The Evolution and Appeal of Carrots as a Fresh Vegetable

Categories: Carrot

Carrots is a root vegetable that originated in Afghanistan over 5000 years ago for there seeds and leaves. But today carrots are enjoyed for their fresh delicious flavours coming in all shapes and sizes in a variation of different colours like orange, red, yellow, purple, and white. Carrots can be purchased in all kinds of forms shredded, baby carrot, diced, sliced, regular size with leaf on or leaf off. Carrots can be stored in the fridge for up to 3 months but to prevent spoilage remove green leaves because the leaves draw moisture from the root causing carrots to dry out.

Also carrots should be stored away from apples because they give off ethylene gas which causes carrots to become bitter.

Purchasing carrots from the grocery store should be dried off if they are wet and tightly sealed in a plastic bag, what this does is it increases the nutrition value. Carrots contain B-carotene (a source of vitamin A), also it has fibres, anti-oxidants, minerals, calcium, potassium, magnesium, vitamins C,K and B6, also carrots helps improve eye sight, skin nourishment, hair growth, and reduces the risk of heart disease, and cancer.

Carrots have many alternative ways they can be used like chopped for mirepoix, blended for drinks, boiled for soups & stews, fried for stir fry, steamed for side dishes, gratered for carrot cake, beauty remedies for hair & skin, or simply eaten raw.

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There are many recipes for carrots like carrot cake, glazed carrots, or ginger carrot soup. References www. carrotmuseum. com. uk www. foodnetwork. com / www.

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Updated: Apr 29, 2023
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The Evolution and Appeal of Carrots as a Fresh Vegetable essay
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