Drug Use and Delinquency

There is an evident link in between juvenile substance abuse and delinquency. A 2008 research study explored the connection in between delinquency and using nonmedical prescription drugs in teenagers. As prescription drug abuse is on the rise in America its abuse has actually not neglected a crucial group of people; teenagers. "The findings of this research study show that nonmedical prescription substance abuse is considerably connected with self-reported delinquency in addition to self-reported arrest" (Ford, 2008). The post discusses the sociological and mental factors to delinquency and substance abuse while focusing on the brand-new pattern of prescription drug usage.

The abuse of prescription drugs as well as other illicit drugs is usually triggered by social and psychological disorders that are only worsened by the drug use.

“Delinquency and substance use are both based on a common set of risk factors, for example low self-control” (Ford, 2008). A second study conducted and published in 2009 correlates the use of drugs by juveniles and delinquency. The illicit drug cocaine was the focus of the study and the findings were that the longer and more often the adolescents used the higher the range of crimes they participated in.

A table was created mapping the frequency of drug use and self reported delinquency over one year.

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The table shows that the juveniles progressively committed more crimes (self reportedly) the longer they used. The article reminds us how at risk teens are more likely to fall to either drug use or delinquency, and the other will most likely follow. One characteristic of at risk teens mentioned in the article are the teens that have “a tendency to come from families that experienced a number of difficulties in psychosocial functioning” (Dembo, Sullivan, 2009).

Updated: Oct 10, 2024
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Drug Use and Delinquency. (2017, Feb 17). Retrieved from https://studymoose.com/drug-use-and-delinquency-essay

Drug Use and Delinquency essay
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