Cooking and Technical Reasoning

Categories: Cooking

How I Use First, Use as Needed, or Avoid Sequence (Write a paragraph of four to five sentences describing the degree to which you use this Pattern. ) I use first in this sequence. I use this at work a lot since I work in a restaurant. I have to think how I'm going to execute a dinner night and think how we are going to serve all the hungry people. I have to use a clear head or everything gets screwed up and looks like a mess when presenting the food to them.

C. How I Use First, Use as Needed, or Avoid Precision.

(Write a paragraph of four to five sentences describing the degree to which you use this Pattern. ) I use first in precision. I ask a lot of questions to the person in charge of the dinner, how would they want the meats (proteins) cooked, how many people are attending the dinner, and what is the theme about.

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I also read a lot of cook books for different versions on how to cook with different styles. The books also give me facts about the style I'm cooking. I write down some information I will need to execute the theme dinner.

How I Use First, Use as Needed, or Avoid Technical Reasoning (Write a paragraph of four to five sentences describing the degree to which you use this Pattern. ) I use first in technical reasoning. I work a lot with my hands and I prep everything with my crew.

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I make sure if I don't know something I make sure I learn it hands on. Reading sometimes gets a little to boring so I get the experience by doing it. I set up a plan to execute the dinner and organize all the thing in categories. E.

How I Use First, Use as Needed, or Avoid Confluence(Write a paragraph of four to five sentences describing the degree to which you use this Pattern. )I use as needed in this part. I can also use first here at work because I do think of ideas for work at home. I think a lot of things to do different when I'm relaxing at Modified 10/29/13 home. I bring my ideas and set ups to work the next day. Most of the time me and the owners agree to use the idea or set up for that dinner. Modified 10/29/13.

Updated: Oct 10, 2024
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