Societal Factors and Deviant Behavior: A Comprehensive Analysis

Categories: Behavior

Durkheim, Merton, and Hirschi all focus on the societal factors that lead to criminal behavior. Durkheim argues that actions are deemed criminal when they contradict societal values. Merton suggests that a scarcity of opportunities for financial success drives individuals towards deviant behavior in a society that prioritizes wealth. Hirschi emphasizes the significance of social relationships in molding behavior and promoting adherence to laws.

According to him, four key factors influence a person's likelihood of engaging in deviant behavior: attachment to others, commitment to conformity, involvement in conventional activities, and belief in the moral validity of social rules.

Having these traits increases the chances of making beneficial contributions to society. Sociologists suggest methods of neutralization as ways individuals justify participating in deviant behaviors, including denying responsibility, denying harm, denying the victim, criticizing authority figures, and appealing to higher principles of authority.

One theory, the labeling theory, proposes that individuals commit secondary deviant acts after being labeled as deviant by society. However, a drawback of this theory is its failure to explain the initial deviant act.

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While each mentioned theory provides valid explanations for deviant behavior, none can be deemed completely accurate. For example, although the mesomorphic body type may be linked to aggression, it is not the only factor influencing deviant behavior, demonstrating that biological theory alone cannot offer a complete explanation.

Psychological theories suggest that certain mental disorders can increase the chances of engaging in deviant behavior, but with support and medication, these tendencies can be controlled. Sociological theories emphasize the influence of upbringing and environment on behavior, indicating that individuals from various backgrounds may exhibit deviant behaviors.

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Furthermore, what are the common types of crime seen in the United States?

In the United States, there are four primary types of crime: violent crime (such as murder and assault), property crime (including car theft and burglary), embezzlement, and public drunkenness. Violent crimes often result in lengthy prison terms, but fortunately, the rates of these offenses have been decreasing. Property crimes make up 75% of all criminal activities in the US.

The FBI categorizes white-collar crimes as involving deceit, concealment, or a violation of trust, exemplified by cases like Bernie Madoff and Enron. In contrast, victimless crimes such as prostitution and drug use are illegal but do not have a direct victim; some argue that the person committing the crime ultimately suffers from their actions.

The effectiveness of the court and prison system varies in different aspects. Out of the four major goals of prison, only two are deemed effective. One successful goal is the separation of criminals from society, achieved by physically removing them from public spaces and confining them within high fences, guarded towers, and secure brick buildings. However, this separation often results in criminals interacting with other offenders, leading to further criminal knowledge exchange.

The second effective goal is that prison serves as a legitimate punishment for criminal behavior. Some may view being in prison as a mental and physical torment, being confined in a small cell with a barred door and no windows, with no possibility of escape. However, for others, prison may lead to a transformation due to the theories of deviance, where it helps individuals with psychological issues conform and eventually find enjoyment in what was previously unattainable.

Furthermore, many offenders tend to socialize with other offenders and maintain ties to their usual surroundings even while incarcerated. The remaining two primary aims of correctional institutions are generally not achieved. The second objective is to deter criminal behavior, but evidence shows this objective is seldom accomplished. If incarceration truly served as an effective deterrent, our crime rate would be reduced. When individuals perceive that the rewards of committing crimes outweigh the potential repercussions, they are more inclined to participate in unlawful behaviors. Ultimately, prisons strive to assist in the process of rehabilitation.

The facts are concrete when showing that prison and the programs within have minimal success rates. My personal observations over the past two weeks concur with the facts. I would estimate that close to ninety percent of the inmates who are in here for drug and alcohol related offenses talk about getting high or drunk on the day they are released, and with fellow inmates. The inmates who are guilty of burglary or robbery and other related offenses admit that they don’t know any other way of life, and that they will continue their criminal ways when released.

While a perfect society free of deviant behavior may never exist, there are ways for us to gain a deeper understanding of its causes and work towards prevention. The prison system is innovating new programs to assist addicts, alcoholics, and criminals in transitioning to a more positive path. It is unlikely that there is a single explanation for deviance, but with continued progress, we can hope to decrease its prevalence.

Updated: Feb 21, 2024
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Societal Factors and Deviant Behavior: A Comprehensive Analysis essay
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