Disadvantages of Human Cloning

Nowadays, Clone is a word that is heard throughout the world, especially the United States. Scientists have discovered a way to bring back extinct animals. Many people dream to extend a life time for their loves one and to be able to express their hidden feelings in their mind after their loved one has disappeared from their life. The idea that humans might someday be cloned in the future, but there is some scientific concern about cloning that may change the world forever.

Even though, scientists have discovered a way to bring back human life by Cloning but it’s not 100% sure that the scientist will lead to a successful cloning in the present and there are many disadvantages about cloning as well.

Many people have heard about cloning when Dolly the sheep have showed up on the screen since 1996. The process of scientists that worked hard since 1996 - 2003, Dolly the sheep has become the first successfully cloned mammal in early 1996, at the Roslin Institute in Scotland.

Dolly the sheep was cloned by Keith Campbell, a british cell biologist helped usher into being one of the most famous animals in creation (Margalit, 2012).

Keith Campbell born on May 23, 1954 in Birmingham.

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He is a professor of animal development at the University of Nottingham who was a member of the first cloned mammal team in 1996. In November 1999, Keith Campbell has become a professor of Animal development at the university of Nottingham. At the age of 58 professot Keith Campbell commit suicide by tying a belt sround his neck and hanged himself from a celling beam in his bedroom.

He died at the age of 58 in October 5, 2012. The process of Dolly the sheep contains a lot of process and time to succeed this project.

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Dolly the sheep Formerly known as “6LL3”. 6LL3 was a name given by one of the stockmen. Dolly the sheep birth was announced in February 1997. Presently, There are some questions from people around the world “why do scientists cloned?”. Nowadays, the main reasons for cloning can include replacing lost or dead family pets and increasing numbers of endangered or extinct animals. Currently, the new cloning technologies have sparked many ethical debates among scientists, politicians and the general public (Craig, 2019). The first study of cloning took place in 1885, when Hans Adolf Eduard Driesch the German scientists were able to create a twin salamanders by dividing an embryo according to the genetic science learning center. Since the experiment of Hans Driesch has reached success there have been many breakthroughs in cloning since then. Cloning can be useful for future clinical trials and medical research.

“Clone” is an exact genetic copy of an organism, that may be naturally occurring or created in the lab. Some people may think about cloning of living things. In fact, there are three types of cloning processes used in laboratories which is molecular cloning, living cloning and healing cloning. Firstly, Molecular cloning or also called gene cloning will focus on making an identical copy of DNA molecules in the chromosomes. Secondly, cloning of organisms, also known as reproductive cloning, will involve the reproduction of a whole set of organisms, such as bacteria and some other plants, creating genetic offspring with parents. Finally, Therapeutic Cloning, will involve the production of stem cells by involving the cloning of human embryos, but in this process sometimes those embryos are eventually destroyed in this process. It’s true that cloning is a new science technology that develop our resources, but there are risks of cloning as well. There are some groups of people around the world that are interested in Cloning but some groups of people are concerned that cloning will upset the nature and the course of evolution. After the process of cloning Dolly the sheep by scientists in Scotland in 1996, several other mammals have been cloned, including dogs, cats and pigs. Most people have a limited understanding as to what cloning actually is, some think that cloning was about creating a genetic copy of the animal species, but cloning is even more complicated. There are many Negative impact about cloning that cause an animal to suffer lost or extinction of species, such as dolly the sheep she had a progressive lung disease and severe arthritis. Some people think that if there is a scientific error in the experiment of a scientists it may cause a huge problem for the entire planet, it may cause mutation among humans and organisms that can change the world.

Although, Cloning is something new, but there are still many disadvantages about cloning as well. First, let’s take a look at the advantages of cloning. Some said that Cloning can be used for clinical trials and medical research. Which it may be possible that cloning can be used in medical profession It could extend most of the human and animal life capabilities. A large number of people around the world believe that cloning can be very useful in the future if the scientists found a way to succeed in the experiment.


  • https://learn.genetics.utah.edu/content/cloning/
Updated: Sep 26, 2024
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