Corporate Governance Failures: Lessons from Enron and WorldCom

Categories: BusinessEnron

Enron, once a prominent energy company, faced a downfall due to various unethical practices and lack of proper governance. The guaranteed loans that were supposed to bridge financing for investments from outside investors, which could not be found, led to Enron's difficulties. The directors of Enron were kept in the dark about how profits were being made in this segment, contributing to the lack of transparency and accountability within the company.

Ken Lay, who served as the chair of the board and CEO for a significant period, played a pivotal role in the lack of proper governance at Enron.

His allowance of unethical deals and failure to consider the consequences of his actions created a severe lack of oversight within the company.

Enron's governance system failed to function properly due to the limited information provided to the public and investors regarding the company's earnings.

The board members did not question management when necessary, failing to protect the interests of the shareholders.

In terms of conflicts of interest, Enron engaged in SPE activities to hide losses from year-end reports, while Arthur Andersen's involvement in covering up losses further exacerbated the situation.

Executives at Enron were selling off shares before the collapse, while employees were barred from cashing in their retirement plans, showcasing a clear conflict of interest.

WorldCom, another company marred by scandal, utilized mechanisms to transfer profits from other time periods to inflate the current period.

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By releasing reserves held against operating expenses improperly and recharacterizing operating costs as capital assets, WorldCom's management manipulated financial statements.

The board of directors at WorldCom should have taken steps to prevent such manipulations by reviewing and questioning reports more thoroughly.

Having someone oversee the accounting department who was not closely tied to the company could have added an extra layer of accountability.

Bernie Ebbers, WorldCom's CEO, relied on accountants like Scott Sullivan and David Myers to carry out his manipulations.

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Their previous association with Arthur Andersen may have motivated them to ensure that profits appeared favorable, even if it meant engaging in unethical practices.

The decision of the board of directors to approve loans of over $408 million to Ebbers raises questions about their judgment and oversight. The loan was intended for purchasing or paying margin calls on WorldCom stock, which Ebbers did not fulfill, leading to further financial turmoil.

In conclusion, the cases of Enron and WorldCom serve as cautionary tales about the importance of ethical leadership, transparency, and proper governance in corporate entities. The repercussions of unethical practices and conflicts of interest can have far-reaching consequences, not only for the companies involved but also for their employees, shareholders, and the broader economy.


Updated: Oct 10, 2024
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Corporate Governance Failures: Lessons from Enron and WorldCom. (2016, Dec 23). Retrieved from

Corporate Governance Failures: Lessons from Enron and WorldCom essay
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