Comprehensive BMW Showroom Sales and Services

The sales of the showroom would consist of selling BMW car-parts, vehicles and offering after sales service with vehicles like guarantees. This is a reason to why private limited businesses exist. Meaning offering a variety of services to customers. Marketing research helps to increase sales as the company serves the public so it would be vital to endeavour in feedback. BMW consistently offer questionnaires for customers or any setbacks they may have with their vehicles. Marketing has changed dramatically for the company as they look to more sufficient ways to advertise as they sponsor FI and great rugby events.

So marketing strategy is very vital as this would play in part to communicating with customers and also stakeholders who may want to invest inside the business.

This is a key business activity, as they would rely on sales and marketing strategy to maximise profits. For any business gaining profits is a high priority as the businesses look to gain as much profit as possible so the amount of sales made will determine how much profit they are making.

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If BMW were failing to meet sales targets they may incur in financial debts whether that is paying bills or suppliers. A way that businesses prevent this by happening is by marketing strategy so sales and marketing come hand in hand for the business making it a key activity.


Customers services have changed dramatically mostly because of great competition with rivals to offer their customers the best possible service. Business that want to become more successful will look at their customer's services and find ways to how they can improve them for the customers and keep them above rival services.

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All showrooms have located service point and also offer after sales support when ever need to customers. As from personally visiting the showroom they have much relevant information on all cars and even competitors vehicles as they said this would help the buyer have a much greater understanding of the BMW whole car itself. They offer many different types of guarantees to customers to all vehicles as they would be insured for a lengthy period where all damage costs are paid for.


Wages of the employees will not be a major issue on the business activity as the showroom will not have may people working their but would have to deal with wages on a weekly basis. But more importantly they would regularly look at their financial state with profit and loss and determine how well the showroom is doing and compared to other car showrooms. The m angers of the company would look in great detail to how they are doing and will come up with suggestions or ideas to the next meeting and see what can be done to be more successful. They may feel they have less staff and might want to employ more people during peak times or consequently sack un-productive employees.


Suppliers who may be situated nearby or quite far from the showroom will be involved in the business activity as it would be their duty to deliver all demanded goods on time to the showroom. The supplier would not have a direct involvement in business activity but would play a part in the showroom business. As goods arriving late will not only look bad for BMW but also the supplying company as BMW may want to find another more trustworthy company who will deliver goods on time.


The BMW showrooms would rely on the manufacturing process to help them in their activity. The showroom would almost dictate on the manufacturer as the amounts of cars produced by the processing company would determine how many cars they would have for sale. By this I mean if the manufacturing sector cannot deliver processed cars on a certain date to the showroom this may decrease expenditure by customers so the manufacturing process is vital for the company. As the manufactures would be indirectly involved in the business activity it would up to them to produce the vehicles for the showroom to sell them.


Employment would not be a major issue but staff meeting would be regularly be kept to have a better insight to what the employees think on how well the business is doing. As feedback would be vital from customers its just as important to gain information from inside the business. Their might be meeting from head managers from each showrooms where they would meet other showroom managers from across the UK where they might influence each other on different techniques and strategy's of vehicle selling. I personally think this is important as you cannot sell a product to which you are suited and you then find the public aren't. So gaining feedback would help the business come to a necessary compromise and help keep conflict at minimal.


Sponsorship events are a common in business activity as this would help build up a better name for the company and make the business more known to the outside public. BMW has sponsored various events and become a trend for the company. They have sponsored rugby and F1 racing events and other events that have through time become involved in the business activity.


BMW has minimal amounts of re-cycling needs as it is a showroom but will be involved on a daily basis. These may be throwing away un-wanted boxes from parts that may have been delivered to the store or it could be throwing away fax's that have been sent to the showroom by other companies. Building a good reputation for the company is vital so if the business shows they are environmentally friendly this would increase reputation.

This may result in more people interested to have a stake inside the business because how they are run or they are happy with the company reputations. So this becomes more and more important as the company would want to look better than rivals reputation wise so it really depends on what extent the business is going to go to build up a successful reputation that will have many positive attributes attached.


This activity takes place on a daily basis as this will help inform colleagues on any changes, it may be orders a supervisor gives to his staff who may work in a particular area of the retail outlet like the bred department. So this could be anything from instructions to a telling off that would be communicated face to face. These activities would help increase productivity levels, as feedback is a good way of sorting out small or big problems that may occur with workers or managers. So this generally helps keep the working atmosphere inside the business at a high. As co-op would not like their workers complaining or going on strike for various reasons as this would have disastrous effects on the business.


These activities are very important as this will help make or break a company. These activities may include advertising as Co-op do to some extent, offering Internet services like shopping on the web instead of visiting the store, sponsorship of local charities. External communication is vital to inform customers on new products & services to which they can buy. However, it may also be a telephone conversation with suppliers for ordering products or for an emergency if the shop were to run out of a certain selling product. This type of activity will help bring more customers into the shops, having all products delivered before opening times and keep the shop above rivals. This might not be done on a daily basis as the Co-op store is not very big in size but would be done to attract more customers in the Evington area.

Updated: Apr 29, 2023
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Comprehensive BMW Showroom Sales and Services essay
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