Examination of Consumer Wastefulness: Lars Eighner's Perspective

Categories: DivingDumpster Diving

How much food do consumers waste? Not much, a lot, you don’t know, or you don’t care? It doesn’t seem that many consumers do care. In the article, “On Dumpster Diving” (1993), Lars Eighner uses exposition, description, and narration to criticize consumer wastefulness.

Exposition: Unveiling the Layers of Consumer Wastefulness

Exposition, a literary device where the author conveys the story through explanation, forms the backbone of Eighner's critique. Unlike a straightforward narrative, Eighner opts for explanation, unraveling his experiences and opinions on consumer wastefulness.

An example of this can be found when Eighner dissects the term "foraging":

“I have heard people, evidentially meaning to be polite, use the word foraging, but I prefer to use that word for gathering nuts and berries and such, which I do also according to season and the opportunity”.

This instance showcases Eighner's inclination to provide not only his stance but also the rationale behind it, giving a nuanced view of his perspective.

Description: Painting a Vivid Picture of Ignorance-Induced Wastefulness

Complementing exposition, description serves as another crucial literary device in Eighner's arsenal.

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Descriptive writing, aimed at helping the reader visualize the discussed scenarios, exposes how ignorance contributes to the staggering levels of food waste. Eighner vividly illustrates the consequences of improper freezer defrosting:

“Some students, and others, approach defrosting a freezer by chucking out the whole lot. The mass of frozen goods stays cold for a long time and items may be found still frozen or freshly thawed”.

This descriptive account not only highlights the issue but also implies that a lack of knowledge or proper preparation results in avoidable wastefulness, emphasizing the importance of education on proper food handling.

Narration: Unveiling Wasteful Practices Through Personal Stories

Narration, the art of telling a story without interruption, allows Eighner to share personal experiences that underscore his criticism of consumer wastefulness.

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One poignant example is his initiation into scavenging:

“I began scavenging by pulling pizzas out of the dumpster behind a pizza delivery shop. While it lasted I had a steady supply of fresh, sometimes warm pizza”.

This narrative not only serves as an illustration of how usable food is discarded but also implies a societal flaw where even establishments choose waste over charitable donations.

Purpose: Eighner's Crusade Against Consumer Wastefulness

Eighner's essay serves a larger purpose: to criticize consumer wastefulness and awaken readers to the need for change. By presenting proof of wasteful practices, he aims to stimulate a shift in consumer behavior, urging people to reflect on their actions and salvage what they can:

“Eighner’s purpose in this essay is to criticize consumer wastefulness. Eighner gives proof of consumer wastefulness in order to open the eyes of consumers so people will care more about what they throw out, and focus more on saving what they can”.

Here, Eighner's motive becomes clear – a call to action for readers to reconsider their habits and contribute to the reduction of food waste.

Tone: Formally Challenging Stereotypes

The formality of Eighner's tone is a strategic choice aimed at challenging stereotypes associated with homelessness. It is an intentional effort to underline that personal circumstances do not negate one's knowledge and insight. Eighner, despite his living situation, positions himself as a credible source:

“Eighner’s tone in this article is formal. Eighner writes in a formal tone to let the consumers whom he is addressing know that just because he is homeless does not mean his opinion is unknowledgeable. If anything he should know more about the subject because he has seen it from both sides”.

This deliberate formality seeks to elevate the perceived value of Eighner's opinion, asserting that his unique vantage point enhances, rather than diminishes, the credibility of his perspective.

Conclusion: Pondering the Impact and Future of Consumer Awareness

The essay concludes with a thought-provoking section that leaves the reader contemplating the potential outcomes of Eighner's message. It raises pertinent questions about whether consumers will grasp the severity of food waste, prompting them to rethink their disposal habits:

“The article leaves me wondering whether or not consumers will see and understand what Eighner is trying to convey. Will people see how much food is being wasted? Are people going to start to stop and think about what they are throwing in the trash? Will the amount of wasted food decline, stay the same, or even increase?”

This open-ended conclusion invites readers to consider their role in the larger narrative of reducing food waste and challenges them to actively participate in addressing the issue.

Updated: Oct 10, 2024
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Examination of Consumer Wastefulness: Lars Eighner's Perspective. (2020, Feb 26). Retrieved from https://studymoose.com/dumpster-diving-literary-analysis-essay

Examination of Consumer Wastefulness: Lars Eighner's Perspective essay
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