Argumentative Essay on which Computer System is better Macintosh or PC


This paper aims to provide well presented argumentation as to what computer systems is better Apple or PC?  This paper will also provide some facts and figures and also announcement and articles from reliable sources that will support the argumentation regarding what really is the better computer system PC or Apple.

Argumentative Essay on which Computer System is better Macintosh or PC


            Most companies and even computer users at home are still finding best deals for computers in the Markey.  Deals that not only would answer their needs in terms of cost, which is always the top most priority, second is performance and lastly is compatibility has been continuously been being talked about.  Whether it is Apple or PC top manufacturers and distributors like Dell, HP, IBM or Toshiba, there will always be one that will be n top of this battle.  But, it is always important that for some users, it is not always cost that matters, most especially for the business, performance and adoptability or compatibility to computer systems is always the main criteria, like for instance systems that runs in the company, may have been developed and tested using an apple computers and would somehow encounter some irregularities if run in PC or the other way around.  But nowadays stress testing are now conducted in order for any system to be well adopting the “multi-system” concepts in order to eliminate the problem regarding compatibility or simply workability of the system to different computer systems, whether it is Apple or PC.

Which Computer System is Better Apple or PC?

            Currently, Apple is gaining in numbers but still PC’s with its dominant brands Dell and HP are still on top of the leader board.  Most of the experts would say that in order for Apple to dominate the market, there are a lot of changes as well as effective marketing strategies that needs to be done.  The main reason is that Apple, is always behind with Dell and HP and sometimes it has close battle with Toshiba and IBM, this is with regards to price of its hardware, whether PC or lap tap.  Like in the case of laptop and PC’s, both Dell and HP are just exchanging position at the top, where HP Dell has dominated the first 3 quarters of 2006, while HP been the superior brand in the last quarter based on unit shipped worldwide, with HP getting 11, 687 ort 17.4% while its close competitor Dell has 9,385 or 13.9% and Apple not even included in the top 5, the top 3 to 5th were Lenovo, Acer and Toshiba.  Both of the company also provides a very competitive pricing scheme, buyers can even buy a laptap that only cost just below 500 USD, unlike in Apple, the lowest price is still more than a thousand USD.  Even most high class market knows how quality are being put in every Apple products, still affordability is important because this is the only way you can entice customers and have a wide choice of preferences that they can buy.  If Apple will continue to be contented with this situation, it will be dangerous in the sense that if these customers have decided to shift from more advanced PC with a lot of benefits; the company will suffer a lot.  In short, focus on price and continue to innovate their product is the main key, not to mention the effective marketing strategy as well.  This only shows how the future competition might look like, if only Apple will focus on facing the competition in a very aggressive and open minded approach, it will have a lot of future, most especially it already has a good number of loyal customers that knows how quality apple may have.  But for the PC manufacturers like Dell HP and Lenovo, there are still a lot of avenue to continue to sustain its supremacy in the PC market, and this can be done the same way as providing buyers a wide range of selection of products which caters to a great numbers of different users and most especially looking after the cost factor will just make their product continue to be strong and be well appreciated by its buyers and future buyers as well.  (Gartner Says Hewlett-Packard Takes Clear Lead in Fourth Quarter Worldwide PC Shipments and Creates a Virtual Tie with Dell for 2006 Year-End Results, 2007).

            The question now lies on, how Apple can survive and should the company focus more on new personal electronic devices such as I pod and I phone.  Also should the firm enable its system to run on both apple and pc system?  For Apple to survive against its top and very aggressive competitors like Dell an HP, the company must focus on either of two things, first, it is more on customer awareness, how many people like even a city who hold an Apple PC or laptap, quite a few, what is the reason, it is either not familiar about it or they can’t afford it.  So with that, the strategy is more on providing information to the general public most especially market outside the US, like the very difficult Asian region, it is like letting the public to know that the product is that higher than the other because of so many features, like build in and secured OS and it is upgradeable, built in programs, support, etc.  Just to highlight just the important ones.  Or have the battle upfront by also introducing new products that are not that high for the public but the quality must not change, probably size may change.  We all know that Apple is known in the US, which most of its loyal customers are located, but the only problem was Apple did not penetrated well in some other regions, and this is the one that made the PC giants Dell and HP has against Apple, PC’s are greatly appreciated outside the US, where you can see very few people used apple, and this has been giving PC a dominant share in the market.  The company must also provide a better marketing strategy if it decided to continue to stick with having the same product, by letting the users to know their advantages or strengths in order for the users not to really focus on the cost but they might see it more on the performance.  For PC’s, on the other hand, must continue to make used of the big market share by anticipating a big competition ahead by not only focusing on the cost and letting performance be a problem.  PC manufacturers must look into durability and performance as well in order to compete well and to stay on top.

