Gender Stereotyping of Modern Toys: Critical Analysis

Categories: Soap

In the short article "Toys" (1957 ), Roland Barthes declares that modern toys are conditions kids to gender roles they are anticipated to demonstrate. Barthes supports his claim by explaining that toys are imitations of everyday adult things and comparing these toys to a wood set of blocks that promotes imagination and toughness. His function is to raise awareness about the misconceptions of toys and the important things they represent in order to make people review the types of toys that are best for kid advancement.

The intended audience is probably people studying the topic of youth advancement and are well educated because of the more severe tone and use of complicated words; parents might likewise have an interest in the short article.

In the article "Photography and Electoral Appeal" (1957 ), Roland Barthes explains how making use of photography in elections and politics can be tricking.

Barthes supports his claim by providing specific examples of how the pictures can affect the views and decisions of citizens.

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His function is to describe the deceptions present in photographs in order to inform voters. The designated audience is voters who will be seeing the politicians campaign. The tone of the essay is rather sophisticated and serious. In the post "Decorative Culinary" (1957 ), Roland Barthes goes over the mythical economics behind the decoration of cooking.

Barthes supports his claim by offering specific examples of the things Elle does to make their meals look intricate and discussing the audience of Elle publication and their expectations on what they can create.

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His purpose is to discuss that the pictures presented in the magazine are a "food of ad" in order to reveal that Elle has actually mislead individuals into what they believe they can produce. Barthes utilizes descriptive words and targets his essay towards the readers of Elle, the working-class.

In the essay “Wine and Milk” (1957), Roland Barthes claims that wine is an importance part of the French society and represents several mythologies. Barthes supports his claim by giving specific examples of the myths of wine and comparing it to the myths of milk in other countries. His purpose is to explain the importance of certain drinks in countries and the nationalism of wine in France. Barthes uses an intellectual style in his essay and intended the audience to be people interested in myths or the meaning of drinks in countries.

In the essay “Soap-powders and Detergents” (1957), Roland Barthes explains the use of psycho-analysis in advertisements for soap and detergents. Barthes supports his claim by describing the uses of soap and the way people see soap by using images and descriptive words. His purpose is to explain the myths behind soap and detergent and how companies use the myths in advertising. The audience is people who watch the advertisements and people in marketing.

Updated: Mar 22, 2023
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Gender Stereotyping of Modern Toys: Critical Analysis. (2016, Jul 23). Retrieved from

Gender Stereotyping of Modern Toys: Critical Analysis essay
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