LC Big Mak Burger: A Journey to Success

Categories: Company

For every story of triumph and success there’s always a powerful belief: “To accomplish great things, one must not only dream,, but also act, not only plan but also believe” – There once a couple who have dreamt big and believed anything is possible, with one grinder and pieces of margarine cap used as pattern for making patties and with hard work and faith in God- the key ingredients of which lead us to this success story.

In 1980, Mr. Francis Bulado Dy, a native from Mauban, Quezon after being married to Ms.

Edna Beltran Aycardo had started their married life in the island of Burdeos, Quezon, the hometown of Ms. Edna Aycardo. Having a cliché in business that runs through their blood, the couple had continue the established business of Ms. Edna Aycardo when she is still single the ENJ Merchandising.

The business is basically into retailing and wholesaling business of food commodities, household needs, hardware which includes a small pharmacy, as Mrs.

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Edna Dy being a licensed pharmacist. In 1982, as an added business in the island and Mr. Francis Dy’s background to this field of the business, Pacific Copra Trading was formed. The copra dealership business has currently three (3) branches on Polilio, Mauban and Burdeos, Quezon.

In 1984, having gifted with business acumen certainly had not stopped them from venturing into other business. When they transferred residence to Lucena City, Quezon for the education of their eldest son, Mark Francis Dy, they wanted to start another business venture in line with food.

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As currently a fad or food craze at that time, business relating to burgers and hotdogs sandwiches is what they wanted to go into business next. Mr. Francis Dy likes to formulate his own products that would look more competitive and desirable to meticulous sandwich aficionados and will excel in taste. Firstly, he must create a good business name.

The supposed company name must have a name recall that people can easily remember. He wanted the corporate name to be common and certainly related to the nature of business. As creative as he is, he was able to create an appropriate and eyecatching company name. The LC. BIG MAK BURGER was born. The name was derived from Mr. Francis DY’s parents name, Maxima And Kimsuy, and added the word BIG which connotes big buns and patties. To distinguish the origin or home of the business, which is in Lucena City, the word, L.C. was added. BURGER signifies the products being sold.

On November 8, 1984, they established the very first van outlet located at Quezon Avenue corner Rizal Street in Lucena City. The second van outlet was launched on February 17, 1985, which was positioned at Quezon Avenue corner MS Enverga Street, 400 meters away from the first van. LC Big Mak Burger then chained to Gumaca, Batangas and as far as Bicol region. There is a need to have some changes and improvement on the production and the company started to hire food consultants and technologists to make sure that the taste suits the customers. It was successful, as sales have doubled.

On March 18, 1988, after more or less four (4) years of hardship and sacrifices came the inauguration and blessing of a newly constructed Big Mak U-shaped building. This building became the new office and production area. At this time, the LC Big Mak Burger, Inc. had thirty (30) outlets that served the public from Lucena City to San Pablo and other various towns of Quezon, Batangas, Laguna and and eventually had gone up to more than 100 outlets in Calabarzon areas. Starting the year 1988 and for the succeeding next five (5) years, LC Big Mak Burger, Inc. ventured into more branches in Metro Manila and nearby towns of Cavite, Rizal and Bulacan.

Neopolitan areas covered more than 50 outlets. Going to the North up to Tarlac, La Union and Ilocos. Expansion has widespread that it covered sideways of the eastern part of Luzon to Isabela and Cagayan. Total outlets established were more than 200 outlets. Within these five (5) years of operation, LC Big Mak Burger, Inc. has covered the entire Luzon. These expansion programs were
brought rapidly by the profitable venture and increased sales. The company acquired properties in Tarlac, Isabela and in Quezon City, which housed the branch offices, bakeries and depots. Several food centers were also opened on these periods.

During the same period, due to the continuing expansion coverage of area of operation, the demands for additional delivery and transport service was needed. The management created a trucking and motor pool service to support its operation, thus the MDL Trucking Services (which was named after their 3 children, Mark, Dave & Lei) was created.

In 1995, Due to the continued volume sales and demand, the company required to put up a much bigger manufacturing plant that could produce higher volume quantity. The construction of the manufacturing plant started and the plant was named Southern Processing Corporation (SPC). It was inaugurated on February 18. 1996. The management acquired modern equipments, tools and other machineries which will make the production much faster and efficient so as to sustain our inflating product demand.

Aside from the productions intended for L.C. Big Mak Burger, Inc. consumption, the plant also serves the public by creating a sales arm called the Southern Delights. It has wide varieties of meat products from siopao, siomai, lucban longganisa, ham, bacon, and different kinds of hotdogs, beef patties, tocino, corned beef, tapa and other cold cuts.

