Disadvantages of Playing Video Games

In the last several years the interactive games have had an amazing development in terms of image quality and variety of games. This has led to children and adults spend more time gaming and less time sharing with their families and friends. There are many significant disadvantages of playing video games.

First, electronic games might have a negative impact over personal physical health. Gamers become lazy because they do not exercise every day. For example, they often eat only junk foods while playing, so they can become obese.

Besides that, players have weak muscles because they do not exercise continuously, so their physical condition decreases. Moreover, their visibility is reduced by the time they are exposed in front of TV. When competitors spend a lot of time playing interactive games, their eyesight is damaged; as a result, they might need glasses. If gamers’ visibility decreases they have terrible headaches every day; consequently, they do not can sleep efficiently.

The second disadvantage is that video games negatively affect the mental health of the people.

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Players can have a game addiction so they reduced contact with the environment. Playing electronic games loses the competitors interest in doing their daily activities such as hobbies or sports; thus, they do not perform outdoor activities. Furthermore, gamers’ attitude changes with the interactive games because they can be isolated, so they lack social interaction with their families and friends. Additionally, the children behavior can be affected by the excessive gaming because they do not difference between real life and in-game life.

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When a kid often plays video games, he wants to respond to any problem like his favorite character in the game, so this promotes his violence. Also, electronic games might produce mood swings in very young people; as a result, they have problems behavior in stress situation.

Finally, players are irresponsible because do not mind their duties. The students fail in the exams so they repeat the grade. If learners do not do their homework, they do not practice enough their classes; thus, they have a low mark in their test. Besides that, the pupils do not review the lessons because they prefer on-line activities; consequently, they do not study adequately. Moreover, workers fail in their jobs. The gamers become disorganized with their jobs because they do not sleep sufficient by gaming; then, they lost their employment. Not only that, player is unable to concentrate on their work because he is thinking about interactive games all day, so he do not satisfy company expectations.

In conclusion, playing video games has several important drawbacks. They are decreased physical condition, play compulsively, isolating, and feckless. Parents should be more careful with the time their children are exposed to electronic games, and adults should try to maintain an active social life.

Updated: Aug 12, 2021
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Disadvantages of Playing Video Games. (2016, Dec 29). Retrieved from https://studymoose.com/disadvantages-of-playing-video-games-essay

Disadvantages of Playing Video Games essay
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