            But based on latest development, Apple starting to surge more as it was publicly announced  by the management headed by their CEO Steven Jobs.

“The Macintosh has a lot of momentum now,” said Steven P.

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Jobs, Apple’s
chief executive, in a telephone interview last week.

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“It is outpacing
the industry.”1

This statement was confidently announced by the company CEO after two research firms that handles the computer markets said that Apple will move up to third next to Dell and HP bases on product shipment in the US.

“I’m quite pleased with the pace of new operating systems every 12 to 18
months for the foreseeable future,” he said. “We’ve put out major
releases on the average of one a year and it’s given us the ability to
polish and polish and improve and improve.”2

            In this statement, it was the CEO Steven Jobs, who was also very positive as well as confident that the release and selling of the new Leopard version of its OS X operating system would anchor a schedule of upgrades, which main objective is to surpass its main competitor Windows OS. This only shows that Apple is making a big stride in the market by targeting the market by improving the performance of its operating systems and even committing to continue in doing it for whole year round is a serious one, as well starting to be strengthen its market by increasing its distribution in the US. (Markoff, John, 2007).

1 Markoff, John. As Apple Gains PC Market Share, Jobs Talks of a Decade of Upgrades. (New York Times, 2007) par. 4

            2 Markoff, John. As Apple Gains PC Market Share, Jobs Talks of a Decade of Upgrades. (New York Times, 2007) par. 7

            So how PC and Mac needs to do to popularize their products to the users.  for Apple example to focus more on their operating system and their marketing techniques still, what is needed is aggressive marketing strategy that should go directly to all possible distribution partners globally, like Asian region, where its market was very weak, with competitive benefits given to them and be able to prepare to have a little dive in the profit will still be fine, just to make the product be available to the public and not just to play safe and just relying on the steady benefits that their loyal customers is giving.  Another is that it must create a good PR strategy through catchy and informative ads all throughout tri-media as well as the internet.  By doing these, again it must focus on the customer awareness on the benefits and strengths of Apple against others.  With this approach there is no way for Apple to go down instead it will improved its market share as well as its revenues.  For the PC manufacturers and sellers, being able to target new market like in terms of mobile gadgets would be a good plan to introduce in the market, since Apple, is gaining popularity in this line of products, as well as continuing to be aggressive in terms of balance attack on price and aggressive marketing strategy will be enough to sustain its dominance over Apple if appropriately applied.


            In this paper it clearly shows that PC is still on top of the competition against Apple computer systems.  This is due to the fact that PC computer systems have dominated the market in terms of its distribution which was reflected in its shipments, particularly in the US.  The PC’s has also shown cost affordability for its buyers, both in terms of laptaps and even in desktop computers, where Apple has been selling it higher than the top PC brands like Dell and HP.


“Gartner Says Hewlett-Packard Takes Clear Lead in Fourth Quarter Worldwide PC Shipments and

Creates a Virtual Tie with Dell for 2006 Year-End Results.”  Gartner, Media Relation. 17 January 2007 <>

Markoff, John. “As Apple Gains PC Market Share, Jobs Talks of a Decade of Upgrades.” New York Times. 22 October 2007 <>

Marsal, Katie. “Apple Worldwide share of PC market now 3.2 percent – report.” AppleInsider. 23 October 2007 <>

Updated: May 19, 2021
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Argumentative Essay on which Computer System is better Macintosh or PC essay
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