Be Able To Improve Performance Through Reflective Practice

Categories: CommunicationLearning

Establish a process to evaluate the effectiveness of the plan Lifelong learning is a major part in growth and empowerment with a personalised action plan which is designed to help achieve your goals .The personal development plan should be regularly evaluated, actions agreed and changes made if required. As the plan develops the SMART model is ideal for ensuring goals and progresses are met. .

Be able to improve performance through reflective practice

Reflective practice is being self-aware, challenging and objective. It is also about recording and reviewing your learning and keeping track of your performance.

Reflective practice means that we learn by thinking about things that have happened to us and seeing them in a different way, which enables us to take some kind of action. There are different types of reflection. Below are some different models of theories of reflective practice. Top of FormBottom of FormEdgar Schon

Schon 1993 described reflection in two main ways: Reflection on action and Reflection in action.

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Reflection on action is looking back after the event and reflection in action is “happening” during the event. Schon, D. (1983) The Reflective Practitioner. London: Temple Smith Reflective practice can also be summarised as having three components Experiences that happen to us(DO)

The reflective process that enable the person to learn from their experiences(Review) The action taken that results from the reflection (Plan)

Gibbs Reflective cycle 198

Professor Graham Gibbs wrote a book called “Learning by Doing” in 1988

  • Using this model the first stage is-
  • Stage 1Description
  • When and where did this happen?
  • Who else was there?
  • What happened?
  • What did you do?
  • What did other people do?
  • What was the result of the situation?

Stage 2 Feelings/Thoughts

  • At this stage explore those things that were going on during the experience
  • How you were feeling when the event started?
  • What you were thinking about at the time?
  • How did it make you feel?
  • How did other people make you feel?
  • How did you feel about the outcome of the event?
  • What do you think about it now?

Stage 3 Evaluation

What was good about the experience and what was bad about the experience.

Or what did or didn’t go well.

Stage 4 Conclusion

How could the situation been more positive for everyone involved? If you were faced with the same situation again, what would you have done differently? What skills do you need to develop, so that you can handle this type of situation better?

Stage 5 Action

In this stage, you need to come up with a plan so that changes can be made.

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Once you have identified the areas you will work on, get them to commit to taking action and agree a date on which you can review progress.

All thou all three models are set out differently they all have the same underlying values, something has happened , think about what has happened and make of plan of action. Each model can be used for reflective practice.

Reflective practices is important to improve performance as involves looking at events that have happened, evaluating what has happened and then thinking it through. Evaluating the outcome and keeping records is a valuable tool to use to improve my practice. Reflective practice is important to improve the quality of care we provide and closes the gap between theory and practice. Some benefits of reflective practice are:

  • A better understanding of your work role
  • Improve professional judgement
  • Helps future planning
  • Improve quality and performance.

As the manager it is my role to use reflective practice to improve the performance of my team and encourage the staff to use reflection on a daily basis .Supervisions and appraisals are an opportunity to evaluate the staff performance, give feedback and set goals. This in turn can create a personal development plan, monitor throughout the year and keeping written records.

Feedback from others allows us to see things from another person’s point of view. Feedback can come from other professionals, colleges, management, service users with their feedback it allows us to reflect on our own practices and enhance our care services. If on reflection an area we think needs improving, you may want to undertake further training, change workplace policies and procedures or just change the way we deal with certain situations.

Schon, D. (1983) The Reflective Practitioner. London: Temple Smith by Doing 1988 htm

Updated: Jul 07, 2022
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