Challenges Facing Estate Surveying in Nigeria

The obstacles facing Estate Surveying and Appraisal professional practice in Nigeria Experts in the building market have listed some elements bedeviling Estate Surveying and Assessment Occupation in the country. They consist of:

  1. bad remuneration,
  2. quackery,
  3. rigid legislation,
  4. absence of training and
  5. falling requirements of valuation practice.

According to Solanke (2010 ), mentioned that poor quality service, outdated scale of fees and unhealthy competitions are a few of the major difficulties of the professionals in the industry. Professor Solanke was of the view that poor quality service will sustain the disrespect of the society on the professionals and also lead to non-payment of professional costs including threat on the continued presence of the occupation.

In the same vein, he associated unhealthy competition among professionals in the sector in spite of clear requirements of professional roles to absence of vision by the practioners.

He nevertheless, utilized the justifications to canvass for the regrowth and restoration of professional ethics regarding enhance the practice of estate surveying noting that the future of the sectors is the future of the specialists.

Ojo (2004) observed that Nigerian Estate Surveyors and Valuers have been rather sluggish and lukewarm in their mindset and approach to the required precision modifications in assessment practice thus resulting into grievances from customers about evaluation price quotes.

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According to Dr. Olawande Oni in a paper entitled "Difficulties Dealing with Surveying and Appraisal Occupation on the Worldwide Setting"- he observed that the challenges challenging evaluation profession around the world are adjoined. He firmly insists that competition for work, compliance with complex and rigid standards of experts practice within extreme environment, keeping abreast of the vibrant and altering environment of appraisal practice, bad compensation and handling strict legislation are some of the issues facing the practitioners all over the world.

Some of the laws include the Land Use Charge Law 2001 in Lagos State and perceived threat from Economic and Financial Crimes Commission (EFCC) and money laundering Act.

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The greatest challenge to the profession is the EFCC Act, Sections 17, 18 and 24 which put the onus on an Estate Surveyor to prove that he/she is not aware of concealment, removal of jurisdiction, transfer to nominees or otherwise retains the control of a proceed of a criminal conduct or illegal act on behalf of his principal.

It also provides that a person knowing that any property in whole or part directly or indirectly represents another person’s proceeds of a criminal conduct and uses that property or has possession of it, commits an offence and is liable on conviction to imprisonment for a term not less than five years or fine equivalent to five times the value of the proceed of the criminal conduct. This implies that Estate Surveyors must be vigilant and investigate all instructions that they secure as illegal money being diverted into real estate investment. On the training of practitioners, the replacement of the syllabi adopted by some of the institutions of high learning offering estate management with modern ones saying that they are outdated and quality of graduates is questionable.

The Way Forward for the Estate Surveying and Valuation Profession in Nigeria There is the need to ensure the training of more Estate Surveyors so that there can be enough practitioners for adequate coverage of the country. It is by so doing that the “quacks” can be flushed out of business. A situation where estate surveying and valuation firms shy away from the rural areas of the country, where the greater members of the society resides with the greater land mass is not acceptable. Nigerian Institution of Estate Surveyors and Valuers (NIESV) and Estate Surveyors and Valuers Registration Board of Nigeria (ESVARBON) need to educate members and encourage Institutions offering estate management courses to harp on the potentials in rural estate agency.

Secondly, the Nigerian Institution of Estate Surveyors and Valuers (NIESV) and Estate Surveyors and Valuers Registration Board of Nigeria (ESVARBON) in partnership with Universities offering estate management courses in Nigeria, need to ensure the running of designated specialist courses in the valuation of specialized buildings, plant and machinery valuation as well as the use of ICT in real estate activities. Experts in relation to particular areas within the profession should be those whose qualifications and experience stand them out.

Thirdly, the profession cannot continue to allow most firms to run on sole proprietorship. Groups of existing firms should be encouraged to merge and form partnerships for the purpose of exploiting the growth opportunities in the real estate business. By so doing, such groups would have the capacity to penetrate the market effectively as per their collective knowledge, skill, experience and social leanings thereby checkmating the invasion of the industry by quacks.


  1. Isaac, N. (2010, 08 07). The Tide. Retrieved 01 27, 2013, from
  2. Okwy, I. C. (2012, 10 2). Estate Surveyors identify barriers to practice. Retrieved 01 27, 2013, from The Nation:
  3. Oloyede, S. (2011). Issues facing the Estate Surveying and Valuation Profession in Nigeria. Business Management Dynamics, 54-60.
Updated: Feb 22, 2021
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Challenges Facing Estate Surveying in Nigeria essay
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