Immense diversity and equality

Diversity is a great teacher- it teaches us to be tolerant and helps us explore the human race from various parts of the world. The American environment gave me a tremendous insight on people from different cultures and religions all over the world. The cultural beliefs, traditions formed the best part of my life experience. After coming to America, I learned how to live with different people from all walks of life. I realized that no matter what culture, country, religion or race they came from, these people had a wonderful way to share their traditions with me.

I was invited to several events, including religious and informal ones.

My friends came from different backgrounds and each of them exhibited their own culture and traditions. Intellectually, all my friends were the same, irrespective of their religion or culture. There was no discrimination and I saw the world from a humanitarian perspective rather than a cultural or country perspective. We realize that no matter what the skin color, we are all the same.

To the University of Michigan, I’d like to contribute my humanitarian perspective to its diversity.

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I am an optimist person and I love exploring different cultures, perspectives and traditions. The University of Michigan would gain a humanitarian student who understands the significance of diversity in the United States of America. I agree, Korea is not as diverse as the U. S. and I can say that the American soil had given me a chance to explore its immense diversity and equality in every way.

I don’t believe in discrimination and this is what I intend to offer to the University of Michigan.

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Korea is a country with a rich traditional culture and I would like to offer the Korean insight to the University of Michigan as well as United States of America which I believe would be a wonderful addition where I’d love to be a part of its diversity. I would like to extend my interest to offer myself to the University of Michigan to be included in its rich diversity

Updated: Oct 10, 2024
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Immense diversity and equality. (2017, Feb 27). Retrieved from

Immense diversity and equality essay
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