Deductive and Inductive Arguments in Logic

Categories: ArgumentsMeaning

All arguments must involve at least two components, logic and rhetoric. Logic is concerning reasonable facts that don’t appeal to one's emotions. Logic must be valid to anyone no matter who or where someone is, it cannot be opinionated or bias. Logic is just one component of an argument. An argument is one trying to get others to agree with a person's beliefs. There are two primary forms of logical arguments, one being deductive arguments and the other being inductive arguments.

A deductive argument must have true premises to as well, make the conclusion true. When using the form of deductive arguments, one must be sure to have a guaranteed truth. Although the argument may be valid, the conclusion can in fact, be wrong. While using deductive arguments the form of the argument must be correct as well, however, it can still be false. The premises, meaning the initial statements, must be true for the conclusion to be accurate as well.

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To make a deductive argument proper, the premises must be known before the deductive argument is stated. In some cases, the premises may not be true therefore the argument does not prove to be correct. When conducting a deductive argument one should ask “Are these premises true?” and “Is the argument valid?” as shown on page 25. In some cases, one must consider rhetorical too. In most cases, of deductive reasoning, one must use their own knowledge and knowledge to understand whether or not an argument is valid or invalid.

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Inductive arguments are much different than deductive arguments, but that does not mean they don’t matter or are any less relevant. Unlike inductive, inductive arguments include more than just the premises. When applying inductive arguments, the premises may be true but the conclusion can, in fact, be false. Inductive arguments may not always be true, this argument is an educated guess on what the conclusion may be. This is also known as the hypothesis, with this being an educated guess, it may be proven wrong by a counterexample. Since inductive arguments are not guaranteed to be correct, there is always a chance of a counterexample. There is often no evidence in the hypothesis but rather, it comes from the hypothesis. However, these inductive arguments cannot be completely lacking knowledge, they must always be assumed before the argument is given.

Logic contains the reason, not involving one's opinions or emotions. Inductive and deductive arguments are forms of logical arguments. Deductive arguments refer to ones reason and accepting the premises. Inductive reason refers more to general statements rather than reason. This does not mean that one is more powerful than the other, they are equally important. A deductive arguments premise must be true in order for the conclusion to be true as well. When using an inductive argument it may not always be true, it is based on generalization. Deductive and Inductive arguments are the two primary forms of a logical argument.

Updated: Mar 05, 2021
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Deductive and Inductive Arguments in Logic essay
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