The concept of sustainable construction

Categories: Construction

Sustainable construction involves developing solutions which are sustainable for the residential and non-residential buildings and infrastructure. The concepts primarily entails considering the safety and health of the people and the environment when constructing the building or the structure. This can primarily be achieved through reduction of water and air pollution, efficient energy usage, reusing old buildings, building flexible buildings, using local materials and many others (Class notes).

To businesses, the concept involves utilizing the available resources efficiently to increase profitability and securing the opportunities which provide sustainable methods of working and products (European commission 2009).

In making sustainable construction profitable, the procurement and supply sections are critical. Procurement and supply sections are responsible for purchasing and delivering the building materials, components and services. These sections are essential in ensuring that the materials used are locally made and are of low energy content.

Sustainable construction can be achieved through integration of supply and procurement and by encouraging people to be committed to the construction.

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To add to that reduction of waste at the construction site is important for sustainable construction (Graham 2004). Re-using waste materials reduces wastage and at the same time saves money. Furthermore, minimizing water usage is important for a profitable sustainable construction. Water is essential in the construction process and in maintaining the building.

Through proper utilization of water the environment is preserved. However, to ensure minimum water utilization, people need to change their attitude towards the environment. Changing the attitude of a person is a slow process thereby requiring more time.

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Additionally, sustainable construction involves preventing water and air pollution (Graham, 2004). Pollution affects the environment and people adversely. In preventing pollution, the adoption of new materials, equipments and methods which are environmental friendly is a necessity.

New training is essential to ensure that the new equipment and materials are installed properly and maintained. However, new training means more cost as construction companies will be required to invest more funds in training their employees. The building or structure designs are important for a sustainable construction. A good design ensures that infrastructure and buildings built suit their purposes, utilize the resources efficiently, and are sustainable and adaptable (Department for business innovation and skills 2009).

A well designed building has low energy consumption thereby preserving the environment and ensuring sustainability of the construction. In addition to that, good designs are synonymous with flexible buildings which are helpful in assuring a sustainable construction since they can be used for several purposes thereby saving space and money. However, good designs are costly and thus most individuals may not prefer them. Most people prefer saving money and will therefore construct buildings which cost them minimum.

Moreover, utilizing private cars to the minimum can be useful in ensuring a profitable sustainable construction (Class notes). Private cars have low capacity and hence can carry few construction materials and few passengers. In addition to that they pollute the environment extensively. Public transport should be utilized more as it saves energy and has a larger capacity. In ensuring minimum use of private cars individuals need to change their attitudes and behaviors. Changing a behavior or an attitude is difficult thereby requiring time.

In conclusion, in delivering a sustainable construction the effort from all individuals involved in procuring, constructing and in maintaining the building or the structure are essential. A sustainable construction cannot be achieved individually but through a combined effort. People need to change their attitudes and be prepared to spend more money. Additionally, people should invest their time to ensure a profitable sustainable construction is achieved on time.

Reference list

Class notes. Sustainable construction. Department for business innovation and skills 2009. Sustainable construction. Retrieved June 26, 2009 from

Updated: Jun 05, 2020
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The concept of sustainable construction. (2020, Jun 02). Retrieved from

The concept of sustainable construction essay
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