The Complex Causes of Prostitution: A Societal Dilemma

Social issues have been present since the early days of human existence, and they continue to evolve and multiply. Addressing each of these issues individually rather than as a whole may be the most effective approach to tackling them. Among the numerous societal concerns, one of the most contentious and often taboo topics is prostitution, which is considered one of the oldest professions practiced by humans. Prostitution involves engaging in sexual activities in exchange for financial gain, and it has been the subject of ongoing debate regarding its legalization worldwide.

The societal impacts of prostitution are significant and detrimental, making a compelling case for its abolition. To comprehensively address this issue, it is imperative to dissect and clearly expose the underlying causes that contribute to its proliferation. Prostitution's expansion can be attributed to various factors related to the psychological, economic, and social aspects of the individuals involved.

The Psychological Factors

Psychological factors play a crucial role in predisposing individuals to engage in prostitution.

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Notably, sexual aggression has become increasingly prevalent in society and is linked to the growth of prostitution. Studies by O’Neill (2001) reveal that many adolescent girls have experienced physical violence and coercive behavior, either from strangers or acquaintances, which has driven them into prostitution as a means to regain a sense of trust and self-assurance (O’Neill, 2001, pp. 91-93).

Additionally, research conducted by Crowley highlights that 85% of young prostitutes have experienced the absence of one or both parents throughout their childhood, resulting in a profound lack of care and affection.

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These individuals often turn to prostitution in an attempt to compensate for the emotional void created by their tumultuous upbringing (Flowers, 1998, p. 83).

Childhood experiences and early life events hold significant sway over an individual's psychological well-being. The fragility of infancy and its susceptibility to even minor adverse events make it a pivotal period in a person's life (Flowers, 1998).

Furthermore, prostitution is frequently seen as an outlet for individuals with inherent low self-esteem and a persistent feeling of male dominance. Freud's insights suggest that women engaged in prostitution often exhibit a fundamental lack of self-confidence, feeling continuously subjugated by men (Flowers, 1998, p. 24). For many of these women, prostitution becomes a refuge, providing a sense of control and self-sufficiency in a world where they otherwise feel powerless.

In some cases, prostitution may also be linked to genetically inherited mental disorders. Research has indicated that prostitutes often suffer from severe mental illnesses, which can lead to enduring psychological disorders like schizophrenia, frequently culminating in tragic outcomes, including suicide (Flowers, 1998, pp. 24, 28-29).

The Economic Factors

Prostitution is not solely a consequence of psychological factors; economic conditions can also be significant contributors. For many individuals, especially those facing dire economic circumstances, prostitution becomes the only viable option.

Farley (1994) asserts that "for women, prostitution is not about sex but about survival" (Farley, 1994, p. 14). Homelessness is a common predicament faced by individuals who turn to prostitution, as they exchange sexual services for money and, oftentimes, shelter. Approximately 120,000 prostitutes are trafficked to Europe annually, with a majority hailing from impoverished regions like the former Soviet Union, including Russia and the Baltic countries (Hagstedt, Korsell, & Skagerö, 2009, p. 166).

Prostitution becomes an enticing prospect for women from economically disadvantaged backgrounds, as it offers the promise of improved financial circumstances. Research conducted by Young, Boyd, & Hubbell (2000) indicates that a significant number of these women are driven to prostitution by the urgent need to support drug addictions. These individuals, lacking adequate financial resources, often resort to prostitution to fund their substance abuse habits, even enduring violence to secure the necessary funds (Young, Boyd, & Hubbell, 2000, pp. 789-790, 796-797).

Drug addiction creates a vicious cycle, as addicts become increasingly dependent on drugs, necessitating higher expenditures. This escalating need for money drives them deeper into prostitution, where they are willing to endure violence and degradation to obtain their drugs and fuel their addiction (Young, Boyd, & Hubbell, 2000, p. 795).

In addition to drug-related economic factors, individuals who lack self-confidence and job opportunities may see prostitution as a practical option. Many women who enter prostitution do so because they believe their weak personalities and limited authority make it nearly impossible to secure alternative employment. Young, Boyd, & Hubbell's research (2000) reveals that the majority of these women are single mothers with little education or employment prospects, leading them to perceive prostitution as the most viable means of financial support (Young, Boyd, & Hubbell, 2000, pp. 793, 797).

The Social Factors

Prostitution's proliferation is not solely dependent on individual psychological and economic factors; it is also heavily influenced by the surrounding social environment. The demand for sexual services, driven by societal attitudes and norms, is a significant factor in the perpetuation of prostitution.

It is crucial to acknowledge that the individuals purchasing sexual services are integral to the existence of prostitution. High demand for such services fuels the industry, leading prostitutes to continue in their "profitable" profession. Factors contributing to the demand for sex services include shyness, physical limitations, impatience, the young age of the prostitute, and a sense of control among clients (Hagstedt, Korsell, & Skagerö, 2009, pp. 175-181).

Several network factors also facilitate human trafficking and the solicitation of sexual services. Taxi drivers, hotels, pubs, and restaurants are among the businesses and individuals involved in this network. Taxi drivers, for instance, may receive specific instructions to transport potential clients to pubs or establishments where they are likely to encounter prostitutes (Hagstedt, Korsell, & Skagerö, 2009, pp. 166, 174, 188, 192-193).

Moreover, individuals are often susceptible to peer pressure and influence from their immediate environment, which can significantly impact their perceptions and behaviors. Discovering that a seemingly trustworthy boyfriend is, in fact, a pimp attempting to coerce them into prostitution is a common experience among sex workers (O’Neill, 2001, p. 79-84).

Additionally, the absence of parental care during childhood can significantly increase the likelihood of a person entering prostitution. Individuals who have spent their formative years in care institutions are particularly vulnerable, as they lack the guidance and support of their parents (O’Neill, 2001, p. 118).

Decriminalization of prostitution also contributes to its growth, as it removes legal barriers and allows pimps and prostitutes to operate with greater freedom. Gangoli (1998) argues that decriminalization simplifies the work of pimps and prostitutes by eliminating police scrutiny and oversight (Gangoli, 1998, p. 505).

Furthermore, capitalist systems, in contrast to communist ones, can make the eradication of prostitution challenging. In capitalist societies, business is highly unrestricted and can operate without boundaries, making it difficult to regulate and curtail the sex trade (Davis, 1937, p. 752).

While these economic and social factors play a significant role in fostering prostitution, it is essential to recognize that no single factor is solely responsible. As Davis (1937) astutely observes, "any particular person's connection with prostitution is a result of his or her unique life-history, into which an infinite variety of strands, some economic and some not economic, are woven" (Davis, 1937, p. 750).


In conclusion, prostitution is a complex societal issue with far-reaching consequences that profoundly affect contemporary society. Its causes are multifaceted, stemming from psychological, economic, and social factors. While poverty is a leading driver of prostitution and can be addressed through targeted measures, changing individuals' deep-seated psychological convictions presents a more challenging hurdle.

Moreover, it is imperative to recognize the role played by individuals who purchase sexual services, as their demand perpetuates prostitution's existence, making it one of the most lucrative and perilous professions worldwide.

Efforts to address prostitution should not focus solely on its economic or social aspects; a comprehensive approach must encompass all facets of this complex issue. Ultimately, prostitution must be eradicated, and social measures should be implemented to prevent its legalization worldwide.

Updated: Jan 17, 2024
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The Complex Causes of Prostitution: A Societal Dilemma essay
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