Benefits of electronic cigarettes

Electronic cigarettes, or e-cigarettes for short, are battery-powered devices filled with liquid nicotine that is dissolved in a solution of water and propylene glycol (Leader). Many of them look like real cigarettes, with a white cylindrical tube, brown filter, and red-glowing tip (Leader). There are many benefits to E-cigarette. For one, they are less harmful that traditional cigarettes. Also, they have been proving a better alternative than other methods for quitting smoking and are less addictive. This electronic cigarette is starting to become known all around.

Nicknamed the fake cigarette, started off in China in 2003, and rapidly spread around the world in popularity, mainly through the Internet, and more recently through shops as well. (Citation?) While they are similar in appearance to tobacco cigarettes, the user consumes fewer toxins in the form of vapor. It quickly appealed to the public as a new and healthy way of smoking in many ways. Countless smokers have tried many different method or techniques in hopes of putting down the smoke but failed.

That was the case until electronic cigarettes made their arrival.

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A survey carried out by University College London has found smokers are approximately 60% more likely to report succeeding quitting smoking if they use e-cigarettes than if they use willpower alone or nicotine replacement therapies such as patches or gum (Jean). The devices provide nicotine using a battery-powered heating element activated by suction to heat a nicotine solution and transform it into a vapor. (citation?) According to Robert West, by providing a vapor containing nicotine without tobacco combustion, e-cigarettes appear to reduce craving and withdrawal associated with abstinence in smokers while toxicity testing suggests that they are much safer to the user than ordinary cigarettes.

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With statistics like this, it clearly shows this product is a great alternative than other methods. Tobacco smoke contains chemicals that are harmful to both smokers and nonsmokers.

Breathing even a little tobacco smoke can be harmful. Of the more than 7,000 chemicals in tobacco smoke, at least two hundred and fifty are known to be harmful, including hydrogen cyanide, carbon monoxide, and ammonia. (Jean) Among those two hundred and fifty known harmful chemicals in tobacco smoke, at least 69 can cause cancer (McGill). When you take a good look at all the harmful chemicals you get with tobacco smoke, the argument of e-cigarettes being safer is easy to support. ( It sounds like you are contradicting yourself here.). A new study of the vapor produced by 12 brands of electronic cigarettes, (comma splice-You separate the subject from the verb.) reports that these products greatly reduce exposure to the harmful chemicals in tobacco cigarettes and that e-cigarettes, therefore, show promise as a harm reduction strategy for tobacco control. When you take into account the many benefits of electronic cigarette, I would defiantly say it’s the safer path.

Tabaco smoke posses its’ set of health risk, therefore, harmful chemicals should be avoided all together. However, with regards to the safety of electronic cigarettes compared to real ones, e-cigarettes are less injurious than the smoke from cigarettes. Thus, if a person switched from conventional cigarettes to ecigarettes the exposure to toxic chemicals and related adverse health effects would be reduced.

Works cited

  1. Francois, Jean. The electronic Cigarette. New Jersey: Publisher (what is the publishers name?), 2013.
  2. Natalie, McGill.The nation’s Health. Washington, DC: APHA, 2014
  3. West, Robert. The New Smoke. New York: The New York Times. 2014. Print.
Updated: Oct 19, 2022
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Benefits of electronic cigarettes. (2016, Apr 28). Retrieved from

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