Promoting Physical Development in Children

Categories: Goals In Life

Competency Statement 2 by Karronda Jackson

To advance physical and intellectual competence:

To advance physical and intellectual competence I provide various amounts of equipment and activities that help promote the physical development of children I do this by offering activities that will allow children to use their small muscles and large muscles. Children need these types of activities so they can become familiar about how to use their muscles and develop body strength. Activities such as jumping, running, and balancing themselves will help them gain strength in the lower parts of their bodies.

These activities allow them to work on their gross motor skills.

Activities such as painting, puzzles, writing, and coloring allow them to use their fine motor skills. I try to encourage children to use their cognitive skills. I do this by having the children think about how to solve problems rather than simply asking questions and receiving an answer. For example, children asked “What happens if we bring a grasshopper into the classroom? ” The children brought a grasshopper into a classroom to see if it would hop around, make noise, move, or stay still.

Then the children and I discussed why it moved or didn’t move.

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I keep activities interesting so that the children will want to learn and use their minds. In the classroom cognitive skills are used on a daily basis. I encourage children to be creative. To me, children should have access to materials such as markers, crayons, paint, pencils, and paper.

Having these materials available will allow them to explore and be creative.

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I play music and also sometimes play music in different languages. Playing music encourages them to dance and that is a way for children to use their gross motor skills.

Updated: Mar 22, 2023
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Promoting Physical Development in Children. (2020, Jun 01). Retrieved from

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