English Proficiency in the Era of International Integration

Categories: English Language

International integration, the process through which nations dismantle barriers to trade freely and assimilate new technology and culture beyond their borders, stands as a pivotal force shaping the interconnectedness of nations. English, during this period of integration, serves as a bridge that unites countries. Presently, English is spoken by nearly 4 billion people globally as their first or second language, underscoring its vital role in the context of contemporary economic integration.

The Global Reach of English

English, in my perspective, is not only a means to expand the scope of communication but also a source of numerous advantages.

Firstly, proficiency in English enables individuals to stay abreast of the latest developments in fashion, sports, science, and politics. Approximately 80% of websites on the internet operate in English, and prominent news outlets like BBC and CNN broadcast in English. Accessing information in English allows individuals to stay informed about the latest fashion trends, crucial sports updates, and the newest technological advancements. Consequently, English proficiency facilitates not only effective communication but also cultural relevance and awareness.

Career Opportunities and English Competence

Secondly, English proficiency opens up significant career advancement opportunities.

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With the rise of international integration, foreign companies have invested extensively in various countries, forming partnerships with local enterprises. Proficiency in English becomes a priority for large corporations when recruiting staff and considering individuals for higher-ranking positions. While there might be no official statistics linking English proficiency to wages, it is evident that doors open wider for candidates with strong English skills. Thus, in the age of integration, acquiring proficiency in English is imperative for career growth.

For those seeking to enhance their English language skills, practical strategies can be employed.

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One effective approach involves dedicating at least an hour each day to listening to news or discussion programs such as CNN or BBC. Although comprehension may be challenging initially, gradually adapting to the speed and tone of these programs allows individuals to glean a broad understanding of various topics.

Moreover, watching English television and listening to English radio serves as a cost-effective method to learn real English. Formal language can be acquired from news or debate programs, while everyday English is readily available in soap operas, cartoons, and comedies. Additionally, dedicating more than two hours daily to reading English news or articles contributes to the expansion of vocabulary, idioms, phrases, and comprehension of English structures. Reading aloud during this process further aids in improving pronunciation.

Establishing connections with native English speakers, either through pen pals or friendships, is a challenging yet crucial step in mastering the language. Engaging in conversations with Americans or Britons provides valuable opportunities to practice and refine language skills. Asking questions and providing detailed responses fosters a deeper understanding of the language and culture.

Finally, adopting the practice of thinking in English on a regular basis contributes to a more seamless integration of the language into daily life. By consistently using English, individuals become more adept at listening and responding in the language.


In conclusion, the role of English in our lives has become increasingly significant since Vietnam's full membership in the WTO. While this influence may pose challenges to the Vietnamese way of life, adapting to the speed of global development necessitates embracing the risk of learning English extensively. In doing so, we must not forget to preserve the unique beauty of the Vietnamese culture. The integration of English into our lives serves not only as a practical necessity but also as a tool for cultural enrichment, allowing us to navigate the complexities of the globalized world while retaining our distinct identity.

Updated: Dec 29, 2023
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English Proficiency in the Era of International Integration. (2018, Sep 15). Retrieved from https://studymoose.com/english-and-international-integration-essay

English Proficiency in the Era of International Integration essay
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