LC Big Mak Burger, Inc. started to hire additional qualified staff mostly in 1995. This is in preparation for the expansion program that will be launched starting 1996. With the modern facilities of the plant, the company can now expand down to the Southern part of the Philippines – Visayas islands.

Thus, in 1997 the company expands initially to Cebu City with 50 outlets, followed by the expansion at Tacloban City with another 50 outlets and lastly in Dumaguete City, Negros Oriental with another 50 outlets. The company acquired properties in Tacloban and Cebu.

During the same period, they have also created the BIGMAK Catering Services. As the demand grew and the couples fashion for food, service and untiring innovations they have decided to expand and start a new business, thus a banquet hall named Queen Margarette Court was established. It would cater and service the needs for events, functions, conventions, celebrations and other type of affairs not only to public demands but also its own conglomerate’s affairs. The Court got the public’s approval as shown by its fully booked listings. It had initially 3 big and 3 mini functions rooms with modern facilities and amenities.

Likewise, a manpower agency was opened to primarily hire crews, staffs and personnel for the existing businesses. It was opened to serve the needs of the company and later served also the public as well. The demands were high that another two (2) companies were created, one is the Gain Manpower Services and another after which was created, the CARES. These are all manpower and placement agencies.

As an added expansion, it was on 1999 Queen Margarette Hotel was inaugurated. It has 43 air conditioned suites and rooms with modern amenities such as pool, mini bar, Jacuzzi and other facilities of a modern hotel. It was tagged as the Best and the Finest in the Southern Tagalog region. Currently, there are a total of 65 rooms at the hotel or an addition of 12 luxurious rooms on the third floor.

The fourth floor hosts four (4) additional function rooms which houses conference rooms for conventions and meetings, other functions and various hotel facilities & other services. Also in 2002, several businesses relating companies where built to make the mother business operates smoothly and to make other existing companies benefit from the facilities it offers.

The Pacific Ocean Transport Corporation was inaugurated in February 18, 2002, as its two cargo lines MV Emerald and MV Little Mermaid are shipping to and from Polillo, Mauban & Burdeos transporting copra and other selling merchandises. It helped the existing Pacific Copra Trading and the ENJ Mega Store expand rapidly due to accessibility provided by the shipping business. From there on to the present, there were various developments and enormous progress that have had happened to the company. A lot of improvements were done. Currently, there are 12 branch offices nationwide under company owned properties.

On 2009, Southern Swine Paradise & Farm, Inc. was blessed and inaugurated. Its business is engaged on raising swine, hogs and other poultry and domestic animals for the purpose of supplying meat needs to local consumers.

For more than two decades, LC. BIGMAK BURGERS INC. had been in the food service by providing the Filipino people with high quality, great-tasting and affordable products all over the country. It has over 800 outlets nationwide. It continuously grows as like the sandwich in infinite in number sold as it has been miraculously and continuously patronized by local consumers. The blessings of God are like showers from heaven that falls to the couple. They have been chosen by God to share these blessings to a lot of people. These blessings should be shared and not to be wasted to a haste. Let us all be thankful to HIM for all these graces.

We can achieve our vision through:
1. BOUNDLESS TERRITORY – we intend to expand our business in areas which we think is viable to the company. We recognize no limits in boundaries. Our priority is to penetrate the whole Philippines and finally we can tap the global market.

2. EXCELLENT VALUE FOR CUSTOMERS – we view our customers as our most important corporate assets. They are the essence of our being in existence. They deserve only the best value we can give. A combination of quality product, reasonable price, convenient, fast and friendly service. We believe
that creating value for our customers is the best way to create value for the corporation. By providing only the best for our customers, L.C. Big Mak Burger, Inc. is destined to be recognized as one of the leaders in the food chain industry. 3. SOCIAL ACCOUNTABILITY – L.C. Big Mak Burger, Inc. recognizes its responsibility to society. Its business, activities and policies are aligned with that of government institutions. It support government programs on nation building and economic progress. Likewise, L.C. Big Mak Burger, Inc. shares its blessings with the Filipino people through its community outreach program.

4. TOP QUALITY PEOPLE – L.C. Big Mak Burger, Inc. employs only the top quality people. There is no compromise for mediocrity. We regard our highly qualified employees as our most valuable resources. Without them, we will not be able to reach our objectives. In return we would like to make all employees feel secure in their jobs, to promote their total welfare and to ensure their growth both as a professional and as a person. We hope to achieve this by providing them with healthy working environment, professional organizational mechanism, as well as above average wage and benefits compensation packages.

Updated: Nov 30, 2023
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LC Big Mak Burger: A Journey to Success. (2016, May 20). Retrieved from

LC Big Mak Burger: A Journey to Success essay
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