percent of the labor force, the need for alternative avenues of economic empowerment becomes acutely apparent.

Alarmingly, 40 percent of these youth live below the poverty line, painting a grim picture of their socio-economic prospects. Encouraging these young individuals to consider business ownership not only becomes an ethical imperative but also a pragmatic strategy for uplifting a significant portion of the population from the shackles of poverty.

In the grand tapestry of global dynamics, supporting youth entrepreneurship emerges as a strategic move with dual benefits. It not only provides a lifeline for the struggling Filipino youth but also injects vitality into the national economy. A symbiotic relationship is envisioned, wherein the youth find avenues for financial and personal independence, and the nation, in turn, benefits from increased business activities and job opportunities.

As we navigate the intricate terrain of Filipino entrepreneurship, it becomes evident that the nation stands at a crossroads. The call to empower the youth through entrepreneurship resonates as a beacon of hope, offering a tangible and sustainable solution to the multifaceted challenges confronting the Philippines.

In conclusion, the entrepreneurial spirit in the Philippines is more than a mere economic force; it is a catalyst for societal transformation. Small and medium-sized enterprises, fueled by the indomitable spirit of Filipino entrepreneurs, serve as the bedrock of the nation's economy. However, to truly harness their potential, a comprehensive approach is imperative—one that addresses the financial, educational, and societal challenges hindering their growth.

Updated: Jan 11, 2024
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The Entrepreneurial Spirit in the Philippines: A Call to Empower the Youth. (2016, Oct 15). Retrieved from

The Entrepreneurial Spirit in the Philippines: A Call to Empower the Youth essay
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