Dr Eizayaga, an Argentinean homeopath, developed a method to deal with persistent cases (Watson 2004). He thought that clients have different levels of disease, which require separate prescriptions.

In most persistent cases, there will have been long-term usage of drugs to reduce the particular pathology and signs (Kramer 2006). This indicates that the real photo of the illness may be obscured and toxicity in the system might likewise be causing side effects. This can impact key organs in the body, such as the liver and kidneys and this can block the effectiveness of suggested solutions.

In persistent cases, with advanced pathologies, that have been made complex with drugs, or complicated cases with a mixture of aetiologies, the layers approach can be used to make sense of the case (Watson 2004).

Separating out the layers can make it easier to see what area of the case to intend the solution at.

Eizayaga informs us that we should discover a simillimum for the regional disease symptoms and follow up with a series of treatments to treat the underlying pre-disposing state (Taylor 2007).

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The solutions that will be required can not be foreseen at the beginning, and after each prescription, the case will require to be re-taken.

Although there may be hints of the much deeper layers e.g. the basic layer, the miasms and the constitutional layer, at the start of the case, Eizayaga believed that we can't always see through the lesional layer (pathological illness) to the fundamental totality treatment. As we deal with each layer, we see a clearer view of the imbalance that exists to the essential force.

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In this, Eizayaga doesn't vary from Hahnemann.

Where they do differ, is that Eizayaga differentiated between the treatment of the patient and that of the disease (Schutt 2010). The illness must be dealt with independently, as he thought that the regional pathology is a different entity. He believed that the client's current pathological signs don't usually represent the characteristic fundamental remedy. This resembles acute prescribing.

The Four Main Layers in the Eizayaga Method

The four main layers identified by Eizayaga are based on evolutionary stages, pathological processes and that disease is due to a disturbed vital force (Schutt 2010). The deepest layer is the constitutional layer (Watson 2004). This layer is mostly inherited and unchangeable. It includes healthy characteristics, such as body type, colouring and personality, as well as food desires and general modalities.

This level is not pathological. Treatment is preventative and given to maintain health. It is common to treat children and babies on this level. Adults usually have other layers that need removing before they can be treated constitutionally.

The next layer is the fundamental layer. This applies to functional symptoms on a mental, emotional and physical level. These symptoms are deviations from a healthy state and can change during a person’s life. They don’t relate to a disease process, but to the person. The cause is usually emotional. This could be fright, anger, grief etc.

It also includes food cravings and intolerances. These are seen as incompatible with good health. These symptoms are usually reversible. Treatment is aimed at returning the patient to their constitutional picture and removal of these functional disorders. Most of the polychrests used to treat this level have a strong psychological picture.

The next layer is the lesion layer. This is when a disease becomes localised and affects an organ, tissue or a system of the body. This can include acute and chronic states that may return at regular or sporadic intervals.

The lesion layer can be separated into either reversible curable diseases, irreversible but partially curable diseases and irreversible incurable diseases (Schutt 2010). A remedy on this level is based on the disease symptoms as well as the local modalities and concommitants (Watson 2004).

Conventional constitutional prescribing is reversed. Mental and emotional symptoms are only used if they have appeared or worsened since the disease started. The aim of treatment at this level is to reverse the disease to allow cure to take place. Any remedy may be appropriate, including minor remedies or organ remedies.

If there is more than one lesion layer to be treated, the most recent or the most limiting one should be treated first.

The other layer that requires treating is the miasmatic layer. The miasms determine the pathological trends in people (Schutt 2010). Most people will have a combination of miasms (Watson 2004). The most active should be treated when it is encountered. Eizayaga also recommended giving miasmatic treatment after cure to prevent relapse.

Today’s diseases require prescribing on the miasmatic level alongside treatment of the other layers (Kramer 2006). As symptoms are suppressed, the miasmatic state can change.

A dormant miasm may be indicated by family history, or an earlier illness (Watson 2004). This may or may not be active. If a miasm is active, it may be causing a tendency to problems or preventing indicated remedies from curing. This type of miasm needs treatment with the appropriate nosode, given intercurrently during treatment of the other layers. This should reduce the activity of the miasm and allow the indicated remedy to work effectively.

If the presenting picture corresponds to a nosode, then the miasm is said to be exposed. In this situation, a nosode would be given as the first remedy. An ascending potency is recommended.

Additional Layers That May Be Involved in the Eizayaga Method

There are a couple of other layers that can exist in a patient (Kramer 2006). There may be a drug layer on top of the lesion layer. In most cases these days, where there is pathology, drugs will have been used to suppress the symptoms. Long-term use of drugs in this way can create a drug layer. A side effect could be that vital organs, such as the liver or kidneys are affected. This layer should be treated with a detox therapeutic remedy, before treating the actual pathology. If it isn’t treated, the toxicity in the system can undermine the action of remedies and cause a block to cure.

Another layer, similar to a miasm, can be acquired by a patient who has ‘never been well since’ a particular illness (Watson 2004). This should be treated with the disease nosode, as you would an active miasm. One or two doses in a medium to high potency should clear this layer.

Finally, Eizayaga recognised death as the final layer, where life cannot be maintained because the vital organs have declined to a point that can’t be reversed and they cease to function (homeopathic-doctors.com n.d.)


  1. Eizayaga's Approach to Case Analysis. Available at: http://www.homeopathyplanet.com/AudeSapere/Study%20Room/Library/LibraryEizayaga.htm [Accessed March 7, 2011].
  2. homeopathic-doctors.com, Eizayaga's homeopathic layer theory. Available at: http://homeopathic-doctors.com/homeopathiclayers.aspx [Accessed March 8, 2011].
  3. Kramer, E., 2006. A Practical Guide to Methods of Homeopathic Prescribing, London: The College of Practical Homeopathy.
  4. Schutt, K., 2010. Francisco X. Eizayaga and the Layer Approach to Homeopathy
    | HPATHY.COM. Available at: http://hpathy.com/homeopathy-papers/francisco-x-eizayaga-and-the-layer-approach-to-homeopathy/ [Accessed March 7, 2011].
  5. Taylor, W., 2007. Eizayaga's Approach to Case Analysis. Available at: http://www.homeopathyplanet.com/AudeSapere/Study%20Room/Library/LibraryEizayaga.htm [Accessed March 7, 2011].
  6. Watson, I., 2004. A Guide to the Methodologies of Homeopathy Revised., Devon: Cutting Edge Publications.
Updated: Dec 29, 2020
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